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Panel Discussion of SMS

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1 Panel Discussion of SMS
Joint Meeting of the FSF 61st Annual International Air Safety Seminar IASS, IFA 38th International Conference, and IATA SESSION IV PART 1 Panel Discussion of SMS Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen Are you ready for the Safety Management System approach? Are you ready to shift away from a reactive mode – in which advances stem from accident investigation – in favour of a proactive mode – in which the ongoing collection of data enables analysis of operations to identify risks and determine the best methods of addressing them before risks result in an accident or serious incident. Do you understand where your organisation has got to in managing this change? Are you able to lead in this situation? I certainly hope you are ready – but whatever level you are at in the SMS business in the next one and a half hours you are going to take a step up. As Bill Voss said recently, it’s time to get serious.

2 Panel Discussion of SMS
“The Moderator” David Mawdsley I’m “The moderator” of the panel. For those of you that don’t know me I’m David Mawdsley, a former Head of Corporate Safety with Cathay Pacific Airways and Director Safety for IATA. I now advise the Superstructure Group who produce Safety and Risk Management software and I represent them on the FSF International Advisory Committees.

3 Panel Discussion of SMS
“The Implementers” Peter Simpson, Cathay Pacific Robert Dodd, Qantas Jacqueline Booth-Bourdeau, Transport Canada Civil Aviation Gerhard Gruber, Vienna Airport It’s my privilege to introduce our Panel of SMS Implementers: Peter Simpson – Manager Air Safety, Cathay Pacific Airways Robert (Bob) Dodd – General Manage Group Safety, Qantas Airways Jacqueline Booth-Bourdeau, Chief, Technical Program Evaluation and Co-ordination, Transport Canada Civil Aviation Gerhard Gruber, Manager Rescue and Airport Operations, Vienna International Airport Panel Protocol Our Plan - The current plan is for me to preview the panel discussion and for each panellist to present a brief introduction of their view of SMS, followed by a discussion period chaired by me concluding with questions from the audience. Please therefore reach for the question cards right away so that you are primed to interact with these SMS implementers. Please note that both I and the panel members will speak from here and we work the slides from this location. In this way we should be able to take a more integrated approach and encourage interaction both between us and with each of you.

4 Are You Ready? Providers are responsible for establishing an SMS
States are responsible for the acceptance and oversight of providers’ SMS So I say again – Are you ready? The expectation from ICAO, authors of the mother of all Safety Management Manuals (Document 9859), is that by 1 January 2009, Service Providers will have established an SMS – they are responsible for doing so! Likewise States are responsible for the acceptance and oversight of the Service Providers’ SMS. There are a myriad of interpretations out there as to what this really means in terms of readiness but I know that many of you are feeling the weight of this “responsibility”.

5 2009 A Time for SMS Implementation and Integration
I put it to you however that 2009 is surely a time for SMS Implementation and Integration. The FSF International Advisory Committee has taken a position on SMS which is set out in a position paper to be included in the proceedings of this conference. The introduction of SMS has already brought many benefits, not only in terms of safety but also it has given greater clarity to air transport operations through accountability and safety performance criteria. But SMS is proving to be a tougher road than expected and is not without controversy. Indeed, in the United states and Canada the SMS approach has been challenged by the politicians and the general media. Many of you will have followed the President’s Message in Aerosafety where Bill Voss has addressed some of these issues head on and I commend to you the article in Aerosafety prepared by Linda Werfelman entitled Piece by Piece. SMS Implementers are concerned about complexity and struggle to get SMS understood by the airline or enterprise as a whole. Now is a time for leaders in SMS implementation at the highest level to really understand what is going on. There is a lot of information out there on “what” is required but not so much on “how” to implement. Nor is there very much out there on “how” to measure the SMS performance when its up an running. If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it as my former CEO Rod Eddington would say. With implementation comes the need integrate SMS with the organisation as a whole. We must recognise that an air carrier system is composed of a system of systems which are integrated and intra-supportive. We must preserve the life blood of the SMS – its data - by adopting a generative safety culture. Today’s powerful data management systems enable risk exposure to be mitigated not only in the operational safety area but across the enterprise as a whole. It reduces complexity, crosses organisational boundaries, improves business efficiency, reduces cost and saves lives. So that is my initial perspective of SMS and some sound bites from the FSF Position paper.

