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Excellence in Automation

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Presentation on theme: "Excellence in Automation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Excellence in Automation
ACMA Awards Year of Inception: 1966 Excellence in Automation Company Name : Plant Location : Award Category : Small < INR 30 Cr Award Criteria : Company Group Sales Turnover for Up to INR 30 Cr Tick mark in appropriate box ACMA Member All Past & Present ACT Cluster/ ACMA UNIDO Cluster Companies are eligible without becoming ACMA member for all categories as per Turnover criteria

2 ACMA Centre for Technology (ACT)
For Technical Queries: Mr. Uday Harite Mobile – Mr. Atul Gupta Mobile – Mr. Vishal Saxena Mobile – Ms. Ekta Agrawal - Mobile For Administrative Queries: Mr. Rupesh Somania Mobile – Ms. Sakshi Karkamkar Mobile – Mr. Binny Tomy - Mobile Ms. Smita Kulkarni Mobile – ACMA Centre for Technology (ACT) Godrej Eternia-C, ‘B’ Wing, '10th Floor, Office No.- C, Old Mumbai Pune Highway Wakdewadi, Shivaji Nagar , Pune – , India, Desk phone – ,

3 Company History with ACMA Awards (last 3 years)
Letter for Submission of Award application Company letterhead details ( Logo , Address ) To , The Secretariat ( ACMA Awards ) , ACMA Centre for Technology Godrej Eternia, ”B” Wing , 10th Floor, Office No. C, Old Mumbai –Pune Highway, Wakdewadi , Shivaji Nagar Pune – , India We are pleased to submit the application for ACMA Award for Excellence in Automation in Small category. All data submitted is duly verified and true to the best of our knowledge . With regards ( Name & Designation of the Plant CEO ) Company History with ACMA Awards (last 3 years) Sr. No. Financial Year (April to March) ACMA Awards Category- Applied Award / Certificate Won  1    2    3   Note – If you have applied & won multiple awards in one year, please mention accordingly.

Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India 6th  Floor, The Capital Court Olof Palme Marg, Munirka New Delhi ,  India To, Applicant Company CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT As a part of the ACMA Awards Process, applicant companies provide business, market, technical, financial information/documents and top customers details in the application. Such information could also be related to intellectual property i.e., patents, product development etc. ACMA take reasonable care to keep the above information confidential and shall not divulge it to third party and/or not use it for their own purpose, any part of this information in the course of assessment and thereafter. I agree . On behalf of ACMA  Sd/- Director General

5 Company’s Details Name of the corporate group (if company is part of a corporate group): - ( Underline the plant for which application is sent ) Plant Address : Chief Executive (Site) details : Name : Designation : Mobile : Website: 4. Plant Head ( Next to Chief Executive (Site)) details : Name : Designation : 5. HR Head details : 6. Training Head details : (If Sr. No. 3 & 4 are same , then provide next level person details at Sr. No. 4 )

6 Company’s Details 7. Company Group Annual Sales Turnover (in INR Cr.) for Year : 8. Plant (for which application is submitted) turnover ( in INR Cr.) for Year : 9. Year of Establishment : Company _______ , Plant ___________ 10. Total Employees : Company ___________ , Plant _____________ 11. Do you have a Joint Venture : ( If Yes , Mention the partner name ) 12. Company’s Key products : 13. Plant’s Key products : 14. Plant’s key manufacturing processes : 15. Plant’s Key competitors : 16. Plant’s Major Certifications :

7 Company / Plant Information
Use this slide to brief about your company / Plant. It includes Product names / photos, Plant facility photographs.

8 Route Map to reach your plant
Provide here route map to your company for site diagnosis ( Site diagnosis is carried out if your application is shortlisted ) Contact Person Information: ( Need to contact thru out the process of ACMA Award ) Name : Designation : Mobile : Contact Person Information: ( Need to Contact if above person is not available)

9 Mandatory requirement
Customer Details Mandatory requirement As a part of ACMA Award process, feedback from your major Customers to be obtained by Applicant companies & to be send by your customer directly to as per format. This feedback will be shared to Juries directly & the same will be provided to you as a part of feedback report. When you register online, you will receive Customer Feedback format. Kindly send to your top 3 Business Customers & ensure that we receive this before you submit the application online. ( Your application will not be processed without this feedback) Kindly furnish your top 3 Business customer details from whom you will be obtaining feedback. S. No. Customer % Business share (From the plant) Customer key persons name Mobile Number &  1 Manufacturing Head Incoming Quality Head  2  3 Note- In addition to application & your site diagnosis , Supplier feedback scores will be also considered for final scores.

