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ABCP-Status as on 9/9/2016 as per LSGD web site

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1 ABCP-Status as on 9/9/2016 as per LSGD web site
District GPs ABCP Sanctd Amount allocated Amount expended No of licensed dogs No.of DC No of stray dogs 2012 census Identified locations of stray dogs TApm 73 71 86,49,246.00 1210 32966 16 kllm 68 125,22,500.00 6,10,000.00 1746 7 47449 5 ptta 53 34 34,40,000.00 5,00,000.00 3818 9 18024 alpy 72 59 107,00,000.00 4,55,000.00 4566 2 35169 127 ktym 61 104,65,126.00 25,25,000.00 5121 1 16666 idky 52 43 45,57,654.00 6,000.00 2855 7968 eklm 82 57 81,57,981.00 2,56,229.00 6039 13122 thsr 86 83 62,70,000.00 4685 3 18706 plkd 88 75 257,50,000.00 18,58,450.00 2858 8 48540 19 mlpm 94 67,14,500.00 75,675.00 880 9632 17 kzkd 70 66 129,00,000.00 8,00,000.00 3277 17769 wynd 23 37,00,000.00 10,000.00 1903 6310 knnr 71,64,488.00 1699 4 14338 ksgd 38 75,00,000.00 1140 8593 39 Total 941 816 1284,91,495.00 75,96,354.00 41797 49 295252 223

2 ABC status as on 28/11/2016 as per LSGD web site
Dist /No P Panchayths with ABCP Sanctioned Amount Expended amount No.of DogCatchers Stray Dogs 2012 census Dogs in BlockRC TVPM(73) 73 4 33764 330 KLM(68) 68 610000 9 49497 1464 PTA(53) 33 599500 18375 52 ALP(72) 60 655000 2 35952 160 KTM(71) 65 1 16344 640 IDK(52) 43 6000 5 7967 400 EKM(82) 58 256229 12656 80 TSR(86) 85 19026 PKD(88) 78 8 49010 368 MLP(94) 75 75675 10093 97 KZD(70) 69 800000 17769 WYD(23) 23 10000 6478 KNR(71) 14424 KGD(38) 38 900000 8602 Panchayths 941 837 55 299957 3624 ULBs 87 ALL 747194 42 890 clusters

3 Kudumbashree ABCD MU training Status as on 5/12/2016
Performance of DMCs for as on 29/11/2016 Meeting Conducted Regional awareness Programmes Conducted No. of ABCD -MU Trainees Identified No.Of Members Jilla Panchayath District collector No No Of Participants bMU cMU ThiruvananthapM  y Kollam  1  5 Alapuzha  Y  3  15 Pathanamthitta Kottayam  11  55 Idukki  52  2  10 Ernakulam  8  40 Thrissur  12 223 Palakkat  90  36 Malapuram  N Kozhikode  82 Wayanad  4  83  20 Kannur Kasargod  Not attended the review

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