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Some of the realities: education and training of volunteer youth workers

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2 Some of the realities: education and training of volunteer youth workers
Līva Vikmane Policy Officer on Youth Policy HELSINKI, 21 February 2019

3 The European Youth Forum
Platform of youth organisations: National Youth Councils and INGYOs; More than 100 organisations; Greater youth participation; stronger youth organisations; Increased youth autonomy and inclusion

4 When we talk about Youth Work, we say:
Centred around young people; Focusing on interaction and activities planned with others; Empowering young people and engaging them as partners; Positive personal and social impact; Voluntary and meaningful participation; A non-formal education process; Engaging and fun in methodology

5 youth worker volunteer youth leader trainer

6 Some of the realities: education and training of volunteer youth workers
Self-validated and established training programmes; Delivery of state-accredited programmes; Issue/priority based trainings; Informal learning - learning by doing.

7 Self-validated programmes
National Scout Organisations certification of qualification and validation; recognition; renewal; badges

8 State-accredited programmes:
YMCA Germany and training for the youth leaders’ card

9 Issue/priority based trainings:
Working with migrant youth: ECYC training on intercultural learning and working with migrant youth; IFM-SEI “How Youth Organisations can support young refugees and migrants”. Digital and web: NYCI web resource and training on Web Safety in Youth Work

10 Learning by doing Importance of tools: open badges;
CoE Youth Work portfolio;

11 Other important questions
Transition from participant to volunteer; Flexibility in training provision (less hours, more weekends?); Importance of international cooperation and training opportunities - including CoE Youth Centres and Erasmus+

12 volunteer = non-professional

13 Get in touch! Līva Vikmane

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