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Accommodations & SOL Testing An Overview by Carol Jennings Assessment Coordinator (Updated September 2018)

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1 Accommodations & SOL Testing An Overview by Carol Jennings Assessment Coordinator (Updated September 2018)

2 Disclaimer This presentation is not meant to be the only document STCs, Test Examiners, and Proctors use when testing students who need accommodations. It is only designed to be a guide. The Test Implementation Manual and the Examiner’s Manual as well as the documents listed on the last page of this document should be read and followed in their entirety prior to administering a test with accommodations to a student, and all guidelines as established by the Virginia Department of Education should be followed.

3 Online Testing All students are required to take the online version of the SOL tests except in very specific circumstances. The student attends school in a location where a secure network connection or the required technology is not available (i.e., BRACC, Minnick, etc.). The student’s accommodation requires a paper/pencil test (i.e., Large Print, Braille, or a flexible day schedule that requires multiple testing sessions over more than a day for non-CAT assessments more than two days for CAT assessments). The student has a documented medical condition (i.e., seizures) when exposure to a computer aggravates the condition.

4 ALL Students

5 Allowable for ALL Students
Small Group Size The Virginia Department of Education does not specify the number of students that constitutes class size; thus, classes of students can be broken into smaller groups for testing—for example, individual, groups of 5, groups of 10, etc.

6 Allowable for ALL Students
Small Group Size (continued) Anticipate those students who may be disruptive and remove them from the whole-class setting BEFORE testing starts. A good place to put them is with a person of authority. Schools should plan to test students without a plan should test in whole-group settings unless you determine the student will create an irregularity because of behavior issues or there are other extenuating circumstances. Staffing and resources at the school level dictate if the school can accommodate small group or one-on-one testing for students without a plan.

7 Allowable for ALL Students
Small Group Size (continued) Before a student without a plan is placed into a small group or one-on-one test sessions, please document the following throughout the year: The class assessments the student takes in a small group or one-on- one setting The benchmark assessments the student takes in a small group or one-on-one setting Evidence indicating this is the best setting The small groups students are placed in will include students who have a plan and may be disruptive during the test. Therefore, please note that small groups and one-on-one settings may not be the best testing environment for a student. PLEASE NOTE

8 Allowable for ALL Students
Small Group Size (continued) When considering students for small group and one-on-one testing, consider the following: Why does the student need the small group or one-on-one setting—is it a matter of access to the SOL, parent request, teacher request? Can you offer small groups/one-on-one testing given your staffing? Can the receiving schools (i.e., middle schools) continue this practice of small group or one-on-one setting? Are you “setting students up” with a testing environment that is not practicable in future years? It should be a matter of access

9 Allowable for ALL Students
Environmental Modifications Students may NOT be issued any kind of accessory to modify the environment. Accessories include, but are not limited to: Head phones Ear plugs Ticking clocks Egg timers Stress balls Toys Music or “soothing” sounds

10 Allowable for ALL Students
Students Reading Aloud to Themselves Students who test better when they read aloud to themselves would need to be tested in a separate setting because the student reading aloud would be disruptive to other students. This strategy pairs with a previous slide which discusses removing potentially disruptive students BEFORE testing begins. NOTE: Regular education students may not use whisper phones.

11 Allowable for ALL Students
Scratch Paper Students can have scratch paper for all tests. The scratch paper must be school issued and cannot be the student’s own paper. The dictionary must be distributed by the Test Examiner and not the student’s own paper. All the scratch paper must be the same color. All scratch paper must be collected and accounted for at the end of the test. Students should write their name on each sheet of paper. Scratch paper must be turned in to the STC. The STC will shred all scratch paper

12 Allowable for ALL Students
Scratch Paper (continued) Scratch paper may include: Plain paper (no lines) Lined paper Graph paper Sticky notes Note cards The sticky notes and note cards must be all the same color. Particular care must be taken to ensure all sticky notes and note cards are accounted for after the test (i.e., number them prior to handing them out and then check the numbers when they are picked back up) Paddy paper—paper/pencil ONLY

13 Allowable for ALL Students
Large Diameter Pencil—Must contain #2 lead if used for paper/pencil test Special Pencil—Must contain #2 lead if used for paper/pencil test Pencil Grip

14 Allowable for ALL Students
Assistance with Directions Examiners may simplify or clarify the bold directions which are read to the students that explain how to take the test. Examiners and Proctors may not provide assistance with directions for test items within the student’s test.

