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HOMEWORK WS6.5 WS12.1 3 Athletes involved in deviant behaviour (3 different examples) You must – identify the athlete and explain the incident You should.

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Presentation on theme: "HOMEWORK WS6.5 WS12.1 3 Athletes involved in deviant behaviour (3 different examples) You must – identify the athlete and explain the incident You should."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOMEWORK WS6.5 WS12.1 3 Athletes involved in deviant behaviour (3 different examples) You must – identify the athlete and explain the incident You should – explain the punishment given and impact on all involved You could – discuss the fairness for both sides

2 STARTER Pair and share: Green pen
3 Athletes involved in deviant behaviour (3 different examples) You must – identify the athlete and explain the incident You should – explain the punishment given and impact on all involved You could – discuss the fairness for both sides

3 LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain what is meant by Hooliganism;
Identify causes of spectator violence Identify solutions spectator violence

4 HOOLIGANISM What does it mean? Definition
Hooliganism: anti-social or aggressive/ violent behaviour by people in a group of spectators.

5 Hooliganism What is Hooliganism linked to?
Anti-social or aggressive (often violent) behaviour by some people within a crowd of football spectators. The behaviour is most likely to be aimed at rival spectator groups. The behaviour often offends/frightens spectators of either team.

6 Examples of behaviour demonstrated by hooligans
What examples are you aware of? Swearing, obscene chanting, threatening actions Racially motivated abuse Fighting between rival fans Fighting with stewards/police Pitch invasions Physical damage to the facilities, e.g. ripping out of seats

7 Compare to homework answers on WS12.1?
Hooliganism was particularly evident in football in the 1970s–80s but has not entirely disappeared from the game even now. Watch the following clip and note down possible solutions of football hooliganism. Compare to homework answers on WS12.1? IS12.3

8 Countering football hooliganism
Solution Explanation Control alcohol sales Conversion of stadiums to all-seater environments Improve policing/segregation of opposition fans Use of CCTV surveillance of fans In pairs - Student ideas

9 Countering football hooliganism
Solution Explanation Control alcohol sales Stop fans losing inhibitions and getting over-aggressive through drink Conversion of stadiums to all-seater environments Decreases build-up of crowd tension Improve policing/segregation of opposition fans Keep rival fans apart/prevent fighting Use of CCTV surveillance of fans Allows easy identification and removal of troublemakers

10 Countering football hooliganism
Solution Explanation Harsher penalties/bans for offenders More responsible media reporting In pairs - Student ideas

11 Countering football hooliganism
Solution Explanation Harsher penalties/bans for offenders Increase the deterrent for bad behaviour; keep known troublemakers away from games More responsible media reporting Decrease the hype/antagonism between rival fans IS12.3 Compare to homework answers on WS12.1?

12 HOMEWORK Find an article on Hooliganism:
You must do a Summary You should identify the positives, negative and interesting points (table) You could identify the causes and solutions Research for next lesson’s Debate: Why do athletes take Performance Enhancing Drugs? Physiological, Psychological and social reasons Why are drugs banned? Possible solutions to drug taking in sport Examples

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