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Making EUROCITIES more impact-driven

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Presentation on theme: "Making EUROCITIES more impact-driven"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making EUROCITIES more impact-driven
EUROCITES EDF March 2019 Making EUROCITIES more impact-driven Silvia Ganzerla, policy director EUROCITIES

2 Aims of this session Inform you of progress on EUROCITIES’ new strategic framework Show you a proposal on organisational goals and strategic objectives Prepare for next steps

3 Background 2017 and 2018: assessment papers with universities, a members’ survey and events to discuss the future of the network  Main findings - EUROCITIES needs to:  Be more results- and impact-oriented Break down silos Be better prepared to respond to new challenges Preparations for a new strategic framework: October 2018: Brainstorming session with ExCom (vision and goals) November 2018: Discussions at annual conference (vision and goals)  December 2018 to January 2019: Brussels office further developing the goals and proposals for strategic objectives February 2019: Work session with ExCom and forum chairs/vice chairs to gather feedback on proposals

4 A new strategic framework: overview
Composed of a vision and goals: 10 years And a set of strategic objectives ( ) which helps to: Clarify the scope of the work   Focus on results and outcomes Identify synergies Annual work plans Adapted structures and ways of working

5 A clear vision for EUROCITIES
EUROCITIES is the leading network of major European cities, working together to ensure a good quality of life for all our citizens. We strive for a Europe where cities are genuine partners with the EU to create a better future where: People take part in an inclusive society People progress in a prosperous local economy People move and live in a healthy environment People make vibrant and open public spaces City governments address global challenges City governments are fit for the future EUROCITIES does this by: Strengthening the role of cities in all EU policy negotiations related to urban issues   Maximising EU funding opportunities for cities Promoting the exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices between cities to scale up urban solutions Building capacity to tackle current and future urban challenges

6 Goals - overview

7 Goal 1: People take part in an inclusive society
Fight urban poverty and social exclusion Ensure access to adequate and affordable housing Facilitate the inclusion of refugees, migrants, ethnic minorities and people with diverse backgrounds Ensure quality and inclusive education Deliver quality social services Support inclusive local labour markets

8 Goal 2: People progress in a prosperous local economy
Stimulate the creation of quality jobs Manage new economic business models and trends Promote the attractiveness of cities for people, business and investments Address local skills and future needs to tackle mismatches Support the transition to a circular economy Strengthen infrastructures in and between cities

9 Goal 3: People move and live in a healthy environment
Promote accessible and clean water Ensure clean air Reduce noise pollution Manage the collection, recycling and reduction of waste Promote safe, connected and sustainable urban mobility Support the transition towards clean fuels and vehicles Support urban food systems

10 Goal 4: People make vibrant and open public spaces
Promote the co-creation of cultural activities and spaces for urban development and cohesion Regenerate and design open and inspiring public spaces for and with people Ensure green areas and biodiversity in urban planning Strengthen safety and security in public spaces

11 Goal 5: City governments address global challenges
Fight climate change and enable the energy transition Tackle rising inequalities Drive digital transformation

12 Goal 6: City governments are fit for the future
Promote innovative city government and administration Ensure the financial sustainability of cities Manage the use of disruptive technologies to transform public services Strengthen public participation in decision making Explore strategic partnerships and co-creation of public services Promote gender equality and fight all discrimination Plan for the cities of the future

13 Delivering: testing new ways of working
Currently: predictability, persistent silos, limited tangible outcomes, limited flexibility   ALL FORUMS ALL FORUMS KSF Jan March May June Oct Nov Urban governance group Annual conference Corporation platform In addition: WG and TF meetings, EU and international conferences, cities’ meetings etc…

14 Delivering: testing new ways of working 2020
Increased agility while maintaining foresight, better adapted activities and stronger synergies on transversal issues   KSF EEF EDF SAF EMF UGG ECF CP&AC Jan June Dec An annual work programme per forum including: 1 high level meeting (conference + WGs) Targeted WG and other activities: seminars, workshops, webinars, study visits, LABs, project events, business partner meetings      Lobby actions to EU institutions 

15 Next steps

16 The strategic framework and the forum
Questions Overall support for the approach to goals and strategic objectives? To which strategic objectives can the forum, working groups or a group of cities contribute? Which results/outcomes can we suggest for the relevant strategic objectives? Overall support for the proposal for new ways of working in 2020?


18 Open questions for us (Brussels office)
What process in the forums/WG to: Decide on where to contribute? Propose results/outcomes? Confirm commitment? Agree on new ways of working for next year? SUMMER MTG with FC/VC and WG Chairs: ENOUGH? DISCUSS WITH THE STEERING COMMITTEES How do we: Ensure adequate outreach beyond forums and WGs? Approve the forum WPG for 2020? Ensure we match the WPG with adequate resources?

19 What does ‘impact-driven’ mean?
An impact-driven organisation is one that: Defines the goals it is seeking to achieve Measures if these goals have been achieved Learns and increases its impact

20 What are the benefits of being impact-driven for EUROCITIES?
Transparency: Making goals and indicators explicit will make it easier for EUROCITIES to track progress and report to members Efficiency: Clarifying priorities will allow EUROCITIES to make better decisions on allocating its resources Pro-activity: Focusing on its own goals will enable EUROCITIES to better push for what it wants at EU level Better communication: Being able to measure progress will allow EUROCITIES to tell a more compelling story about what it is doing for cities and their inhabitants

21 What terms are we using? Strategic framework: The group of documents we are using in the change process ‘Vision’ document: Contains EUROCITIES’ organisational goals, and a description of EUROCITIES’ activities Organisational goals: The five ultimate goals of EUROCITIES (not time-bound) Five-year strategy: Contains strategic objectives, impact indicators, and threats and opportunities. One set per organisational goal. Annual plan for 2020: Includes tactics, expected results for that year, and indicators. One set per strategic objective.

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