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Michelle Cox, Nursing Emily Garber, PTA.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelle Cox, Nursing Emily Garber, PTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michelle Cox, Nursing Emily Garber, PTA

2 Objectives Discuss how to use assessment data
Develop a plan for assessment Create an individual course assessment plan Show example of course assessment plan

3 Assessment Please stop telling me why! Good gracious…
someone just start telling me HOW!

4 Spark The Conversation
Understand the goal (and how it fits into the bigger picture)! Before you get started: Discuss with your Chair/Program Director Discuss with your faculty peers Who do you share courses with? Faculty teaching other courses/sections in the same department

5 Hierarchy of Assessment
College Mission General Education Outcomes Program College: Annual Update & Five-Year Program Review Approval body Accreditation Course Unit

6 The Cyclical Process Plan Assessment Act on Results Collect Data
Analyze & Interpret Report Act on Results

7 This is the HOW! STEP 1: Plan Assessment
identify EXACTLY what we want our students to know upon completion of our program (PLOs) and/or course, and how we’ll prove it STEP 2: Collect Data identify specific points throughout the program and/or course where measures of those outcomes of student learning occur STEP 3: Analyze and Interpret Results the faculty who gathered the data in their courses should be the ones analyzing the data STEP 4: Report summarize the data collected; explain what the data yielded about student learning; indicate what actions were taken as a result of the assessment STEP 5: Act on Results identify opportunities to make changes to improve student learning; identify what worked well and how it can be reinforced and/or expanded Show example of course assessment plan

8 Develop & Collect Identify program and/or course
(student learning) outcomes Which measurement tool(s)/ assessment technique(s)? Benchmarking: Expected levels of achievement: course, department, national Collect the results/data: when? how often? Each semester, once a year All course outcomes each year or just certain outcomes

9 Analyze & Interpret When? Semester vs. Annual Identify successes
Identify areas for improvement Discuss with appropriate stakeholders what changes may need to occur Did you do what you intended with your course/program?

10 Report & Act Report Out: What data driven decisions do you make?
Department, Division, Annual Update, Program Review, Accreditation Reports What data driven decisions do you make? What changes are you making to the course? Implement the changes Reassess/restart the process!

11 Continued Learning Things we have learned!
Demonstrates how students meet course outcomes! Assists in identifying “key” assignments Simple way to analyze/track data and changes Is it working or not working…what did we do? Decide: how long to keep the data? CAT on Flash

12 It Does NOT Have to Be Difficult!
…but it has to happen!! You’re not the first person ever in your academic field to assess students… so don’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel Check out what’s already out there to use as a starting point Look at what assessments you are already doing Use the CTL for assessment support and resources Contact your division assessment coordinator Show example of course assessment plan

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