10 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
KPI Sheet for Excellence in Automation S. No. KPI UoM Actual Value Target Value for Remarks 1 % of Machines automated % 2 Number of pick and place devices Nos 3 Number of Robos ( Cobos ) 4 % of inspection points automated 5 % of Manpower saved due to automation 6 % of saved manpower re-deployed 7 WIP in days days 8 Number of patents applied for automation 9 No. of patents Awarded for automation 10 Customer Complaints 11 Customer Returns PPM 12 In house rejection 13 Machine Breakdowns 14 Sales Turnover INR CR 15 Export Sales Turnover 16 ROI of automation ( Number of years ) Years 17 Productivity Trend - No. of Products/ Man/ Year 18 Number of accidents per year 19 Employee Absenteeism ( Total ) 20 Employee Satisfaction Score 21 Customer Satisfaction Score 22 Delivery Performance 23 Supplier Rejection 24 Number of Experts developed for automation 25 Awards won for Automation case studies

11 Executive Summary A. Synopsis of Application- (write here Specific Achievements (Qualitative & Quantitative) for all 5 areas of application which will support to understand how your company deserves to be a winner) Area 1-Business Strategy Area 2-Automation Process Area 3-Automation Results Area 4 –Stakeholders Delight Area 5- Nation delight B. Key differentiator (Mention here few points which makes you to stand as a winner ) C. How you are a better employer compared to others ? ( Mention in brief )

12 Sharing of Best Practices of your company
Best Practices along with photos shown here will be compiled and shared by ACMA to all applicants / members / non-members for learning purpose. (This is OPTIONAL and there are no marks for this) By tick mark hereby I agree to allow ACMA to use this information for sharing with others (from above topic only) Please mention your best practices here Photo Photo Photo Photo

13 Actual Marks ( for Office Use only )
Company performance at a glance ( Following radar chart shows the scores for each main area as per questionnaire, scores are converted to % ) RADAR Chart S. N. Section Total Marks Actual Marks ( for Office Use only ) % 1 Business Strategy 20 2 Automation Process 30 3 Automation results 4 Stakeholders delight 10 5 Nation delight Total 100

14 ( For office use only ) Section 1 Business Strategy Total Marks = 20
S.N. Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 1.A Automation Vision 5 1.B Automation Road map 1.C Automation teams 1.D ROI of Automation TOTAL 20

15 Please enclose your Automation Objectives ( 2 )
Business Strategy (1.A) Automation Vision Total = 5 Please enclose your Automation Objectives ( 2 ) How you arrive at automation Objectives ? (3 )

16 How you decide automation ? (3 )
Business Strategy (1.B) Automation Roadmap Total = 5 Do have road map for automation ? If Yes , kindly attach as photo. If there is no Road map , then share your other document for finalizing automation ? ( 2 ) How you decide automation ? (3 )

17 Business Strategy (1.C) Automation Teams Total = 5 Do you have separate teams for Automation ? If yes , Mention in short , roles of each person . ( 2) What is the motivation Management provides for these team members ? ( 3)

18 How do you calculate ROI of Automation. ( 2)
Business Strategy (1.D) ROI of Automation Total = 5 How do you calculate ROI of Automation. ( 2) How much years do you consider OK for ROI (2 ) When ROI is beyond your policy , do you still automate ? If Yes , then what parameters are considered for this type of automation ( e.g. Safety , Quality or you may add --- Provide few examples (1)

19 ( For office use only ) Section 2 Automation Process Total Marks = 30
S.N. Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 2.A Need for automation 5 2.B Steps of automation 10 2.C Concept designs 2.D Proving of Concept designs 2. E Success / Failures of concepts TOTAL 30

20 2. Automation Process (2.A) Need for automation Total = 5 How do you decide need for automation ? Mention your present process to arrive for automation with few examples ( 2) What are the important advantages you look for due to automation ? (3 )

21 ADD 20 ROWS 2. Automation Process
(2.B) Steps for Automation Total = 10 What are the steps you follow for automation ? Share steps and training topics/ techniques for each step considered for training teams ( 10) S.N. Steps for automation Support training topics / techniques 1 2 3 ADD 20 ROWS

