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NB#23 Ch.13 Sec. 3 Electoral College

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1 NB#23 Ch.13 Sec. 3 Electoral College

2 Reason for the E.C. The Founders feared that citizens could not make a wise decision because they knew little about potential leaders. Article II, Section 1

3 The Electors People in each state who cast votes for President and Vice President Equal to a state’s number of representatives and senators (FL=29)

4 How the E.C. Works Voters are not actually voting for president- they are voting for the electors to vote for them. 538 electors- Total Congress members plus 3 for the District of Columbia. 270 electoral votes wins. Winner of popular vote in each state wins all the state’s electoral votes (except NE and ME).

5 E.C. Voting The electoral college casts their vote in December of the election year. Congress declares winner in January.

6 E.C. Problems Winner Take All
All electoral votes given to candidate winning the popular vote in the states. Possible for President to lose popular vote but win election.

7 E.C. Problems Most states do not require electors to vote for the candidate who wins the popular vote.

8 E.C. Problems Third Party Candidates
 Could take electoral votes away from other two candidates.  If no candidate wins majority of electoral votes, House chooses president.

9 E.C. Problems House Elections Each state has one vote
Small and large states have equal power

10 Does the Popular vote still matter?
YES! Because it determines which candidate an elector will vote for.

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