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Our Preferred Future for Crown Primary School

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Presentation on theme: "Our Preferred Future for Crown Primary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Preferred Future for Crown Primary School
Parent Information Meeting September 2016

2 What are our….? Vision Values Aims
What do we want the essence of Crown Primary School to be widely know as?

3 Our current P1 will be preparing for transition to Secondary School
6 Years from now Our current P1 will be preparing for transition to Secondary School

4 The ability to apply transferrable skills to industries that haven’t
What will they need? The ability to apply transferrable skills to industries that haven’t been invented-yet! This will help each pupil each pupil contribute successfully to the world of work.

5 ...and… The peer social skills that an increasingly socially-remote world may not give them.

6 and celebrate diversity.
The Emotional Intelligence to be exemplary future leaders and citizens who: exemplify inclusion, insist on equality, and celebrate diversity.

7 A Positive Mindset The confidence to say “I can’t do that…yet…” and the spirit to strive for it.

8 Why are the above attributes being discussed before curricular learning?
Studies into brain science have proven that for optimum learning to take place, a pupil needs to be in a positive mindset. Staff at Crown will be constantly striving to create these conditions.

9 But life has a habit of getting in the way of optimum learning conditions!
Explicitly teaching our pupils to be resilient to set-backs, emotionally independent and aware of the positive (or negative) impact their behaviour can have on the learning and wellbeing of others, is our greatest priority. After that is in place, pupils learn to strive to be My Best Self and to appreciate the Best Self of their peers, and to recognise and overcome any conditions which are barriers to achieving this.

10 What will we do? During their time at Crown Primary we will stretch learning through creativity and enterprise to help them build brain pathways which will help their thinking adapt quickly to new learning. We will continue to develop an audit-plan-do-review approach to school improvement, asking for feedback from all involved with the school. School improvement will look inwards at current practice, outwards at schools where greater improvements have been made and always forwards to best practice. We will carefully plan for assessments with a purpose, which are on-going and responsive- supportive of your child’s next learning steps.

11 So what’s next…? School Improvement Plan- an agreed set of priorities
We will track and monitor learning across all curricular areas We will value equally and celebrate each child’s gifts, not all of which will be academic Numeracy: research-based baseline assessment approach which is validated by Education Psychologists to help us track and monitor learning. (stages of development) Literacy: best practice of tracking of learning through developmental overviews from Early Literacy to be extended throughout the school Equality and diversity: support our pupils to take a leading role towards building a fairer, kinder and more accepting future society where diversity is accepted and celebrated as part of day-to-day life

12 Feedback Please add a post-it note to any/all of the topics. We need your honest feedback to help us understand whether the standard of service we hope to deliver is the standard that you and you child receives. Many thanks The Leadership Team

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