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Create an ad for dunkin’ donuts

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1 Create an ad for dunkin’ donuts

2 Copyright Right Brain Curriculum 2016
We need to make some advertisements for our businesses.  But before we do, let's learn a bit about how companies sell things with ads.

3 Copyright Right Brain Curriculum 2016
Now there are many different types of advertisements that businesses use to attract customers.  Let's take a look at six of them:

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Endorsements Sometimes companies use what are called celebrity endorsements.  That means that a famous person says that they like a certain product.  For instance, here the famous former baseball player Derek Jeter implying that he uses Gillette deodorant.

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The company hopes that if you like Derek Jeter that you will also like their deodorant.  Of course, it doesn't really make that much sense…

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After all, Derek Jeter was a great baseball player, but what does he know about deodorant?  Still, it has been shown that these type of ads make people want to buy things.  Here's another…

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Comparison Another type of ad is the comparison ad.   Sometimes a company will show their product and another product and show how much better their product is.

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Like here the DiGiorno Pizza Company shows that their pizza is cheaper than having a pizza delivered.

9 Here Comcast Business shows how much faster their internet is vs. At&T
Copyright Right Brain Curriculum 2016 Here Comcast Business shows how much faster their internet is vs. At&T

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Special Deal Another type of ad offers discounts or special deals.  For instance, this ad for carpet cleaning offers a coupon for having a room cleaned for just $20.

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Sometimes companies try to get their customers to come into the store with coupon ads. They figure each customer will pay a little less with this special deal but they will get a lot more customers and make more money.

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Here’s another…

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Funny Some ads try to get the attention of the customer by being funny or silly. Sometimes they don’t even tell why their product is good They just figure if you laugh at the commercial… You will buy the product later

14 Here are some funny ads:
Copyright Right Brain Curriculum 2016 Here are some funny ads:

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Do you get the joke here?

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Beautify! Other ads try to show you that what they are selling will make you happier.  They might show you beautiful pictures of it and make you want to buy it.  

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For instance, most food companies hire special "food make-up artists" whose job it is to make their food look especially good.

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Someone on the Internet did this funny comparison of what a Burger King Whopper looks like in ads vs. how it really looks in real life.

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In this ad, Century 21 tries to show with beautiful pictures all the great things you'll find if you move to Charlotte, North Carolina. They show pictures of golfing, boating, sunsets and so on.

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Testimonial Finally there are the testimonial ads.  This is when a real person tells you how great the product is.  The company figures if you hear someone say how good a product is, that you will also want to buy it. Like this one...

22 Copyright Right Brain Curriculum 2016
Now you are going to create an ad for Dunkin’ Donuts. First you will need to think of a new thing (product) for Dunkin’ Donuts to sell. Then you will choose one of the six types of ads we discussed to create the ad.

23 And don’t forget the types of ads we discussed…
Copyright Right Brain Curriculum 2016 And don’t forget the types of ads we discussed… Funny Comparison Endorsement Special Deal Testimonial Beautify

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