15 Allowable for ALL Students
NEW Allowable for ALL Students Health Management Devices The Health Management Device Form must be completed for each student with a documented health need who requires the use of a health management device during SOL testing. Students may or may not have a plan The completed form ensures that students who need the health management device have use of it while also ensuring the integrity of the SOL test administration. The form must be completed at each school and sent to the DDOT for review and approval. If applicable, the DDOT will forward the form to the VDOE for further review.

16 Special Education/504/EL Students ONLY

17 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Please follow the Accommodations Charts from the Testing Manuals very carefully as all accommodations are not available for every test. EL students are not allowed all accommodations unless they also are identified as a student w/ a disability or 504. Follow the “Special Testing Accommodations Guidelines” carefully in the Test Implementation Manual and the Examiner’s Manual, Appendix B.

18 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Multiple Test Sessions (Accommodation Code 1) Testing over two or more school days (three or more if CAT—grades 3, 4, or 5 Reading & Math and grades 6 or 7 Math) Requires a paper/pencil test Not permitted on the Short-Paper Component of the Grade 8 & EOC Writing assessments The student must have access only to questions administered on that particular day: Break the book apart and give the student only that portion of the test s/he will take on any given day. The student may not look forward to test questions for another day or look back at questions answered on a prior day.

19 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Dry Erase Board (Accommodation Code 2) The student may use a dry erase board in place of scratch paper, and s/he must use it independently without assistance from the Test Examiner/Proctor. The dry erase board must be erased prior to the testing session and after the testing session is complete. The student must use the dry erase board independently and may not be prompted to use the board. The student must be tested individually where the dry erase board is not visible to others.

20 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Additional Writing Implements (Accommodation Code 3) The student may be provided additional (3 or more) writing implements such as highlighters, markers, colored pens, colored pencils, etc. The student may use additional markers if the dry erase board accommodation is used. The additional items must be provided to the student at the beginning of the test session. If the student is being assessed with a paper/pencil test, s/he may NOT use the colored markers, highlighters, pens, and/or pencils on the answer document. The student must not be prompted to use the additional markers, and s/he must use them without assistance from the Test Examiner. Prohibited help includes, but is not limited to: Discussing test items Providing hints or clues Giving verbal indications or non-verbal clues about the correctness of the student’s response.

21 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Visual Aids (Accommodation Code 4) Physical magnifying devices—visually impaired students only May require one-on-one testing and windows covered Magnifying glass or screen magnifier Electronic magnification devices—visually impaired students only Close-circuit television (CCTV), a large monitor, an interactive whiteboard, or LCD projector with projects the assessment onto a large screen or board Must not save or capture any portion of the SOL test or use software concurrently running with TestNav The physical magnifying devices and the electronic magnification devices may be used for visually impaired students only. Prior to using the color overlay or tinted screen, the examiner must use practice tests to verify that the color overlay or the tinted screen does not obscure any shaded areas of the online test items.

22 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students*
Visual Aids (continued) Color overlay or tinted screen—one color only (paper/pencil)b Graphic organizers Must be blank Cannot contain directions, words, letters, numbers, symbols, color coding, or text of any kind Template—paper/pencil test only Must be blank and allows student to see one word, sentence, or line of print at one time—*THIS IS THE ONLY ACCOMMODATION UNDER VISUAL AIDS EL STUDENTS MAY USE UNLESS DUAL IDENTIFIED Markers may be used to allow the student to maintain his/her place Here, the templates, masks, and markers may be used only for paper/pencil tests. The blank graphic organizers must not contain directions, words, letters, numbers, symbols, or text of any kind.

23 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students*
Visual Aids (continued) Periodic Table of Elements Used with the Chemistry SOL Must be downloaded from the VDOE website: _periodic_table.pdf The Periodic Table must be collected after testing with other secure materials and returned to the STC Here, the templates, masks, and markers may be used only for paper/pencil tests. The blank graphic organizers must not contain directions, words, letters, numbers, symbols, or text of any kind.

24 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Amplification Equipment & Noise Dampening Equipment (Accommodation Code 5) Auditory Trainer, Whisper Phone Auditory trainer & whisper phone must be administered in an individual setting Headphones, ear muffs, or ear plugs Used to reduce distractions while taking assessment Worn only after the Examiner instructions are complete May not be connected to any music, phone, or any other electronic device Student must put them on independently

25 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Large Print (Accommodation Code 6) Available only to students with a documented visual impairment This form of the test must be ordered through the Division Director of Testing and CANNOT be photocopied from the regular form of the test.

