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Forest Coordinator Training – Preparing for Fieldwork

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1 Forest Coordinator Training – Preparing for Fieldwork
National Visitor Use Monitoring Forest Service

2 Managing the Forest NVUM Program
Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

3 Step - 1 Review fieldwork schedule
Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

4 Step - 2 Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO
Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

5 Step - 3 Ensure Forest Support Review fieldwork schedule
Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

6 Step - 4 Make workforce decision Review fieldwork schedule
Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

7 Step - 5 Train the workforce Review fieldwork schedule
Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

8 Step - 6 Prepare various documents Review fieldwork schedule
Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

9 Step - 7 Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders, and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

10 Step - 8 Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders, and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

11 Step - 9 Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders, and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

12 Step - 10 Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner
Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders, and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

13 Step - 11 Quality assurance and control of data collection
Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders, and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

14 Step - 12 Wrap-up the survey year
Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce Prepare various documents Obtain permission from resort owners, special use permit holders, and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment, and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspection to identify safe interview locations and appropriate site set-up Submit forms and quarterly reports in a timely manner Quality assurance and control of data collection Wrap-up the survey year

15 One to Four Months before Surveys Begin
Review fieldwork schedule Coordinate transfer of supplies from other forests/RO Ensure Forest Support Make workforce decision Train the workforce

16 1. Review the Fieldwork Schedule
Are the sites generally going to be open on the date listed? Are sites actually proxy? Will the proxy data really be available? Does the site have a safe place to set up the interview?

17 1. Review the Fieldwork Schedule cont.
Are there any logistical concerns at the various sites? Do you know where all the sites are? Do the sites and days make sense? Any newly approved construction or other closures?

18 1. Review the Fieldwork Schedule cont..
Pay attention to the notes sections GFA Low – counter only/standard protocol Recreation Rentals Group Campground/Picnic Changes need to be done to inventory Design and calendars before Sept. 15 Helps identify the workforce needed Back-up calendar also needs to be briefly reviewed

19 2. Coordinate transfer of signs & other supplies
Each region does things differently, contact your regional coordinator Counters come from MTDC Interview forms shipped direct to forest coordinators

20 2. Coordinate transfer of signs & other supplies cont.
Purchase needed equipment Interview kits (list of contents) Additional counters (if desired) Water coolers / ice chests Sun shades / umbrellas Warming tents What else?

21 3. Ensure Forest Support NFIM Budget
Inform Forest Leadership Team, Recreation Staff, LEO’s and other Key Contacts (sample presentation available) Ensure LT understands workforce commitment Holidays, OT Well – practiced interviewers Interviewers committed to the work

22 4. Make Work Force Decision
In – House = FS employees (temp, permanent employees, seasonal) Contracting Cost Reimbursable Agreement Any Combination of the Above

23 Pro’s Contracting: In-House: Saves Time Limits Staff Needs
Limits Logistical Needs (Vehicle, Radios, Uniforms) You Can Structure The Contract to Meet Unit Needs Increased Quality Control Fund Employees FS Visibility in the Field Direct Feedback Provide Recreation Information

24 Con’s Contracting: In-House: Heavy Investment Upfront
Finding a Good Contractor Lack of Forest Service Visibility COR Duties Tracking Problems Recruitment HR/Hiring Concerns Day to Day Supervision Unusual Work Schedule (Holidays, OT) Logistical Needs (Vehicles, Radios, Uniforms)

25 Other Agreements Check with universities
Work with G&A Specialists early WO G&A Policy believes that Cost Reimbursable Agreements are preferred Pros & Cons are similar to contracting Others?

