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FRG Event Concept Sketch (09APR19)

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1 FRG Event Concept Sketch (09APR19)
Mission: The 35th Engineer Battalion conducts the Engineer FRG Event on 09APR19 at TA250 to build the team of teams amongst the Engineer Regiment and foster esprit de corps within our local community. Key Task: 1) Engage key Engineer Spouses and leaders on initial planning guidance 2) Conduct FRG Event that showcases ALL Engineer Capabilities 3) Develop Spouse resiliency/ confidence through competitive atmosphere 4) Plan, resource, rehearse, and execute all critical tasks 5) Conduct all events safely through risk mitigation End-state: Spouses have gained a deeper understanding of EN history, modern operations in the Army, and have developed esprit de corps with each other and the members of the Army Engineer Family. N PARKING Grapnel Proposed Events Grapnel Hook (12B) IRB (12C) Heavy Equip (12N) Timeline 09APR2019 (TUES): 0800 Onsite Final Registration Light breakfast (Panera Bread) and welcome Round Robin Competition; groups of 8-10 rotate through events Lunch with USO Truck/ Trailer Awards and remarks with BG Whittle IRB Build (Opportunity Event) 1530 ENDEX/ Site Teardown Obstacle Course Surveying (12T) Electrical (12R) Talon Robots (CEHC) Carpentry (12W) Static Displays HVY EQP Divers Fire Fighters Prime Power Prime Power Carpentry USO Electrical register Talon Robots Survey IRB Build Heavy Equip Static Display Proposed Inclement Weather Plan at TA-250 Spouses will get split into 3 roughly equal groups (estimated <30 each). 0800 Final onsite registration Breakfast and welcome Round Robin in Bays (Events:TBD) Lunch with USO Truck 1330-UTC CMDT Remarks/ COAs

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