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Mechanism of Hormone action Lecture no: 2nd MBBS

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1 Mechanism of Hormone action Lecture no: 2nd MBBS
Dr Muhammad Ramzan

2 Recommended books for Biochemistry/Endocrinology
Lippincott’s’’ Illustrated Reviews Biochemistry Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Path physiology of Endocrinology system Colorado State University Basic and Clinical Endocrinology – Francis Greenspan – David G.Gardner Text book of Medical biochemistry – MN Chatterjea

3 Mechanism of action – the definition A result orientated process
It describes the effect produced by a molecule such as a hormone/drug through its action on : A living organism or biochemical system Like insulin reduces hyperglycemia (produces hypoglycemia) www. Merrium Webster

4 Mechanism of hormone action - the background
All hormones act through highly specific receptors in the hormone sensitive target organs by binding This specificity allows the cells to respond to very low concentrations of a hormone Drugs are formulated to have affinity and specificity for these receptors and regulate hormones

5 Types of Receptors - 3 There are mainly 03 types of receptors
Extra cellular/ membranous/ surface receptors Intracellular/ Cytoplasmic / Cytosolic and Nuclear receptors

6 Types of receptors – 3

7 Cytoplasmic receptors

8 Mechanism of Hormone action – 3 types after receptor binding
There are mainly 3 types of mechanism of action of a hormone after receptor binding: Changes in permeability of the cell membrane 1 Activation of the Cytoplasmic enzymes Activation of the genes(Receptors)

9 Changes in cell membrane permeability In general
Neurotransmitters like Acetylcholine, Catecholamine and Histamine act by this mechanism Neurotransmitters are released by pre synoptic nerve endings ( Axons in neuromuscular junction) and Act on the target cell membranes (Muscle cell) through surface receptors (GPCR) and: Alter membranes permeability for muscle for contraction

10 Neuromuscular junction

11 Activates muscle contraction
Changes in membrane permeability – Neurotransmitters Acetyl Choline (Exocytosis) Acetyl Choline is released from pre synaptic nerve fibers into the synaptic cleft on arrival of the impulse (1ST impulse) Binds with the receptors at the muscle cell membrane to alter its permeability by depolarization (2nd impulse) and Activates muscle contraction It Is quickly degraded by the Cholinesterase – an enzyme located on the post synaptic membrane

12 Neuro muscular junction

13 Activation of Cytoplasmic enzymes 2nd messenger cAMP
All Protein hormones and Catecholamine act by binding with extra cellular receptor- GPCR Activate G – Protein for α- GTP and Adenylate Cyclase, acts on ATP to produce cAMP - the 2nd messenger Hormone being the 1st messenger cAMP Phosphorylates a no of enzymes/proteins via Protein Kinases to carry out hormonal action

14 Protein hormones and Catecholamines act via GPCR

15 Activation of Nuclear genes in general
Thyroids and steroid hormones act by this method Hormone binds with its receptor (Cytoplasmic/nuclear) to form Hormone Receptor Complex – HRC HRC is translocated to the acceptor site at nuclear DNA → Hormone Response Element – HRE ( the gene) HRE is activated and transcribes mRNA which translates proteins/enzymes to execute hormonal action

16 Steroid Hormone – Mechanism of action

17 Mechanism of action - Steroids
Steroids are available as free and bound form Both enter the blood circulation after their release from their site of synthesis Free steroids are biologically active and Lipophilic Can cross cell membrane through diffusion and bind with the Cytoplasmic receptors to form: Hormone receptor complex – HRC

18 Mechanism of steroids action cont.
HRC is then translocated to the acceptor site at the : Nucleus to form Steroid/Hormone Response element HRE – the gene for the steroid at DNA strand HRE transcribes mRNA which travels to Cytoplasm mRNA translates proteins/ enzymes to: Execute hormone action

19 Mechanism of action- steroid hormones

20 Thyroid hormones(TH) TH are also available as free and bound forms and are attached with Globulin and Albumen Bound forms lose their attachment and cross the cell membrane through active transport: Iodo- Thyronine transporters

21 Mechanism of Thyroids(TH)
TH, then enter the nucleus to bind with Retinoid X- receptors (RXR) to form HRC HRC is then translocated to the acceptor site at DNA to form Hormone Response Element, HRE – Agene HRE the transcribes mRNA that leaves for cytoplasm Translation of mRNA synthesizes proteins/enzymes to carry out hormone actions

22 Thyroid hormones – Mechanism of action

23 Difference B/W Thyroids and Steroids
The mechanism of TH is similar to the mechanism of steroids : Activation of genes TH differ from steroid hormones that : TH cross the cell membrane by active transport T4 is deiodinated to T3 by Deiodenase of the target cell Binds with Retinoid X Receptors instead of Cytoplasmic receptors. 3 HRC is then translocated to the - Hormone Response Element 4


25 Mechanism of action of TH – the difference

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