26 Discussion… 1

27 5. Training the Workforce
Interviewer “Train-the-Trainer” session in September Forests should have 1-2 people attend If possible, contractors / universities should attend Currently, SharePoint site is available with a lot of information (Check out Training Ready to Go Section) MTDC has counter video available

28 5. Training the Workforce cont.
Well trained interviewers can make your job easier This is a scientific protocol – interviewers need to be trained When training: Emphasize the dual nature of the NVUM protocol Visitor Volume Visitor Characteristics Emphasize the goals of NVUM

29 5. Training the Workforce cont..
Include Local Training Check in / out procedures Unique or difficult site set-ups Hands-on counter practice Interviewing practice Practice, Practice, and more Practice! Counter set-up Interviews

30 One Week to One Month Out
Prepare various documents Obtain permission from permit holders and others to survey at the designated sites and inform them of the proxy information needed Gather all tools, equipment and forms and distribute as needed Complete survey site inspections to identify safe interview locations.

31 6. Prepare Various Documents
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Law Enforcement Plan Press Release

32 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
Example in the NVUM Guidebook All interviewers need to read and sign Consider unique situations on forest / district Other considerations? Safety Journey If using contractors, you may not need this

33 Law Enforcement Plan Sample in the Guidebook
FS personnel need to be authorized to make traffic stops Stops are voluntary Duration of 5 – 15 minutes Reviewed and signed by LE and Forest Supervisor Include fieldwork schedule & typical layout design Each forest handles this differently

34 Press Release Example in the Guidebook
Coordinate early with Public Affairs Consider doing more than one Before surveys start Before the high use summer season Other FS employees may need to know about surveys

35 7. Obtain Permission and Inform
Proxy Letter District Ranger Letter Road Manager Letter

36 Proxy Letter Identify proxy sites and gather contact info the for permit holder Prepare letters to permit holders Letter for the proxy with surveys Letter for proxy without surveys Letter for organization camps Include a reporting form for gathering the proxy info (example available)

37 District Ranger Letters
Prepare letter for general information & to potentially gather info: Recreation Special Events Recreation Rentals FS operated Proxy sites Encourage them to observe an interview day

38 Road Manager Permission
Identify interview locations that may not be on FS land Identify agencies or individuals that need to be notified Research what instrument will be needed Encroachment Easement Letter

39 Road Manager Permission cont.
Complete and submit permit to local agency Generally, US Gov’t doesn’t pay permit fees Working with other gov’t agencies may take time

40 8. Gather & Distribute Equipment
Prepare & distribute counters & signs on forest One central location? At each district? Think about: Back-to-back sample days Double sample days Signs provided from other forests Most regions rotate signs through the forests or each forest has a supply MTDC provides counters to each forest Initial distribution is 4 pneumatic and 3 Infrared

41 MTDC (Missoula Technology & Development Center)
NVUM cache is managed by MTDC Improved accountability for counters sent to forests Agree with the inventory received Financially responsible for counters not returned Excludes vandalized or stolen counters MTDC includes the training DVD in the initial shipment of counters. Please make sure that all interviewers watch the video. It is also available on-line at link shown earlier. Counters are valued at ~$300 each Average of 20 counters not returned each year

42 8. Gather & Distribute Equipment cont.
Interview forms sent to forest coordinator Do we have the correct contact info? Should arrive in August or September Traffic cones supplied by forest Other Supplies… “C” Batteries for Infra-red Water coolers/ice chests Sun shades/umbrellas Warming tents What else?

43 Interview Forms Four basic types of forms Daily Summary Form
Individual Interview Forms (three versions) Basic Basic + Economics Basic + Satisfaction View Corridor Observation Form View Corridor Interview Form

44 8. Gather & Distribute Equipment cont..
Prepare and distribute interview kits Set up interviewer check in/out procedures Contact dispatch to explain extended hours, etc. Provide fieldwork schedule? Set up counter check in/out procedures (Example available)

45 9. Survey Site Inspection
Take a field trip With interviewers With contractors Check out various sites for set-up difficulties Consider sites in different seasons Snow Hot sun Use inspection form in Guidebook, if desired

46 Next… Managing the Fieldwork Background Overview Resources Costs
Technical Terms and Proxy Codes Fieldwork & Backup Schedule Preparing for Fieldwork Managing the Fieldwork Preventing Mistakes

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