26 Students w/ Disabilities, 504, & EL Students*
Test Directions Delivery (Accommodation Code 7) Students may be given written directions to accompany oral directions. *THIS IS THE ONLY ACCOMMODATION UNDER TEST DIRECTIONS DELIVERY EL STUDENTS MAY USE UNLESS DUAL IDENTIFIED Must be in English only May only be the State directions—no additional directions The bold, “SAY” testing directions from Examiner’s Manual Student’s photo copy must be reviewed by a second staff member to ensure all the “SAY” directions are included and non-bold directions are not included.

27 Students w/ Disabilities, 504, & EL Students*
Test Directions Delivery (continued) Interpreting/Transliterating test directions may be provided for students with a hearing impairment and who normally communicate in sign language or using cued speech for directions and sample questions. Must be provided by a qualified interpreter or transliterator Test Examiner must be present to read the directions as presented in the Examiner’s Manual Student questions should be directed to the Test Examiner

28 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Enlarged Answer Document (Accommodation Code 8) This accommodation is available with paper/pencil tests ONLY. The student’s answers must be transcribed to the regular answer document by a school official and verified by a second school official. The enlarged answer document is not provided by Pearson. The large print answer document must be retained on file by the Division Director of Testing.

29 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Braille Test (Accommodation Code 9) Available only to students with a documented visual impairment If the student’s answers are recorded on a Braille answer sheet, the responses must be transcribed to the regular answer document by a school official and verified by a second school official who has knowledge of Braille. The Braille answer sheet must be retained on file by the Division Director of Testing.

30 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Read Aloud Test Items (Accommodation Codes 10 Items—Math, Science, History, & Writing & Code 14—Reading) The Reading test may be read aloud ONLY if the student has a documented significant decoding disability or a documented visual impairment. Difficulty reading the test or reading below grade level are not justifiable reasons for administering an audio.

31 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Read Aloud Test Items (continued) EL students may NOT have a read aloud accommodation on the Reading test unless they also are identified as a student with a disability/504. Exceptions to the previous slide on the EOC Reading test— considered a non-standard accommodation and code accommodation B and coded as “Retest”: Student is retaking the EOC Reading test, having failed without using the read-aloud or audio accommodation. Student’s IEP/504/EL plan lists the read aloud or audio accommodation. Student receives the read aloud or audio accommodation on a regular basis in the classroom.

32 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Read Aloud Test Items (continued) The Math, Science, History, and Writing assessment is allowed for students as specified in their plan. Special attention must be given to students’ IEP, 504, and EL plans to determine how the test is to be administered— must be specified in the student’s plan. The entire test read aloud Words, questions, or sentences read aloud only upon the student’s request

33 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Read Aloud Test Items (continued) The test must be read aloud in English. The Test Examiner must be very careful to not lead the student to the correct answer when reading test items aloud. Through intonation Through facial expressions or other non-verbal clues By repeating any part of the test that is not specifically requested by the student In describing graphics

34 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Read Aloud Test Items (continued) An examiner who administers a read-aloud test session must be familiar with how to read test items to students. Prior to testing examiners must (this is mandatory and must be documented): Listen to an audio practice test prior to testing Read Guidelines for Administering the Read-Aloud Accommodation for Standards of Learning Assessments

35 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Read Test Items for Computer Adaptive Tests (Accommodation Codes 10 & 14) All guidelines on the previous slides for “Reading Aloud Test Items” must be followed The assessment must be administered one-on-one. The student must be seated directly in front of the computer, and the Test Examiner must sit to the side of the student and read from the student’s workstation.

36 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Audio Version of the Test— (Accommodation Codes 11—Math, History, Science, & Writing & Code 15—Reading) Students may have the audio accommodation for Math, History, Science, or Writing assessments as specified in their IEP/504/EL plan. Students must have access to regular print (online or paper), large print, or Braille as the audio plays.

37 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Audio Version of the Test (continued) The Reading test may be audio ONLY if the student has a documented significant decoding disability or documented visual impairment. Difficulty reading the test or reading below grade level are not justifiable reasons for administering an audio.