6 SMS Panel Member Perspectives
Let’s now turn to obtain the SMS Panel Member Perspectives.

7 The Panel Support Papers
“Our SMS Message” The Panel Support Papers FSF International Advisory Committee SMS Position Paper – David Mawdsley, Superstructure Group Safety Management Systems – Simplifying the Business – Peter Simpson, Cathay Pacific Airways Using an Integrated Causal Model to Better Manage Airline Risk – Robert Dodd, Qantas Airways Assessing Compliance in An SMS Environment: A Systems Approach to Oversight – Jacqueline Booth-Bourdeau, Transport Canada Civil Aviation Airport Safety Management Systems – Gerhard Gruber, Vienna AP SMS Implementation in an Expanding MROs – Mark Hayman, Director (Engineering), Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company First let me bring to your attention that we have a comprehensive set of support papers covering all disciplines of SMS – Industry, Airlines, Regulators, Engineering, Maintenance, MROs, Air Traffic Control which will be included in the proceedings on the seminar CD-ROM. This is our detailed message to you as a panel. Now for the bold points!

8 Safety Management Systems Simplifying the Business
Its been full redesigned based on extensive input from our customers. In fact, we asked for feedback and boy did we get it. We surveyed over 5000 users of our website, and over 6000 passengers on our planes. We got some great requests--like the 25 year old asking for special fares for people under the age of 26, and the 16 year old asking that we give away toy airplanes to people under the age of 17--but some really valuable insights and some straightforward requests--such as “cut the crap” on the site. Well, the new site is easier and more convenient to use, full of new features, and available in 8 languages globally. These include English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Italian, and Dutch. (In fact, we’ve thought of opening an online language school.) It’s a first step in a continuous series of enhancements over the next year. Let me tell you a little bit more Peter Simpson, Manager Air Safety

9 SMS - StB Even the ‘experts’ are casting SMS in a negative light – costly, time consuming, difficult, complex. SMS has become the buzzword of the 2000s, replacing TQM and the quality frenzy of the 1990s. A Safety Management System is simply a system for managing safety. Managing safety is about managing risk. SMS is not new, airlines have always managed safety and risk, but it wasn’t called SMS until 1990s Most airlines (inc those with IOSA) have an SMS or at least the basic components

10 SMS - StB Having an SMS does not make an airline safe, but an airline cannot be safe without an SMS. The challenge is to make the SMS effective Effective safety management requires a good safety culture Back to basics – identify risk, asses risk, manage risk An integrated system is not a single system or a single department

11 Evolution of the Qantas Safety Management System
Robert Dodd

12 Evolution of the Qantas SMS
Risk Driven Engineered Accountable Data focus Investigation Quality Audits Assess System Integrated SMS Managerial Accountability Measure Safety Performance Feedback process SMS Elements Multiple source Enterprise Risk Causal Framework Risk Estimation based on TEM model

13 Data Focus

14 Risk Driven Engineered Process

15 System Performance Measures

16 Integrated System Assessment

17 Enterprise Risk – Causal Framework

18 Transport Canada’s System Level Approach to Regulatory Oversight
Jacqueline Booth-Bourdeau Transport Canada Civil Aviation

19 SMS in the Canadian Context
SMS and the Canadian Aviation Regulations SMS Implementation process SMS Challenges: Industry and the Regulator Drivers of change: A new approach to oversight 19

20 Transport Canada’s Assessment Methodology
Audit versus Assessment: What’s the difference? Transport Canada’s assessment methodology Expectations Questions Scoring Criteria Benefits of the assessment approach The SMS assessment system appears to be new ground for a regulator. Would you kike to explain the system a little further – the mechanics of it and the grading system used?

