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Utilization of Audio visual medium for conveying sputum collection instructions for tuberculosis diagnosis Presenter: Fred ORINA.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilization of Audio visual medium for conveying sputum collection instructions for tuberculosis diagnosis Presenter: Fred ORINA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilization of Audio visual medium for conveying sputum collection instructions for tuberculosis diagnosis Presenter: Fred ORINA

2 Introduction Tuberculosis still remains a disease with high public health implication due to: Mode of transmission- airborne Emergence of MDR and XDR Diagnosis a challenge because of low suspicion index quality of specimen produced even with highly sensitive new molecular platforms Relay of collection instructions

3 Objective Assessment the effectiveness of audiovisual digital platform in conveying instructions for sputum collection to presumed tuberculosis patients

4 Methodology Development sputum collection Booth
Standardized instructions for: Cough production technique promoting deep coughing Emphasis on Time to be taken for collection Volume required Specimen handling procedure after collection.

5 Study area Population (2009 census)  • Total 207,253

6 Relay of sputum collection instructions
Approach 1 (AVI) Approach 2

7 Patient recruitment and sample collection
 Randomized block design Trained healthcare workers Audio visual Instructions Platform

8 Specimen processing schematic

9 RESULTS: Demographic characteristics
Data from 202 patients was analyzed Mean age of 42 Range years Variables Total (n=202) AVI (n=102) Routine (n=100) p value n % Gender Male 102 50.5% 52 51.0% 50 50.0% 0.889 Female 100 49.5% 49.0% Age in years 18 – 30 66 32.7% 30 29.4% 36 36.0% 0.598 31 – 45 69 34.2% 35.3% 33 33.0% 46 and above 67 33.2% 31 31.0% HIV Infected   +VE 68 33.7% 32.4% 35 35.0% 0.691   -VE 134 66.3% 67.6% 65 65.0%

10 Distribution of sputum by quality

11 Distribution of sputum specimens by time of collection
No significant difference (p>0.05) between spot and morning samples Accurate sputum collection instructions

12 Primary outcomes POC diagnostics
Variables Total (n=202) AVI(n=102) Routine (n=100) p value n % ZN results Positive 28 13.9% 16 15.7% 12 12.0% 0.448 Negative 174 86.1% 86 84.3% 88 88.0% GeneXpert results 47 23.3% 25 24.5% 22 22.0% 0.673 155 76.7% 77 75.5% 78 78.0% POC point of care GX = GeneXpert TB = Tuberculosis GX better tool in diagnosis of TB than ZN microscopy as a POC tool More patients were diagnosed with sputum from booth

13 Pros and cons of AVI Pros Cons Privacy of participant
Ability of participant to review/playback the instructions Availability of online solutions Cons Some level of literacy to operate Relied on grid power to fx

14 Conclusions and recommendations
Audio visual instruction platforms can be used as an alternative to trained staff for relay of sputum collection instructions to presumptive tuberculosis patients Quasi experimental studies on impact of the use of audio visual instructions on tuberculosis detection.

15 Acknowledgements Study participants Malindi SC Hospital KEMRI CRDR
Study Team

16 Thank you

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