38 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Audio Version of the Test (continued) EL students may NOT have an audio accommodation on the Reading test unless they also are identified as a student with a disability/504 (see the above bullet). Exceptions to the above on the EOC Reading test—considered a non-standard accommodation and code accommodation B and coded as “Retest”: Student is retaking the EOC Reading test, having failed without using the read-aloud or audio accommodation. Student’s IEP/504/EL plan lists the read aloud or audio accommodation. Student receives the read aloud or audio accommodation on a regular basis in the classroom.

39 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Audio Version of the Test—Online Guidelines (continued) The IEP Team or 504 Committee must determine whether the read aloud or audio form of the test is the most appropriate delivery method for online testing. The parent must agree to delivery method, and the decision documented in the student’s plan. The online audio accommodation may be given to students who typically receive a read aloud during instruction or those who use recorded media or text readers in the classroom. Students should practice with the audio Practice Items available on the VDOE website.

40 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Interpreting/Transliterating Test Items (Accommodation Codes 12—Math, History, Science, & Writing and 16— Reading) The Interpreter’s/Transliterator’s role and professional code of ethics prohibit answering questions directly or providing assistance in answering test questions. The Interpreter/Transliterator must first read the test question to him/herself silently before interpreting/transliterating to the student. The Interpreter/Transliterator must be very careful to not lead the student to a correct answer. Through facial expressions By repeating any part of the test that is not specifically requested by the student

41 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Interpreting/Transliterating Test Items (continued) Students who are deaf or have a hearing impairment may be considered for the interpreting/transliteration accommodation on the Reading assessment because of difficulty hearing phonemes, which is part of the decoding process. Eligibility must be determined by a diagnostic tool or instrument administered by a qualified professional. Both the interpreter and the proctor must be familiar with sign language. The interpreter/transliterator may interpret test directions, sample, items, questions regarding the mechanics of testing directed to and answered by the Examiner, and test items. If it is determined that the interpreter requires access to an online test for review purposes, the DDOT must contact the testing staff at the Virginia Department of Education for assistance. The pre-testing review must be conducted under supervision.

42 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Interpreting/Transliterating Test Items (continued) An interpreted administration must be proctored by appropriate personnel who are fluent in the type of interpretation/ transliteration used or video recorded. If a proctor is present, both the Test Examiner and Proctor must verify in writing that the test was administered under standardized testing procedures. This written verification must be retained by the Division Director of Testing until the Authorization to Proceed has been processed. If video recorded, the video recording must be retained in the office of the Division Director of Testing until the Authorization to Proceed has been processed. The interpreter may have access to the test 24 hours prior to the test administration as authorized by the Division Director of Testing.

43 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Interpreting/Transliterating Test Items for Computer Adaptive Tests (Accommodation Codes 12—Math, History, Science, & Writing and 16—Reading) All guidelines on the previous slides for “Interpreting/Transliterating” must be followed. The assessment must be administered one-on-one. The student and the Interpreter/Transliterator must position themselves so the student has access to the computer and can see the Interpreter/Transliterator, and the Interpreter/Transliterator can see the questions on the student’s computer screen. Please see the Examiner’s Manual, Appendix B, or the Test Implementation Manual, Appendix C, for detailed information on the reading assessment versus the non-reading assessments.

44 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Communication Board or Choice Cards (Accommodation Code 13) The communication board or choice cards must rest on the work surface and not held by the Examiner. This method must be used instructionally on a regular basis with the staff member transcribing. Student responses must be transcribed to an answer document or entered online by a school staff member and verified by a second staff member.

45 EL Students Bilingual Dictionary (Accommodation Code 17)
The bilingual dictionary is available ONLY to EL students and is available for all SOL assessments. The bilingual dictionary must be offered individually to students—not shared. The bilingual dictionary must be paper and not electronic. The bilingual dictionary must be a general, word-to-word bilingual dictionary. The bilingual dictionary cannot be content specific, a rhyming dictionary, a picture dictionary, etc. The bilingual dictionary must not be altered with hand-written notes.

46 EL Students Bilingual Dictionary (continued)
The EL student must be familiar with the bilingual dictionary. SOL testing should not be the first time the student sees the dictionary. The bilingual dictionary may be school-owned or student-owned. The bilingual dictionary may be used alone or in conjunction with an English dictionary—without a Thesaurus. NOTE: The English dictionary is not allowed on the multiple-choice component of the 2010 SOL writing test.

