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BUGOMA SUWADU (UNIVERSITY OF Burundi/ Doctoral school)

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1 BUGOMA SUWADU (UNIVERSITY OF Burundi/ Doctoral school)
7th East African Health and Scientific Conference, DAR ES SALAM-TANZANIA, “Openclinic software appreciation by health staffs at Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Kamenge (CHUK)” NDIRAHISHA Eugene (University of Burundi, Faculty of Medicine; Department of Internal Medicine) NYANDWI Joseph (University of Burundi, Faculty of Medicine; Department of Nephrology) NYANDWI Ramadhan (University of Burundi, Faculty of Medicine; university of Burundi/ Doctoral School) NIYONZIMA Donat (centre hospital-universitaire de kamende, department of IT) BUGOMA SUWADU (UNIVERSITY OF Burundi/ Doctoral school) Bazikamwe sylvestre (university of Burundi. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gynecology-obstetrics)

2 OBJECTIVE Materials & Methods
To evaluate appreciation by health professional on the use a new ICT tool in health area “openclinc”. BACKGROUND According to the DHS , 4% and 14% of women and men, respectively, use internet; its use increases with educational level, from 1% and 5% for primary to 17% and 38% for above secondary level in women and men, respectively. Materials & Methods This is a preliminary survey of hospital health staff on the use of the patient data and laboratory results transfer platform. A self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection at CHUK from October 5th to 20th, 2018, after freely consent agreement. Date were analyzed with Microsoft office Excel and results are presented in tables with percentages

3 RESULTS Gender Total Female Male N % profession Nurse 28 5 33 46.48
Lab analyst 1 1.41 Physician 2 4 5.63 Resident doctor 10 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 13 14 19.72 Support personnel 38 71 100.00 53.52 Level of Education Total PhD Master Secondy University N % Profession Nurse 31 2 33 46.48 Lab analyst 1 1.41 Physician 4 5.63 Resident doctor 8 7 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 14 19.72 Support personnel 3 23 34 13 71 100.00 32.39 47.89 18.31

4 Skills level on Interent use
Total 1 2 3 4 5 N % How do you evaluate your skills on using the Internet or intranet? Nurse 10 7 31 43.66 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 9.86 Resident doctor 6 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 14 19.72 Support personnel 4.23 12 16 20 18 71 100.00 0.00 16.90 7.04 22.54 28.17 25.35 Skills level on Interent use Total How do you evaluate your skills on using the Internet or intranet?  Level of education 1 2 3 4 5 N % PhD 7 8 23 32.39 Master 1.41 Secondary 10 6 32 45.07 University 13 18.31 Error 2.82 19 21 24 71 100.00 9.86 26.76 29.58 33.80

5 Skills level on computer use
Total How do you evaluate your computer skills? Profession 1 2 3 4 5 N % Nurse 9 6 7 32 45.07 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 14 19.72 Support personnel 4.23 No answer 2.82 11 12 24 17 71 100.00 15.49 7.04 16.90 33.80 23.94 Training on Openclic Total Profession No Yes N % Have you had training on openclinic? Nurse 3 30 33 46.48 Lab analyst 1 1.41 Physician 4 5.63 Resident doctor 11 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 6 8 14 19.72 Support personnel 56 71 100.00 78.87

6 Time using Openclinic in Month
Profession Total Nurse Laboratin Medecin generaliste Medecin resident Medecin specialiste Personnel d'appui N % Reason for using Openclinic Other 1 1.41 Laboratory test request Recording patient 3 6 10 14.08 Recording patien and laboratory test request 4.23 Recording patien, laboratory test request and results review 27 4 2 45 63.38 Reviewing laboratory results 11 15.49 33 15 14 71 100.00 46.48 5.63 21.13 19.72 Time using Openclinic in Month Total How long have you been using Openclinic? Profession < 1 > 12 1-6 6-12 Never N % Nurse 2 21 10 33 46.48 Lab analyst 1 1.41 Physician 4 5.63 Resident doctor 7 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 6 14 19.72 Support personnel 3 20 5 71 100.00 4.23 14.08 28.17 7.04

7 Openclinic frequency of use Total
Nurse Lab analyst Physician Resident doctor Specialist Doctor Support personnel N % At what frequency do you openclinic? Never 1 2 3 4.23 Some times 4 12 16.90 rarely 8 11.27 Regurlary every day 27 5 42 59.15 Once a day 2.82 Once a week 5.63 33 15 14 71 100.00 46.48 1.41 21.13 19.72 Rate of missing results on a scale Total 1 2 3 4 5 N % In general, how do you rate missing results? Nurse 6 7 26 36.62 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 14 19.72 Support personnel No answer 9.86 9 23 12 71 100.00 12.68 32.39 16.90 8.45

8 How do you rate the overall quality of the results? Nurse 6 23 32.39
Quality of results Total 1 2 3 4 5 N % How do you rate the overall quality of the results? Nurse 6 23 32.39 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 7 13 18.31 Specialist doctor 8 12 16.90 Support personnel No answer 14 19.72 9 26 71 100.00 12.68 11.27 36.62 7.04 Satisfaction rate of laboratory results through Openclinic Total 1 2 3 4 5 N % How satisfied are you with the quality of laboratory results? Nurse 7 10 28 39.44 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 14 19.72 Specialist doctor 6 13 18.31 Support personnel No answer 9.86 11 20 16 71 100.00 15.49 14.08 28.17 22.54

9 On average, how long does it take to get lab results? Nurse 6 4 3 7 33
Time in hour for data transmission from laboratory to different department Total 10-18 24-48 1-3 19-24 4-9 < 1 > 36 N % On average, how long does it take to get lab results? Nurse 6 4 3 7 33 46.48 Lab analyst 1 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 2 14 19.72 Support personnel 9 10 13 71 100.00 12.68 8.45 14.08 18.31 Easiness of getting results through Openclinic Total I don't know, but Difficult I don't know, but easy No Yes N % Compared to the classic method of retrieving results, is it easy to get lab results through Openclinic? Nurse 2 5 21 33 46.48 Lab analyst 1 1.41 Physician 3 4 5.63 Resident doctor 11 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 14 19.72 Support personnel 10 42 71 100.00 14.08 59.15

10 Rate of satisfaction with data transmission through openclinic Total
1 2 3 4 5 N % How satisfied are you with the transmission of lab results? Nurse 9 7 28 39.44 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 14 19.72 Specialist doctor 11 15.49 Support personnel 4.23 No answer 10 14.08 16 15 8 71 100.00 22.54 21.13 11.27 Rate of laboratory data laboratory data protection Total 1 2 3 4 5 N % How do you rate the overall protection of lab results? Nurse 8 29 40.85 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 12 16.90 Support personnel No answer 6 8.45 10 11 17 71 14.08 15.49 23.94 100.00

11 Rate of satisfaction with data protection Total
1 2 3 4 5 N % How satisfied are you with the protection of lab results? Nurse 10 8 30 42.25 Lab analyst 1.41 Physician 5.63 Resident doctor 15 21.13 Specialist doctor 14.08 Support personnel No answer 7 9.86 12 14 17 13 71 100.00 16.90 11.27 19.72 23.94 18.31

12 Conclusion & Recommendation
The plateform (openclinic) is underutilized and not well appreciated by most of health professional. It would be better to promote openclinic by training, updating it, and avail skilled and sufficient technic plateau.

13 acknowledgment We thank all who participated in this survey, as well as the EAHRC for this great opportunity to share experiences and practices. Without forgetting the audience for you attention during this presentation.

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