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Ms. Cherry’s 2nd Grade Parent ORIENTATION

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Cherry’s 2nd Grade Parent ORIENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Cherry’s 2nd Grade Parent ORIENTATION
August 24, 2015

2 A typical day in our classroom:

3 How we learn! Workshop Model
Whole Group – learn (at the carpet with EQ notebook) Partner/independent/small group – apply and practice (centers, classwork, guided groups) Reflection/Assessment (share and compare)

4 3Rs and Class DOJO School Rules: Respectful! Responsible! Ready!
** Warning Tokens – visual warning ** Class Dojo ** Choice Contract If you have not signed up for Class Dojo, please do so at your earliest convenience!

5 Flipped Classroom

6 Homework Assigned on Fridays and is due the following Friday.
Homework is a practice of objectives we’ve addressed. Assigned on Fridays and is due the following Friday. Take home projects will be assigned 1-2 a quarter. Flipped lessons will be assigned daily on our class website. Classwork can be reviewed and completed at home.

7 Grades MCSD assigns a grading scale with the following weights:
60% Assessment 40% Practice Example assignments taken for a grade: Reading – vocabulary quizzes, reading comprehension tests, skills test, fluency probes Math – Reteaching, assessment, and performance tasks ELA – Morning work quizzes, grammar quizzes, writing rubrics and performance tasks Phonics – spelling tests Social Studies/Science – Quizzes, webquests, and performance tasks

8 Questions??? Thank you for visiting!!!
Please contact me with any questions or concerns anytime  Or through Class Dojo messenger

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