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Core Activities re-assessment

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1 Core Activities re-assessment
Peter Solagna 6/11/2019 ....

2 Status and timeline The EGI core activities have been selected by the EGI Council as critical for the support of the EGI operational infrastructure during 2013. The EGI core activities are funded by the EGI council members fees and the partners providing services The activities have been assigned to EGI partners with a bid process, and the provisioning of the services has started on April 2014 The performances of the activities providers vs the OLA are monitored every six months. Second assessment will be prepared during next month The core activities have been assigned for two years to the partners who won the bid During summer 2015 EGI will run a new bid process to assign the EGI Core activities (current or new) that will start in Spring 2016 The priorities are defined within the EGI Council, but of course there is need for feedback from the EGI/NGI/EIRO Operations ....

3 Survey among NGIs First step is a survey for the NGIs/EIRO to assess the current core activities Not about the performances (these are assessed every 6 months) About the usefulness/criticality of the activities One answer per NGI/EIRO (possibly) For every core activity: How much has this service been used by your operational team or by your end users How heavily is the service used in the daily operations of the NGI/EIRO? Is this service critical for the operations of your national/EIRO infrastructure? What would happen if the service/activity is not provided anymore? How much would be the additional cost of operating the infrastructure if EGI was not providing the specific core activity? How much this activity is strategic for the development of the EGI in general and your NGI/EIRO specific operations roadmap? Do you see potential use cases for the core activities in the future? Can the core activity help your NGI/EIRO to support new user communities and use cases in the future? Would you need the core service to support new tools and platform you are deploying, or that you will deploy in the future? ....

4 Very critical activities
Some of the core activities are clearly critical: Accounting, GOCDB, Monitoring.. The federation builds upon such services Feedback about these very critical activities is never the less welcome No separation between core activities in the survey ....

5 The Core Activities The list of core activities is in the EGI wiki
Technical services Accounting repository Accounting portal Monitoring central services SAM central services Message broker (internal service, it depends on the criticality of accounting and monitoring) Security monitoring Service registry (GOCDB) Operations portal UMD repositories Helpdesk (GGUS) Catch-all services ....

6 The Core Activities (2) Human services Security coordination
Acceptance criteria Verification for UMD components Staged rollout coordination IT-Support Collaboration tools (wiki/indico/dns..) Helpdesk: 1st and 2nd level support ....

7 Survey will be circulated today, after the OMB
Timeline Survey will be circulated today, after the OMB Link added to the indico agenda, in the minutes and sent via to NOC managers ML Answers collected until April 24th, summary presented at next OMB (April 30th) Thanks for your collaboration! ....

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