47 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Examiner Records Responses (Accommodation Code 18) Student who cannot respond by marking an enlarged answer document or by selecting the answer online may have an Examiner/Proctor record their responses. The student may mark in test booklet, respond verbally, point, or otherwise indicate a response. The Examiner must transfer the student’s responses to the regular answer document or select them on the student’s testing device. Answers must be verified by a second school employee.

48 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Examiner Records Responses (continued ) If the student marks in his/her own test booklet, the student’s name should clearly be printed on the test booklet and the booklet returned with all other test materials. The student may give the Examiner directions on how to respond to TEI items by responding verbally, pointing, or otherwise indicating his/her answer.

49 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Mathematical Aids—(Accommodation Code 19) Students with disabilities may use math aids on Math SOL assessments if the accommodation is documented in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan as a testing accommodation. Math aids allowed examples—number line, fraction circles, colored shapes, etc. Math aids not allowed examples—place value chart, fraction chart, clocks, coins, bills, base 10 blocks, etc. (See Explanation of Math Aids Handout for Math Aids that are Allowed and Not Allowed)

50 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
NEW— Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students Specific Verbal Prompts (Accommodation Code 20) Specific phrases from the list below (one of them, some of them, or all of them) must be documented in the student’s IEP/504 plan. The Test Examiner may use only the documented verbal prompts to help the student remain focused on completing the SOL assessment. Following are the only prompts that may be used during SOL tests: “Please continue with your test.” “Focus.” “Keep working.” “Stay focused.” “Keep going.”

51 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Specific Verbal Prompts (continued) The IEP Team or 504 Committee must choose from the five phrases on the previous screen, and the specific prompt(s) must be documented in the IEP or 504 Plan. All other verbal prompts must be submitted for review on a Special Assessment Accommodation Request form and have prior approval from the VDOE. The phrases used to help the student focus during the SOL assessment must be used on a regular basis in the regular classroom and NOT on the assessment only. Students must be assessed individually; the test session must either be proctored or recorded.

52 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Response Devices (Accommodation Code 21) Students using a Brailler must use a paper/pencil test. Brailler may be used as scratch paper to take notes or complete calculations, to respond to the writing prompt of the short paper component of the Writing assessment, or to record responses to multiple-choice items. The Brailler may not be connected to the internet or the internet must be disabled during the test session. Student responses must be transcribed to the regular answer document and verified by individuals qualified to read Braille. The Brailled material must be retained in of the office of the Division Director of Testing.

53 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Response Devices (continued) Short-Paper Component of Writing Assessment Word Processor—Short-Paper Component only Word Processor with Speech to Text—Short- Paper Component only DOCUMENTATION MUST EXIST indicating the student uses a word processor with speech-to-text capability for written classwork.

54 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Response Devices (continued) Word Processor with Speech to Text—Short-Paper Component only The device/software/app that the student uses Speech to Text cannot use the internet. The document cannot be saved to the cloud. The document must either be printed or saved to a jump drive/CD and given to the DDOT for storage until the ATR is submitted The Test Examiner and Proctor must sign a document stating that The response is entirely the student’s work No automatic features, thesaurus or grammar check were used

55 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Response Devices (continued) Brailler—may be used with paper/pencil tests only Word Prediction Software—Short-Paper Component only Students may use a hand-held spell checker or the spell checking capacity of the word processor S/he must not be prompted to use it. Any automatic correction, thesaurus, or grammar check features must be disabled. Only those devices which produce the student’s response verbatim may be used. If speech-to-text software is used, the student must be assessed in a individual setting.

56 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Response Devices (continued) Word Prediction Software Defined as any software providing a student with a selection of single words from student-generated single or multiple keystrokes. The word prediction software must not provide prompting for spell checking, grammar checking, predicting phrases, or word choices. The student cannot use the thesaurus function of the software. If the software allows selection of a dictionary, a grade-level appropriate dictionary must be chosen.

57 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Response Devices (continued) Word Prediction Software The software used for this accommodation should provide the student with a selection of single words from a student- generated single or multiple keystroke. The software should not provide phrases, grammatically appropriate options, or other unrelated word choices generated by the student’s keystrokes to predict sentence structure. For online testing, the student should type his/her paper on a separate computer than the testing computer and then transcribe his/her work into TestNav on the testing computer.

