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2 BIOTECHNOLOGY TERMS Gel electrophoresis Cloning DNA fingerprint Stem cells Transgenic Human Genome Gene therapy Project Restriction enzymes Bacterial transformation Bioethics

3 DNA Fingerprinting (Profiling)
Alec Jeffreys

4 DNA Fingerprinting (Profiling)
DNA is extracted from cells DNA is cut with restriction enzymes DNA fragments separated by gel electrophoresis Bands compared

5 Restriction Enzymes Molecular scissors
Cut DNA at a specific base sequence (recognition site) Can make blunt or sticky ends

6 Gel Electrophoresis DNA fragments separated by size Steps:
(1) DNA fragments loaded into wells in the gel on the negative end (2) Electricity pulls the negatively charged DNA fragments toward the positive end of the gel (3) Large fragments move slower and smaller fragments move faster




10 DNA fingerprints can be used to...
diagnose genetic disorders and identify carriers

11 Well 3: mutated gene Well 4: nonmutated gene Well 5: Child 1 Well 6: Child 2


13 analyze evidence at crime scenes
evidence of parentage identification of remains determine how related two organisms are

14 Measure the Agar Powder

15 Dissolve the Powder and Heat

16 Casting the Tray

17 Loading the Wells

18 X-raying the Gel

19 Bacterial Transformation
Bacteria will take in foreign DNA and manufacture proteins coded for in that DNA Frederick Griffith


21 Bacterial Transformation
Foreign gene spliced into a bacterial chromosome (plasmid) Bacteria take in the engineered plasmid Foreign protein manufactured

22 Contain a foreign gene so they manufacture a foreign protein
Transgenic Organisms Contain a foreign gene so they manufacture a foreign protein

23 Examples of Transgenic Organisms
Bacteria manufacture human insulin Manufacture of Factor VIII Cotton has inserted gene to make it insect resistant

24 Vaccines such as heptatis vaccine in bananas
Human immune genes in pigs for transplant organs Mutated gene in tomatoes to keep them from changing texture (Flavr Savr)

25 medication that stimulates growth of bone marrow after a bone marrow transplant
anti-cancer medications Golden rice that has a Vitamin A gene inserted

26 genetically engineered bacteria to clean oil spills


28 Complete the Bacterial Transformation Virtual Lab!!

29 CLONING Organisms with identical DNA are clones
Identical twins are clones Plants produced by “rooting” are clones


31 Some animals are cloned when they are damaged and divided, such as earthworms or starfish
We have cloned some animals by artificial means

32 Dolly the cloned sheep

33 Nuclear Transfer

34 Benefits of Cloning Survival of endangered species For example, a gaur
is an endangered animal from Asia and has been successfully cloned

35 Economical importance – cloning favorite pets is expensive
Cc (Carbon Copy)

36 The Human Genome Project
Project goals were to identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA

37 Francis Collins from the publicly-funded Human Genome Project and J. Craig Venter, head of the private company Celera Genomics, jointly announce a working draft of the human genome

38 Gene Therapy

39 Inserting normal genes into a person to correct a gene mutation
Gene Therapy Inserting normal genes into a person to correct a gene mutation The “new” gene would be transcribed, then translated to produce normal protein


41 Potential cures for genetic disorders such as hemophilia, sickle cell, and cystic fibrosis


43 Or for cystic fibrosis

44 In 1990, Ashanti de Silva was the first person to be cured with gene therapy; cured of a life threatening immune system mutation

45 David Vetter from Texas had SCID and had to live in a sterile environment for most of his life during the 1970/80s. He was known to the media as 'the boy in the plastic bubble' and wore a special 'spacesuit' to protect him from infections.

46 STEM CELLS Undifferentiated cells that have the genes to become any type of cell of that organism Primarily found in embryos, but can also be found in adults, such as stem cells in the bone marrow that divide to make all blood cells

47 If cells can be induced to differentiate into a specific type of cell, they can be used to repair damage, such as people with permanent spinal cord injuries or potentially treat Parkinson’s



50 Bioethics What is right and wrong with manipulating DNA?
What is legal and illegal? Who gets to decide? Who has a right to get results from DNA testing? An employer? An insurance company?

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