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Joshua Linn (MIT and Resources for the Future)

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1 Joshua Linn (MIT and Resources for the Future)
Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies Anya Castillo (MIT) Joshua Linn (MIT and Resources for the Future) June 25, 2010

2 Direction of Technology Adoption
Background Methods Findings Question Motivation Related Work Direction of Technology Adoption Which technologies are favored most under the implementation of a price on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions? Research Focus Free of Distributional Issues Direct effects of CO2 Policy on Electricity Prices 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

3 Incentives due to CO2 Regulation
Background Methods Findings Question Motivation Related Work Incentives due to CO2 Regulation Higher Wholesale Power Prices Incentives for Innovation and Adoption of Clean Tech CAVEAT: Clean Tech differs in performance and resource potential. Wind Solar Nuclear Coal + CCS Hydro Etc. 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

4 Unit Commitment Formulation
Background Methods Findings Question Motivation Related Work This Study: Focuses on Directed Technology Incentives due to increases in Electricity Prices Incorporates differences in operational characteristics and fuel availability across technologies (Connors 2004, Cullen 2009) Unit Commitment Formulation Preceding Studies: Theoretical Jung 1996, Fischer 2003, Weber &Neuhoff 2010, Goulder&Mathai 2000 Empirical Carlson 2000, Popp 2003, Linn 2008, DOE NEMS, MIT EPPA 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

5 Electricity Market with No CO2 Price
Background Methods Findings Stylized Model Empirical Model Electricity Market with No CO2 Price 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

6 Electricity Market under Increasing CO2 Price
Background Methods Findings Stylized Model Empirical Model Electricity Market under Increasing CO2 Price No change in merit order when price of Coal < Gas 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

7 Electricity Market under Increasing CO2 Price
Background Methods Findings Stylized Model Empirical Model Electricity Market under Increasing CO2 Price Change in merit order when price of Coal > Gas 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

8 Research Approach Model ERCOT electricity market in 2008
Background Methods Findings Stylized Model Empirical Model Research Approach Model ERCOT electricity market in 2008 Annual Simulations with Hourly Solutions $0-50/tCO2 (at $10/tCO2 increments) Cost-Minimization Unit-Commitment Mixed Integer Problem with chronological Monet Carlo* Analysis of Directed Incentives to Technologies Current ERCOT: Nuclear, Coal, Gas, Wind Hypothetical Units: Solar, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), and Advanced Gas/Oil Combined Cycle (Adv CC) Wind and Solar Resource Potential No Transmission Network *Memphis version 3.7, prepared by IIT for Red Electrica de España 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

9 ERCOT Supply Curve Marginal Cost ($/MWh) Capacity (GW) Background
Methods Findings Stylized Model Empirical Model ERCOT Supply Curve 700 2 × Coal Fuel Price 2008 Avg Fuel Prices Coal $1.33 Natural Gas $6.63 2 × Natural Gas Fuel Price 600 Actual in 2008 500 400 Natural Gas Nuclear Marginal Cost ($/MWh) 300 Avg Marginal Costs Nuclear $5.61 Coal $18.96 Natural Gas $71.11 Here is the supply curve, illustrating that the average marginal costs for nuclear, coal and gas are $5.61, $18.96, and $71.11 respectively. Since natural gas accounts for the most of the capacity in ERCOT and approx. half the generation share in 2008, fluctuations in natural gas fuel prices have the greatest impact on electricity prices. The fuel price doubling has no material affect on how these units are dispatched. 200 Coal 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Capacity (GW) 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

10 ERCOT (Texas) is renewable resource-rich
Background Methods Findings Stylized Model Empirical Model ERCOT (Texas) is renewable resource-rich Wind Solar (NREL) Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZs) 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

