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Conservative treatment by angiographic artery embolization of an 11-week cervical pregnancy after a period of heavy bleeding  Nobuhiro Suzumori, M.D.,

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Presentation on theme: "Conservative treatment by angiographic artery embolization of an 11-week cervical pregnancy after a period of heavy bleeding  Nobuhiro Suzumori, M.D.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservative treatment by angiographic artery embolization of an 11-week cervical pregnancy after a period of heavy bleeding  Nobuhiro Suzumori, M.D., Kinue Katano, M.D., Takeshi Sato, M.D., Junko Okada, M.D., Tamao Nakanishi, M.D., Daisuke Muto, M.D., Yoshikatsu Suzuki, M.D., Katsuo Ikuta, M.D., Kaoru Suzumori, M.D.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 80, Issue 3, Pages (September 2003) DOI: /S (03)

2 FIGURE 1 (A) Transvaginal ultrasonographic scan of the cervical pregnancy. During systemic methotrexate treatment, the fetus continued growing, and fetal heart movements were still present at 10 weeks and 0 days of gestation. (B) A sagittal, high T2-weighted image of the cervical pregnancy. Magnetic resonance imaging findings include an empty uterus and a gestation filling the cervical canal. (C) Selective bilateral internal iliac arteriography before embolization. Note dilation of the right uterine artery (arrowhead). (D) After embolization, the right internal iliac artery is occluded. Suzumon. Treatment for cervical pregnancy.Fertil Steril 2003. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /S (03) )

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