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Golden Oldies.

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1 Golden Oldies

2 Development Studies

3 Ward- The Rich Nations & Poor Nations, Ch. 2, 4, 5
Theory of ‘Developing wealth of wealth’- addressing question of why economic gap between poorer countries & richer countries widening Historical analysis of shifting from agrarian to industrialized nations Revolutions that Developed Countries underwent more- Science and Saving, Equality, ‘Those-things’, Economic Growth Importance of national saving mechanisms as way to invest in future development of economy verses culture of saving at local level

4 Apter-The Politics of Modernization Ch. 1-3
How do particular political arrangements channeling governmental authority influence modernization? Modernization=choice that reflects societal priorities. Polities modernize through mundane and sacred rewards and promises. Secular-Libertarian vs Sacred-Collectivity normative modernizations. Modernization is driven by elements of marginality, innovative roles, and mass media. Roles are indicators of the ongoing processes. Equality can provide a driver as long as the discrepancies between lifestyles and modern roles are temporary. Traditional cultures may survive as underlying societal arrangements in the form of hierarchical, pyramidal, or lineage systems.

5 Emerson-From Empire to Nation (Ch. 18-20)
There is tension between improving living standards and its costs in terms of threats to established cultures, communities, and religions. Despite time tempers, earlier experience of non-westerners to industrialize their societies has not been encouraging. Nationalism and liberalism have both failed to provide practical answers to tension. Communism has allied itself with nationalism. This alliance came as a result of anti-colonialism and the persistent racism of colonialist powers. In that context, nationalism is still useful for emerging nations. Gives them a sense of independent worth denied during colonialism. This has brought demands for independent and equality in the international sphere.

6 Modernization & Dependency Theory

7 Frank- The Development of Underdevelopment
Historically, the capitalist system deeply impacted the underdeveloped world. Exploitative metropolis-satellite relations penetrate and structure the economic, political, and social life of Latin American colonies and countries. There is a parallel between development/underdevelopment at the international level, and backward and progressive areas domestically. Development is not achieved by bringing capital, institutions, values to countries - it occurs independently of these efforts. Offers five hypotheses to explain why metropoles tend to develop and the satellites underdevelop.

8 Escobar-Making & Unmaking of 3rd World Dev
Escobar is critical of the formulaic strategies and implementation of development which he feels have caused massive problems. In this ‘40s and ‘50s modernization mindset, social, cultural and political progress is achieved only through material advancement. Rigid formulation of development discourse viewed poverty as a problem, with assessments based on numbers rather than people. Instead of seeing development in the context of a society’s history and culture, social life was equated to a technical problem. This Eurocentric development mindset treats the Third World as different and inferior, with limited humanity.

9 Gusfield-Misplaced Polarities in Study of Social Change
Tradition and Modernity are often contrasted as opposites, but can and do coexist in cultural, political and economic realities. Traditional societies cannot be neatly classified as static, having a singular set of norms and values, or being homogenous. Rather than a displacement of one by the other, there is a broad range of permutations and possibilities for change and continuity. Societies leverage tradition to build unity and identity, to accept political structures, and agree on economic development strategies. In reality, tradition and modernity can manifest themselves in a variety of mixtures and blends.

10 Valenzuela(s) - Modernization and Dependency
In the modernization perspective, values, institutions, and patterns of action of traditional society are assumed to be both an expression and a cause of underdevelopment. Societies are assumed to move from tradition to modernity on an evolutionary continuum, leading to a qualitative jump into modernity. The dependency perspective assumes that the development of a national or regional unit can only be understood in the context of a worldwide political-economic system which emerged with the wave of European colonizations of the world. Relationships between developing and developed countries are rooted in dependence of developing countries on developed countries.

11 (Neighboring or other)
Marshall Plan WWII Resources Capital Other countries (Neighboring or other) Foreign/Security policy Dependency Neoclassical theory Picard&Buss Rapley Bates Collier Governance Market Martinussen Government Economic growth Welfare Political systems Capacity building Sustainablity Modernization

12 (Neighboring or other)
Marshall Plan WWII Resources Capital Other countries (Neighboring or other) Foreign/Security policy Dependency Neoclassical theory Picard&Buss Rapley Bates Collier Governance Market Martinussen Government Economic growth Welfare Political systems Capacity building Sustainablity Modernization

13 Major Themes What is the true intent of ‘development’ and the means accomplished, and how has changed over time Balance between promoting state-role and private sector to develop 3rd world countries The question of ‘who’ defines what development is and how best completed Differing political economic models which have driven development and financial aid before and after WWII Is development of 3rd world countries really benefiting or is it a continued form of dependency (dependency theory) How development view changes when examining it through capitalist verse socialist verses Marxist lens How may development through forms of subsidies affect power dynamics between Western powerful nations and developing nations Traditional economic structure existing before industrialization, and how social-economic dimensions shift with ‘development’

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