11 Temporal Resource Potential
Background Methods Findings Stylized Model Empirical Model Temporal Resource Potential Wind Solar 1 1 0.9 Winter 0.9 Spring 0.8 0.8 Summer Fall 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 Seasonal Average Probability 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 Winter 0.2 Spring 0.2 Summer 0.1 0.1 Fall 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hour of the Day 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

12 System Operations at No CO2 Price
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion System Operations at No CO2 Price 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Average Probability Hour of the Day Coal Marginal Unit Wind Generation Solar Generation Generation-to-Load Correlation Nuclear Coal Natural Gas 0.93 Wind Solar 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

13 Effect of CO2 Price on Generation Share
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Effect of CO2 Price on Generation Share 10 20 30 40 50 60 Price per ton of CO2 Generation Share (%) Nuclear Coal Natural Gas Wind 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

14 Marginal Abatement Cost Curve
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Marginal Abatement Cost Curve 10 20 30 40 50 5 15 25 Offset Emissions (MtCO2) Price per ton of CO2 Emissions = MtCO2 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

15 System operations change with a CO2 Price
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion System operations change with a CO2 Price Coal Units Natural Gas Units 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 Capacity Factor (%) 50 50 Upper Quartile 40 40 30 Median 30 Mean 20 20 Lower Quartile 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Price per ton of CO2 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

16 Decrease in the Marginal Emissions Rate
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Decrease in the Marginal Emissions Rate 10 20 30 40 50 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Price per ton of CO2 Full Day Night Day (7am-7pm) Probability Coal is the Marginal Unit 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

17 Which techs run when coal is marginal?
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Which techs run when coal is marginal? Nuclear 50 Wind Solar IGCC 40 Advanced CC 30 Price per ton of CO2 20 10 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Correlation Coefficient 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

18 Variations in Revenue Growth
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Variations in Revenue Growth Fossil Fuel Tech Clean Tech 100 100 Coal µ0=5.14 ¢/kWh Wind µ0=4.15¢/kWh 90 90 Natural Gas µ0=6.96 Nuclear µ0=4.83 80 IGCC µ0=4.99 80 Solar µ0=5.77 Advanced CC µ0=6.16 70 70 60 60 50 50 Growth from No CO2 Price (%) 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Price per ton of CO2 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

19 Incremental Gains to Clean Tech Generating Units
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Incremental Gains to Clean Tech Generating Units -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 1 3 5 6 Demeaned Growth in Average Revenue from Baseline (%) Percentage of Total Units (%) Growth in Average Revenue (from No CO2 Price) Wind µ0→20=36.3% Solar µ0→20=20.7% Nuclear µ0→20=27.6% -0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Demeaned Average Revenue (¢/kWh) Average Revenue Wind µ20=5.65¢ Solar µ20=6.97¢ Nuclearµ20=6.17¢ 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

20 Variations in Marginal Profit Growth
Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Variations in Marginal Profit Growth Fossil Fuel Tech Clean Tech 100 100 Coal µ0=3.38 ¢/kWh Windµ0=4.15¢/kWh 80 Natural Gas µ0=1.77 80 Nuclear µ0=4.27 IGCC µ0=3.53 Solarµ0=5.77 60 Advanced CC µ0=1.48 60 40 40 20 Growth from No CO2 Price (%) 20 -20 -20 -40 -40 -60 -60 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Price per ton of CO2 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

21 Background Methods Findings Simulation Results Discussion Main Points Technologies that operate when the heavy-emitters are marginal reap the most benefit Weak CO2 prices result in greater incremental gains since there is slight change to merit order Resource potential across time and space matters for intermittent generation CO2 prices as a cost-effective investment incentive in clean tech versus other policies 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

22 Anya Castillo Joshua Linn
Thank You! Anya Castillo Joshua Linn 6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

23 Supplemental Slides 6/11/2019
Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

24 Change in Cost, Revenue and Profit
6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

25 Summary Statistics by Technology
6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

26 Simulation with Zero Carbon Price
6/11/2019 Incentives of Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Investment in Clean Electricity Technologies

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