22 (i) How do you generate ideas for automation ? ( 5)
2. Automation Process (2.C) Concept Designs Total = 5 (i) How do you generate ideas for automation ? ( 5)

23 2. Automation Process (2.D) Concept Proving Total = 5 How much is the lead time from concept generation to concept proving ? ( 5)

24 What % of concepts are successful compared to actual (5)
2. Automation Process (2.E) Success / failures of Concepts Total = 5 What % of concepts are successful compared to actual (5)

25 ( For office use only ) Section 3 Automation Results Total Marks = 30
S.N. Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 3.A Automation areas 5 3.B Safety results 3.C Quality results 3.D Productivity Results 10 3.E Business growth TOTAL 300

26 You may add more areas 3. Automation Results
(3.A) Automation Areas Total = 5 Mention % of automation as per following table you have implemented and its benefit ( 3) (ii) Share 2 examples for each automation area with before after photos ( 2 ) S.N. Automation Area Total Opportunities Opportunities completed % automated Benefits 1 Loading 20 10 50 % Manpower saving 2 Unloading 100 % 3 Auto transfer 4 Auto input checking 5 Auto output checking 6 Clamping 7 Unclamping 8 Cleaning 9 Data recording Tool life monitoring Total You may add more areas

27 Before Automation / year = After automation / Year =
3. Automation Results (3.B) Safety results Total = 5 What issues were there before automation related to safety and how you have improved ? Mention in brief and share 2 to 3 photos ( 3 ) Number of accidents before and after automation ? And how safety is ensured for automation ? Mention with 2 examples ( 2 ) Before Automation / year = After automation / Year =

28 Share rework & rejection data for before and after automation ? ( 3)
3. Automation Results (3.C) Quality results Total = 5 What issues were there before automation related to Quality and how you have improved ? Mention in brief and share 2 to 3 photos ( 2 ) Share rework & rejection data for before and after automation ? ( 3) Rework Before Automation / year = PPM Rework After automation / Year = PPM Rejection Before Automation / year = PPM Rejection After automation / Year = PPM

29 Share Productivity / per man data ? ( 5 )
3. Automation Results (3.D) Productivity results Total = 10 What issues were there before automation related to Productivity and how you have improved ? Mention in brief and share 2 to 3 photos ( 2 ) Share Productivity / per man data ? ( 5 ) No. of Components Before Automation / day = Nos No. of Components After automation / day = Nos Share 2 best examples of cycle time reduction (3 )

30 Mention in brief , how automation has helped for Business Growth ( 3 )
3. Automation Results (3.E) Business Growth Total = 5 Mention in brief , how automation has helped for Business Growth ( 3 ) % of additional Sales turnover due to automation ? ( 2)

31 ( For office use only ) Section 4 Stakeholders Delight
Total Marks = 10 S.N. Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 4.A Manpower Utilization 5 4.B Plant upkeep TOTAL 10

32 As a result of automation what % of manpower is saved ( 3 )
4. Stakeholders delight (4.A ) Manpower utilization Total = 5 As a result of automation what % of manpower is saved ( 3 ) How much % of saved manpower is re-deployed ? (2)

33 4. Stakeholders delight (4.B ) Plant Upkeep Total = 5 How automation heled you to improve plant upkeep ? Mention in brief with text and photos ( e.g. Layout improved ? ( 3 ) Is there any effect on Inventory , If Yes , then mention its effect (2 )

34 ( For office use only ) Section 5 Nation Delight Total Marks = 10 S.N.
Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks ( for office use ) % 5.A Impact of Automation 5 5.B Net savings TOTAL 100

35 In your views , what is the major impact of automation for you ( 5 )
5. Nation delight (5.A ) Impact of Automation Total = 5 In your views , what is the major impact of automation for you ( 5 )

36 5. Nation delight (5.B ) Net savings Total = 5 As a result of automation , what are the net savings and in which areas ( 5 ) S.N. Saving area Per year Saving in INR Lakhs 1 Manpower 20 2 Energy 3 Quality 4 Pl add Total

37 Summary of Achievements ( Company has to fill up )
for the year ( Company has to fill up ) 1. Did you receive any awards other than Customers? 2. What are your biggest achievements in the last year? 3. What are challenges for you in the future and how are you preparing for it?

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