58 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Augmentative Communication Device (Accommodation Code 22) This is NOT facilitated communication. Documentation must exist that indicates the student uses an augmentative communication device for his/her written work on a regular basis in the classroom. Projects the speech or in some other way communicates for the student. Must be an individual test setting Board with letters, numbers, etc. where the student may indicate by pressing the letters/numbers his/her responses. It could be as simple as a two-way switch.

59 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Augmentative Communication Device (continued) Must be specific on IEP/504 Plan the type of augmentative communication device and how it will be used. Only communication devices which produce student work verbatim may be used. If the augmentative communication device produces auditory output, it should be treated as dictation to a scribe and all procedures followed.

60 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Augmentative Communication Device (continued) Non-Writing & Writing Multiple Choice Test Examiners and students must work together prior to testing to complete multiple-choice practice items which include TEI. Based on the practice sessions, the Test Examiner may use vocabulary software of the augmentative communication device to create preset word banks of ‘direction’ words (i.e., select, drag, drop, up, down, right, left, etc.) which will allow the student to direct the Test Examiner to complete the TEI items.

61 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Augmentative Communication Device (continued) Non-Writing & Writing Multiple-Choice The student may use a preset template to select multiple- choice letter responses. The student may not have access to subject-linked vocabulary with the augmentative communication device. The Test Examiner must record the student’s response on the student’s test computer or answer document exactly as the student indicates. The student’s responses must be verified by a second school employee, following appropriate procedures.

62 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Augmentative Communication Device—Writing Assessment (continued) Short-Paper Component Two separate computers must be made available to the student. The student will log into TestNav on one computer, and the second workstation will be the augmentative communication device. The student must not have access to the Internet or any other software during testing. The student will use the augmentative communication device to type the short paper using the QWERTY keyboard.

63 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Augmentative Communication Device—Writing Assessment (continued) Short-Paper Component The student may not have access to subject- linked options on the device. If the word prediction software is used, it must provide only single words and may not be linked by subject. The student may not use automatic correction, thesaurus, or grammar-check features.

64 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Augmentative Communication Device—Writing Assessment (continued) Short-Paper Component The student’s response must be transcribed into the TestNav response screen and verified by a second school official. The school must either print a copy of the student’s response or make an electronic copy on a jump drive or CD. The copy will be maintained by the Division Director of Testing. The student’s short paper must be deleted from the augmentative communication device the student used to compose the paper.

65 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Spelling Aids—Short Paper Component of the Writing Assessment Only (Accommodation Code 23) Students w/ disabilities are allowed to use approved spelling aids on the short-paper component of the SOL Writing assessment. This includes the use of a spell checker and spelling dictionaries. The specific spelling aid to be used must be documented on the student’s IEP/504 plan. Spelling checkers may not automatically correct words, provide prompting for spell checking, or include a thesaurus. If the spell checker allows for the selection of a dictionary, a dictionary appropriate to the student’s grade level must be chosen.

66 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Spelling Aids (continued) A spelling dictionary should only contain the words in alphabetical order and not contain hints or clues The spelling dictionary may not include pictures, definitions, spelling rules, punctuation rules, words used in sentences, or other cluing. The spelling dictionary may be teacher- or student- made with words that the student uses on a regular basis in his/her writing. This does not include the use of grammar check.

67 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Dictation to a Recording Device—(Accommodation Code 24) Pre-writing Only on the Short-Paper Component of the SOL Writing Test Requires an individual test administration. Only the recording and playback capabilities of the device may be used. The student may dictate notes and ideas for the composition of the short paper. Only the student may use the recording to compose his/her short paper. The final short paper may not be transcribed from a recording device by school personnel. The recording must be treated like scratch paper and securely destroyed after the test administration.

68 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students*
Dictation to a Scribe (Accommodation Code 25) Short-Paper Component *ELs may use Dictation to a Scribe for the Short-Paper Component ONLY. The student dictates in English (or uses an augmentative communication device with auditory output) to respond to the short- paper component of the Writing assessment. The scribe must have experience working with the student. The scribe must not discuss test items, provide hints or clues, give reminders, give verbal indications or non-verbal cues about the correctness of a response. The scribe must format, capitalize, and punctuate only as directed by the student.

69 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Dictation to a Scribe (continued) The scribe may type the student’s response directly into the student’s response area in TestNav. The student will make revisions on the response area and then submit the paper. The scribe may type the student’s response on a word processor using a different device than the one running TestNav. The student may make revisions either on the word processor or on a printed copy. A final paper copy is printed and is used for transcription into the response area in TestNav.. The scribe may handwrite the student’s response. The student may make revisions on the hand-written copy. The final paper is transcribed into the response area of TestNav.

