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Cultural Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Geography

2 What is Culture? Culture is all features of a people’s way of life.
Learned and passed down from parents to children Important parts of culture: Language, religion, architecture, clothing, economics, family life, food, and government

3 Culture Traits Activities and behaviors that people often take part in. Culture traits can be the same or linked Many different types of culture traits Government, education, religion, language, food, economy, housing, clothing

4 Culture Regions This is an area in which people have shared culture traits. Countries can have many different culture regions, or they can have just one Ethnic groups help to make culture regions Human population that shares a common culture or ancestry

5 Culture Change Acculturation: when an individual or group adopts some traits of another culture Innovation: new ideas that a culture accepts Diffusion: when an idea or innovation spreads from one person our group and is adopted by another.

6 Globalization This is the process in which connections around the world increase and cultures become more alike.

7 Traditionalism This is when a longtime practice is followed and modern technologies and ideas are opposed. Opposite of Globalization Fundamentalism: people believe in strictly following established principles or teachings. Old way of doing things should not be changed

8 There are an estimated 3,000 to 6,500 languages that are spoken across the world today, divided into language families. Changes in speech patterns within a language are called dialects. For example a Southern drawl, a New York accent, or street slang.

9 Ways that cultures express themselves make them unique:
Music dance Architecture Painting oral and written literature folk tales, poems, and stories.

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