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The body matter of a page or book, as distinguished from the headings

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Presentation on theme: "The body matter of a page or book, as distinguished from the headings"— Presentation transcript:

1 The body matter of a page or book, as distinguished from the headings

2 the written or printed material which forms the main body
of a publication

3 The individual results of media
production: a movie, a TV episode, a book, an issue of a magazine or newspaper, an advertisement, an album, etc.

4 A term used to imply orthodoxy

5 written or printed language

6 A written passage consisting of multiple glyphs, characters, symbols
or sentences; a book, tome or other set of writings; a brief written message

7 The band founded by Kristofer Steen, David Sandström, Fredrik Bäckström and Jon F Brännström. All, except Bäckström, were ex-members of hardcore band Refused.

8 the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or
footnotes etc.)

9 the words of something written

10 a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon

11 a book prepared for use in schools or colleges

12 a message sent to and/or
from a mobile phone

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