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CAPITALIZATION RULES 1. Capitalize names of particular persons or places. 2. Never capitalize a junior high school or high school unless it is the name.

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Presentation on theme: "CAPITALIZATION RULES 1. Capitalize names of particular persons or places. 2. Never capitalize a junior high school or high school unless it is the name."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAPITALIZATION RULES 1. Capitalize names of particular persons or places. 2. Never capitalize a junior high school or high school unless it is the name of a specific school. 3. School subjects are not capitalized except for the names of language (English, Spanish, French, Latin, etc.). 4. Don't capitalize seasons--spring, winter, etc. 5.  Capitalize "north, east, south, west" when they indicate parts of the country. Example: I live in the South.

2 CAPITALIZATION RULES 6. When these words indicate direction, don't capitalize them. Example: To get to the farm, drive south on I-40. 7. Capitalize holidays. Example: Christmas, Easter, Halloween. 8.  Titles of people are capitalized when they are followed by the name. Example: President George Bush, Principal Bob Grimes.

3 CAPITALIZATION RULES 9. Titles of people in very high national or state offices are often capitalized even when not followed by the name. Example: The President of the United States. 10. When the position is referred to instead of the person, the position is not capitalized. Example: The principal of Laney High School.

4 CAPITALIZATION RULES 11. Do not capitalize words of family relationship when used with a possessive pronoun. Example: Capitalize “Mom” or “Dad” when you use the words as if “Mom” or “Dad” were their proper names. Example: “Mom told you not to play basketball in the house.” DO NOT CAPITALIZE “mom” or “dad” if you say “my mom” or “your dad.” Example: “Your dad drives a nice car.” 12. Capitalize the first words and all important words in a title. Example: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl 13. Capitalize words referring to a specific Deity. Example: God, Allah, Zeus

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