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Heating/Cooling of Molecules

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1 Heating/Cooling of Molecules
1. Describe what the colors looked like and how they moved and mixed in the cold water. 2. Describe what the colors looked like and how they moved and mixed in the hot water. 3. What does the speed of the mixing colors tell you about the speed of the molecules in hot and cold water?

2 States of Matter There are five states of matter: 1 – Solid 2– Liquid
3 – Gas 4 – Plasma 5 – Bose - Einstein

3 States of Matter -- Solid
Charateristics: Definite shape Definite volume Do not easily compress or expand Very strong energy binding particles

4 States of Matter -- Solid
Distances between atoms or molecules: Particles are tightly packed together

5 States of Matter -- Solid
Movement of Atoms or molecules Particles vibrate back and forth

6 States of Matter -- Solid
Crystalline Solid – made up of crystals (atoms in a pattern); when reaches the melting point, the crystal turn into a liquid Example: snow

7 States of Matter -- Solid
Amorphous solid – not arranged in a pattern; no melting point; becomes softer and softer as temperature rises; Example: plastic

8 Phet States of Matter Annimation

9 States of Matter -- Liquid
Characteristics: No definite shape Takes on the shape of the container holding it Do not easily compress or expand Strong energy binding particles

10 States of Matter -- Liquid
Distances between atoms or molecules: Even though particles move freely, they stay close to each other (almost as close as in a solid)

11 States of Matter -- Liquid
Movement of Atoms or molecules Particles are free to move

12 Phet States of Matter Annimation

13 States of Matter -- Gas Characteristics: Easy to compress or to expand
Takes the shape of the container holding it; expands to fill the entire container No definite shape No definite volume Weak energy binding particles

14 States of Matter -- Gas Distances between atoms or molecules:
particles move more freely than liquids

15 States of Matter -- Gas Movement of Atoms or molecules
Particles are free to move at high speeds.

16 Phet States of Matter Annimation

17 3 common phases of matter

18 States of Matter -- Plasma
Characteristics: Atoms are stripped of their electrons Nuclei are packed close together Occurs at extremely high temperatures (like inside a star)

19 States of Matter -- Plasma
Distances between atoms or molecules: Nuclei are close together and moving fast enough to collide with one another; fusion can take place (two nuclei combine to form a new larger nuclei

20 States of Matter -- Plasma
Movement of Atoms or molecules Nuclei and electrons are moving at incredibly fast speeds but they are held close together


22 States of Matter – Bose-Einstein

Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) are super-unexcited and super-cold atoms.

24 Changes in States of Matter
Note: The word “point” is added to each change type to refer to the temperature at which the change takes place

25 Changes in States of Matter
CHANGE BETWEEN SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS Melting -- change from a solid to a liquid Freezing– change from liquid to solid

26 Changes in States of Matter
CHANGE BETWEEN LIQUIDS AND GASES Vaporization – change from liquid to a gas Evaporation – takes place only on the surface of the liquid Boiling – takes place inside the liquid as well as on the surface Condensation – change from a gas into a liquid

27 Changes in States of Matter
CHANGES BETWEEN SOLIDS AND GASES Sublimation – solid particles “jump” directly to the gas state without first becoming a liquid

28 Changes in States of Matter
***ENERGY DURING PHASES CHANGES – Energy must be lost to the environment or gained from the environment in order for any phase change to take place

29 Notice the temperature-thermal energy graph line is flat during the phase change!

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