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The Origins and History of Museums

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Presentation on theme: "The Origins and History of Museums"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Origins and History of Museums

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4 Developing Effective Teams

5 Team A group of two or more people who share a common goal and are interdependent in that the tasks necessary to accomplish the goal require them to work together. 5

6 Five Characteristics of Effective Teams
Goal or goals of team are understood and committed to by all. Roles of each member are understood and agreed to by all. Process or procedure for managing or conducting the business of the team is understood by all. Productive work environment developed by team. Strong team leadership. 6

7 Team Leadership Appointed Selected Shared and/or Rotated
Through Consensus 7

8 Team Goals Common Goals are not the same as Similar Goals! 8

9 Five Stages of Team Development
Forming Fuming Norming Performing Adjourning 9

10 Forming Definition—initial period during which the members of team become acquainted and get used to fact that they will be working together on a project. Desired Outcome: Commitment to the project Acceptance of each team member 10

11 Fuming Definition—period during which conflicts emerge within the team. Desired Outcome: Shift of perspective from individual to team member Encouragement and support of open expression of diverse points of view Development of respect of for diversity Clarification of purpose and process 11

12 Norming Definition—period during which cooperation is achieved and conflict is avoided collectively. Desired Outcome: Acceptance of personalities, purpose and process Development of trust, support and cooperation Renewed interest in improving group-dynamics 12

13 Performing Definition—period during which productivity is at its height. Desired Outcome: Greatest potential to achieve project goals Solving problems and promoting interdependence Problems solved cooperatively Development of a sense of pride through individual and group achievement 13

14 Adjourning Definition—period during which project is completed and team’s accomplishments are evaluated. Desired Outcome: Feedback for future ventures Closure for team members Celebration of contributions 14

15 Internal Barriers to Successful Teamwork
Individual egos Hidden agendas Apathy Unresolved conflicts from previous associations Personality conflicts 15

16 External Barriers to Successful Teamwork
Limited or diminishing resources Unclear goals or ambiguous projects Competing priorities A management culture in which teams have no real authority to make decisions Imposed competition Changes in team membership 16

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