70 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Dictation to a Scribe (continued) Multiple-Choice/TEI The student must dictate in English (or use an augmentative communication device with auditory output) exact directions to the scribe to perform tasks that may include: Writing on the student’s scratch paper Using manipulatives Completing each step of mathematical or scientific calculations, with or without the use of a calculator Manipulating TestNav features/tools

71 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Dictation to a Scribe (continued) For an online test, the student must specify the actions the Examiner will complete with the TestNav tool. The scribe must take care not to provide help on test items, such as but not limited to: Discussing test items Providing hints or clues Giving reminders Giving verbal indications or nonverbal cues about the correctness of the student’s answer

72 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Calculator/Arithmetic Tables—Grades 3-7 Mathematics Assessments Only (Accommodation Code 26) The students must be eligible based on the calculator accommodation criteria established by VDOE. The IEP/504 team must complete a Calculator Accommodation Criteria Form for the student. Arithmetic tables and charts are defined as tools that serve the same function as a calculator. Multiplication tables Division tables Addition tables Subtraction tables

73 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Calculator/Arithmetic Tables—Grades 3-7 Mathematics Assessments Only (continued) The calculator must be from the approved calculator list. NOTE: In spring 2019, students will be using the Desmos online calculator provided within TestNav and have one of the hand-held calculators on the VDOE list of Approved Calculators for the Virginia Standards of Learning Assessments.

74 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
VDOE Approved Special Accommodation Request (Accommodation Code 27) Some students may require an accommodation beyond those listed by the Virginia Department of Education. Prior approval by the VDOE is required before administering these accommodations. If you have a student who requires an accommodation that is not listed by VDOE, you should submit the Special Assessment Accommodation Request Form to the Division Director of Testing. The DDOT will submit the form to VDOE for approval. Each form will be reviewed by VDOE based upon the need to provide equal access to the SOL test for the student and the need to maintain standardized procedures and security. Accommodations may be approved, approved with conditions, or not approved.

75 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Calculator with Additional Functions—Available for all Mathematics and Science Assessments—(Accommodation Code 28) The student must meet the eligibility requirements on the Calculator Accommodation Criteria Form. The justification statement should explain the student’s disability as it relates to mathematics and provide a rationale as to why the additional mathematical capabilities are necessary.

76 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Calculator with Additional Functions—(continued) Calculators with Accessibility Features: They may include features such as a large display, large buttons, and/or audio capabilities. They must have the same mathematical capabilities as those on the approved calculator list. NOTE: In spring 2019, students will be using the Desmos online calculator provided within TestNav and have one of the hand-held calculators on the VDOE list of Approved Calculators for the Virginia Standards of Learning Assessments.

77 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Calculator with Additional Functions—(continued) Calculators with Additional Mathematical Capabilities— This is a calculator with mathematical capabilities designed to address a student’s disability. The calculator with mathematical capabilities other than those on Approved Calculators for the Virginia Standards of Learning Assessments. A calculator with additional mathematical capabilities is allowed if the if the additional mathematical capabilities are required for the student to access the SOL assessment and are directly related to the student’s disability. The disability and the corresponding additional mathematical capabilities must be clearly documented in the justification statement on the Calculator Accommodation Criteria Form.

78 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Calculator with Additional Functions—(continued) Calculators with additional functions are not allowed if: they are not related to the student’s disability; they provide an unfair advantage to the student; they are designed solely to enhance student performance; or they are designed to compensate for below grade-level mathematics skills. If a student needs a hand-held calculator other than those on the approved calculator list, the Calculator Accommodation Criteria Form and the Special Assessment Accommodation Form must be completed and, if applicable, submitted to the Virginia Department of Education. NEW

79 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
English Dictionary (Accommodation Code 29) Students with an IEP/504/EL Plan who cannot access the online spell-check tool or other permitted spelling aid on the Short-Paper Component of the Writing Assessment are allowed to use an English dictionary to check spelling on the Short-Paper component only. The dictionary must be a general dictionary without a thesaurus. The dictionary must not be content specific or specialized. The dictionary must be a paper dictionary. An electronic dictionary is not allowed. It may be school owned or student owned. It should be familiar to the student. The dictionary must not be altered in any way with hand-written notes or include class notes.

