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Chapter 4: The Linux Filesystem

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1 Chapter 4: The Linux Filesystem
Where stuff is

2 In this chapter … What is a hierarchical filesystem
Directories and files Pathnames: absolute vs. relative Permissions Links

3 What is a filesystem? A data structure Stores data Organizes data
Allows for data retrieval and manipulation

4 What is a hierarchical filesystem?
Essentially, a filesystem that allows nesting of folders under a central point Like a pyramid or upside-down tree Tree analogy most common – ie the directory tree Programmers – definition of a tree applies here

5 Hierarchical Filesystem
Directories can contain other directories and/or ordinary files Concept different from reality – in implementation everything is a file Directories, devices, named pipes, ordinary files – all really just files

6 Lingo Root directory Subdirectories Parents, children

7 Filenames Each file within a directory must have a wholly unique filename Can be up to 255 characters – make them longer to avoid confusion Special characters must either be escaped out (using backslash) or in quotes Only illegal characters are / and carriage return

8 Filenames con’t Spaces and other special characters a bad idea
Instead of spaces use underscores or periods Ex: my_file or my.file

9 Extensions Not always essential but helps simplify and avoid confusion
Some programs like gcc depend on proper extensions This includes case!

10 Hidden Files To make a file hidden, start it with a period
Ex .plan A normal ls will not show hidden files Use ls –a to reveal ALL files Startup files, containing configuration settings for your account, hidden

11 mkdir – create directory
Syntax: mkdir directory Directory can be a relative or absolute pathname (we’ll get to that in a minute) You can use ls –F to show directories with a forward slash at the end of the name If using a color terminal, directories will be a different color than ordinary files

12 Working Directory The directory you are currently working in
pwd will tell you what your working directory is Helpful to know when using relative pathnames (again, coming up)

13 Home Directory Not to be confused with working directory
The directory you start in when you first logon Most users it is /home/username For root, it is /root Can be changed by system administrator

14 cd – change working directory
Syntax: cd [directory] Again, directory can be absolute or relative If no argument given, changes working directory back to your home directory

15 Absolute Pathnames (finally)
Absolute pathname for a file gives the file’s location relative to the root of the filesystem Sometimes long Ex: /home/jhowell/Assignment1/animals Shortcut: ~ represents your home directory So the above could also be ~/Assignment1/animals

16 Relative Pathanmes A pathname relative to the current working directory Make sure you know what your working directory is! Shorter Ex, in my home directory: Assignment1/animals

17 . and .. Directories . is an alias for the working directory
.. is an alias for the parent of the current working directory These pointers are placed in every directory when created by mkdir Can be used in relative pathnames

18 Standard Filesystem Directories
Most distributions try to adhere to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standards, but it’s not uncommon to find things in odd places Even less standardized going from Linux to BSD to UNIX In other words – no guarantees

19 Common Directories / (root) – root of the filesystem
/bin – essential system binaries (commands) /boot – files for the bootloader /dev – device files /etc – system configuration files /home – user home directories /lib – standard libraries and modules

20 Common con’t /mnt – mount point for temporary filesystems (floppies, CD-ROMs, non-native partitions) /opt – optional add-on software /proc – kernel and process information /root – root’s home directory /sbin – essential system binaries /tmp – temporary space (not swap)

21 Common con’t /usr – common area for data / program users use frequently /var – frequently changing data like system logs, caches, spools and mailboxes Lots more important subdirectories – see the textbook

22 rmdir – remove directory
Syntax rmdir directory Only deletes empty directories Not empty? Delete the files with rm and try rmdir again Lazy? rm –r directory will recursively delete a directory and its contents (files and directories) Use with caution!

23 touch – create a file Syntax: touch filename
Creates an empty file (size 0) Useful to create placeholders or while learning the interface

24 mv revisited Already used mv to rename files
If last argument is a directory, mv moves files into a different directory If given a directory as the first argument, mv moves the directory to the new name supplied (which can either be a rename or move!)

25 Date and time created / accessed
Permissions Use a ls –l (for long view) and you might see something like this: drwxr-xr-x 2 jhowell jhowell 4096 Aug 18 15:46 Desktop -rw-rw-r-- 1 jhowell jhowell 0 Sep 4 18:08 myfile drwxrwxr-x 2 jhowell jhowell 4096 Aug 22 15:32 public_html filename # of links group Date and time created / accessed File Permissions user size Type of file

26 File types - ordinary file b block device c character device
d directory p named pipe l symbolic link

27 File permissions Three types of permissions – read, write and execute
Three sets of permissions – owner (user), group, and other (everyone else) rwx rwx rwx user (owner) other group

28 chmod – CHange MODe Changes permissions Syntax: chmod [ugoa][+-][rwx]
Ex: grant everyone (all) read and write chmod a+rw myfile Ex: remove execute permission for other chmod o-x myfile

29 chmod – alternate syntax
Instead of [ugoa][+-][rwx], use binary equivalent rwx rwx rwx For each section, sum up the permissions, and assemble a three digit number So full access to everyone would be 777

30 Alternate syntax example
Grant user full access, group read and execute, and deny access to other rwx r-x --- So we get chmod 750 myfile = 0 = 7 = 5

31 Permissions Caveats To execute a shell script you must allow both read and execute permissions To get into a directory, you must have execute permission root can still read and write to files without read and write permissions

32 One more exception setuid and setguid
Allows a file to be executed with the permissions of the file’s owner or group A way to let users perform privileged tasks without granting them general permissions Should be used sparingly with files owned by root

33 Links Pointers to files Points to an exact location on disk
When a file is created, it is the first link to a particular spot on the disk To make a file appear in multiple directories, make additional links

34 Working with Links Syntax: ln [-s] existing-file new-link
Without –s a hard link is created With –s a soft or symbolic link is created To delete a link use rm Delete all the hard links and the file is ‘deleted’

35 Hard Links Points to a precise inode on the disk
Now file appears in two locations Only one copy of the data is stored When you create a file, you allocate disk space and create a hard link Hard links can only be used on a single FS Can’t link to directories

36 Soft Links Also called symbolic links or symlinks
Instead of pointing to inode, points to the pathname of a hard link Move the original file, symlink breaks Symlinks don’t touch the data directly – safer When using ln existing-file should be an absolute pathname

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