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October 27, 2017 Adhoc Committee

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Presentation on theme: "October 27, 2017 Adhoc Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 October 27, 2017 Adhoc Committee
NOTE: The Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Shared Competencies has excerpted slides from this presentation that document stakeholder involvement in the shared competencies initiative. This is a portion of the 12/4/18 Ad Hoc Committee report to the University Senate. Shared Competencies: Pilot of Syracuse 4+4 Institutional Learning Outcomes October 27, 2017 Adhoc Committee

2 Senate Involvement Spring 2016 Senate Presentation by Terra Peckskamp on Syracuse 4+4 Spring 2017 Senate Presentation by Rochelle Ford on Middle States Findings included Syracuse 4+4 Fall 2017 Senate Presentation by Rochelle Ford on Middle States Findings included Syracuse 4+4 Committee Engagement Library Fall 2015 Research Fall 2015 Instruction Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2017 Chairs of all Committees Spring 2017 Agenda in-coming and out-going chairs Summer 2017 Curriculum Fall 2017 Academic Affairs Fall 2017

3 4+4 Informal poll of students conducted by first year students
IMG_4614 Hello my name is Marcus Lane  I’m a sophomore at Syracuse University. Uh, two experiences that enhanced my communication skills are: one- um, having to speak at a panel, um, during Max 123, which is a course, uh, called “Critical Issues in the United States,” that helped me, uh, learn how to speak in front of mass audiences to communicate messages about my viewpoints. The second, um, experience was teaching basic entrepreneurial math, um, during the summer in Syracuse. I stayed in the community and I had to, uh, teach high school students, um the aforementioned subjects. Creative Reasoning IMG_8679 So, through Syracuse University I think I’ve achieved the creative reasoning skills. For one, I’ve started the guitar club and I think I’ve met a lot of great guitarists and singers who, where we exchanged a lot of ideas and a lot of opportunity to play music. Also, in, even in Whitman School of Management I am taking the entrepreneurship class so we learn how to be innovative, we bounce off ideas with each other, and I’ve met, like, a lot of great people and I think Syracuse University is like the perfect school to learn more about how to be more creative.  Check spelling

4 4+4 Listening Tour Meetings Nov.-May
Middle States Team 3&4 Whitman Faculty Arts & Sciences Faculty Maxwell & CAS Assessment Committee VPA Chairs and Directors iSchool Student Association & Graduate Student Organization Enrollment & Student Experience Directors Residence Hall Advisors Provost’s Deans Council Newhouse Faculty Falk College Faculty Engineering & Computer Science Faculty School of Education Faculty Senate Agenda Committee Chairs Generally well accepted; revisions and refinement necessary Generated implementation ideas Ethics and Integrity definition needs to be reconsidered, rewritten, and perhaps considered as a ninth competency Ethical reasoning and ethics, avoid verbatim of AAC&U Can people be ethical and lack integrity or be unethical and have integrity Faculty and staff need training Involves more than academic integrity and training of students Too sanitized Morality Ethics course is needed Civic and Global Require a foreign language competency – not math and technology (Report from the Educational Excellence Working Group) Get students off campus Students will have varying level because of time and emphasis Creative and Critical are too similar Knowledge through design or design thinking Multiplicity of boundaries Communicative isn’t explicit as literary skills Need to be more direct with reading, writing and communication Emotional Intelligence Focus on Health Minds Resiliency (coping/resiliency) Literacy: Scientific Governmental Moral and ethical

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