80 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
English Dictionary (Accommodation Code 29) Only EL students may use an English dictionary on the Reading, Math, History, and Science assessments. EL students cannot use an English dictionary on the Multiple- Choice Component of the Writing SOL. Because the English dictionary may provide definitions of subject- specific vocabulary that ELs are expected to know for the SOL tests, the use of this testing accommodation should be carefully considered.

81 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Read-Back Student Response (Accommodation Code 30) Short Paper Component of Writing Assessment only The Read-Back Student Response accommodation may be provided by either a Test Examiner or from a workstation equipped with text-to-speech capabilities. The IEP/504 plan must clearly indicate if the student’s response is read by the Examiner or the work station. Please follow the directions in Appendix B of the Test Implementation Manual or the Examiner’s Manual carefully for both the text-to-speech and Test Examiner.

82 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Read-Back Student Response (continued) Read-Back by Examiner The student must be tested individually. The student may request any portion of the draft and/or final short paper to be read back as often as necessary. The student may continue to edit the paper and request read-back until the final paper is completed. The student’s response must be read verbatim without providing any clues or assistance. The Test Examiner must read only the student’s response, not the writing prompt.

83 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Read-Back Student Response (continued) The Examiner must not provide assistance, including but not limited to: Correcting spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation Rewording the response Providing hints and clues Giving reminders, verbal indications or non-verbal clues about the correctness of the student’s response

84 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Read-Back Student Response (continued) Read-Back Using Text-to-Speech The student must be tested individually or use headphones so other students are not distracted. Two separate devices must be used: The device connected to TestNav The device used for text-to-speech—this device cannot be connected to the internet. Automatic correction, thesaurus, and grammar check must be disabled. The student may use the manual spell check capacity but cannot be prompted to use it.

85 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Read-Back Student Response (continued) Read-Back Using Text-to-Speech The Test Examiner must not provide any assistance—same as with Read-Back by Test Examiner. The student’s short-paper response using text-to-speech must be printed, transcribed to the regular answer document or into TestNav’s response area, and verified by a second school staff. The printed copy of the short paper must be retained in the office of the Division Director of Testing. The short paper must be deleted from the device and an electronic copy of the paper must be securely stored on a flash drive, etc. must be retained in the office of the Division Director of Testing.

86 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Flexible Schedule (Accommodation Code 31) All SOL assessments are untimed, and ALL students may take the entire day to test if needed. Students w/ disabilities, 504, and EL students can have supervised breaks during the day The schedule for breaks must be determined prior to testing and based on the routine use of scheduled breaks during regular classroom and benchmark assessments. The frequency of breaks must be documented in the student’s IEP/504/EL Plan. The STC and Test Examiner must have a system for notifying the student to begin and end a break during testing. Note here that students who have flexible schedule but complete the test in one day should test online. Students who have flexible schedule and test over multiple days should use paper/pencil.

87 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Flexible Schedule (continued) The break must be supervised and test security must be maintained during the break. Students must be not allowed to discuss the test in any way, have access to educational materials or electronic devices, and must not disrupt other students during the break. The student’s test materials must not be accessible or viewable by other students or school personnel during the break. If the student is taking the test online and the room is securely maintained, the monitor can be turned off. The student may exit the test, and then have his/her test resumed by the STC prior to logging back into the test. Note here that students who have flexible schedule but complete the test in one day should test online. Students who have flexible schedule and test over multiple days should use paper/pencil.

88 Students w/ Disabilities & 504 Students
Setting (Accommodation Code 32) This includes any alteration to Location Minimize distractions Non-school setting, as determined by IEP/504 team Adaptive or special furniture (i.e., balance balls, cushions, or a raised desk surface) Special lighting based upon what is most appropriate for the student Note here that students who have flexible schedule but complete the test in one day should test online. Students who have flexible schedule and test over multiple days should use paper/pencil.

89 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students—Presentation
Plain English Math (Accommodation Code A) Retired with the implementation of the Mathematics Standards

90 Students w/ Disabilities, 504 & EL Students
Resources: Students with Disabilities: Guidelines for Special Test Accommodations English Learners: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia Assessment Program Guidelines for Administering the Read-Aloud Accommodation for Standards of Learning Assessments Explanation of Testing Accommodations with Disabilities—Math Aids—Accommodation Code 19 Explanation of Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities—Assistive Technology Accommodations

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