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Chapter 14 Section 2: The Effect of Increased Trade on Medieval Society Trade Causes Changes.

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1 Chapter 14 Section 2: The Effect of Increased Trade on Medieval Society
Trade Causes Changes

2 The BIG effect of the Crusades (1096): INCREASED TRADE & Trade = Change
Characteristics of Life during M. A. prior to 1100A.D. (Ch 13) How Increased Trade affected this Characteristic after 1100 A.D. (Ch 14) 1. TOWNS – few and small 1. Towns increased, population surged! (Towns = centers of trade)


4 2. The Economy changes 2. Manorialism - Manor Life – Self sufficient economic unit (made and did everything themselves, did not travel far from home – ignorant of world). 2. Trade = New Products, people now cannot imagine life w/o trade goods, (spices, cloth. tools – luxury goods). No longer needed to be self sufficient. Towns Grow and develop.

5 3. Technology changes Limited Technology: your education was limited to the local village. Rapid increase in technology: trade = the rapid acceleration of tech! Ex: The Trebuchet!

6 4. Religion Changes Life was hard: One Faith/Religion – The RCC (Roman Catholic Church) is the “glue” holding society together – life was hard but if you worked and kept faith = heaven.  The RCC had a monopoly on ideas, no intellectual freedom (your ideas had to square with the church’s ideas). Puts limits on where science can go. Life became more prosperous, stable, & Secular (Secular = outside of Religion) The Church is beginning to have competition. The Church is no longer as important to people as their quality of life improves. People are becoming educated and questioning some of the churches teachings (no more monopoly on ideas).

7 5. Social Changes Society: a very small middle class (burghers), lived in towns, serfs tied to the land, social life dominated by the nobility and church. (Status by birth) A NEW middleclass begins to emerge in the cities. A culture of opportunity begins to develop. Work hard and you can get ahead! MONEY = Power!

8 6. Government Changes Feudal Kings: local kings ruling kingdoms who relied on their nobles support to run kingdom (decentralized) Centralized Kings: Kings become leaders of strong Nations (England & France Develop).

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