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Composer of the Month Felix Mendelssohn

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1 Composer of the Month Felix Mendelssohn 1809 - 1847
Mendelssohn is know as a composer in the “Romantic” period of 1810 to Art and music at the time focused on more spiritual aspects of life. Mendelssohn wrote symphonies, concerti, oratorios, chamber music and piano music. His most famous works include The Overture to The Hebrides; Song Without Words; and music for A Midsummer Night’s Dream often heard at weddings. A tune he wrote was later arranged for a Christmas carol!    “Ever since I began to compose, I have remained true to my starting principle: not to write a page because no matter what public, or what pretty girl wanted it to be thus or thus; but to write solely as I myself thought best, and as it gave me pleasure. Welcome to our Celebration Assembly

2 Attendance

3 Punctuality

4 Roll over week! House Points

5 Prefects’ Certificates

6 The Brunel Cup Awarded to:
Mr Wrightson, our caretaker, for making a huge difference to the school environment. The Brunel Cup

7 Stars of the Week Stars of the Week

8 3CS Alfie Dyer 3NR Tania Rahman 3SP Dennis Ryan 4G Tyler Ferrett
4JM Sophie Ansell 5EW Bradley Jeffery 5HP Ellis Troman 6EH Todd Lyons 6VP Saskia Brown Stars of the Week

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