21 Safety Management Systems
Airport Safety Management Systems Gerhard Gruber Manager Airport Operations Vienna International Airport

22 Airport Safety Management Systems
As of 24th November 2005 a certified aerodrome shall have in operation a Safety Management System

23 Airport Safety Management Systems
The reasons behind: Rapid air transport growth Number of aerodromes Expansion of aerodromes Increasing aerodrome privatization trend Increasing adoption of BOT (Build, Operate and Transfer) BOO (Built, Operate and Own) for the development of new and the expansion of existing aerodromes Global interest on aviation safety

24 Airport Safety Management Systems
Responsibilities of the Aerodrome Operator: To have a safety policy and organization To ensure staff safety awareness To verify externally provided goods and services To have effective monitoring systems To detect changes which could affect safety To detect deviations from standards To respond to changes in requirements To comply with State regulations

25 SMS in a Maintenance & Repair Organisation
Moving on across the SMS disciplines I would like to enter the Engineering and Maintenance zone. We do not have a panellist for this area but the panel is privileged to receive a paper from Mark Hayman, Director (Engineering) of HAECO – the Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company. Which has been on the SMS “Journey” as Mark calls it since the early 90s as I well know from working with Mark in my time with Cathay. Mark’s paper is included in the proceedings from this seminar. Some key points to note about his paper are: The way in which HAECO is using SMS to help manage the expansion of operations into China and more widely in Asia. The importance of SMS performance indeed he shows how keeping the air safety incident rate down the company share price continues to climb. Great emphasis on human factors, bringing people like Professor James Reason to run a training programme. Establishing a just reporting culture and a learning culture. HAECO has done a Gap Analysis in terms of the ICAO SMS Elements and has a big green tick. Has an “integrated” approach to Safety and Quality Management. Since 2006 has adopted Enterprise Risk Management - ERM. We have a tendency to think that ERM is something for the distant future. Well at HAECO it is here now and it is being taught of the Cranfield University SMS Course. I urge you therefore to read Marks paper which is in Power Point Format and very compelling. And most significantly is using the ICAO standard for risk management and in 2006 moved the SMS into Enterprise Risk Management SMS Implementation in an Expanding MRO

26 SMS for Air Traffic Management
A EUROCONTROL Perspective of SMS Implementation Not least across the SMS spectrum is the ATM community. You will have heard the Eurocontrol presentation this morning on the Skybrary Safety Knowledge Initiative given by Tzvetomir Blajev and John Barrass. This is a wonderful contribution to the Global Safety Management System – safety knowledge sharing. Likewise Eurocontrol has been at the leading edge of SMS implementation in their organisation and they have kindly agreed to the inclusion of their paper – A Eurocontrol Perspective of SMS implementation – in the proceedings. What is particularly interesting about their paper is the methods they are using for assessment of SMS maturity levels not only for the Air Navigation Service Providers but also for their regulators. I have also admired the work of Peter Stastny from Eurocontrol in SMS Performance measurement, particularly in the way he and his team has developed safety data reporting to identify key risk areas at European Level. Peter’s recent paper is included in the proceedings. Looking to the future I am pleased to note that EUROCONTROL see the “ICAO” Global Aviation Safety Roadmap as the way to go in SMS. They have looked at themselves in terms of the SMS Maturity levels set out in the Roadmap, which I would urge all regions and nations of the world to do. NEXT SLIDE – The Roadmap

27 A Road to Global SMS Integration
You will have learned from Curt Graeber’s Presentation yesterday about the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap and I commend it to you as a road to Global SMS Integration, downloadable from the FSF, IATA and ICAO websites.

28 SMS Panel Discussion

29 - From Audience to Panel
SMS Panel Questions Please! - From Audience to Panel

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