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Have your Cornell notes setup for today

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1 Have your Cornell notes setup for today
WARM UP Have your Cornell notes setup for today If you are ready to go when I call time, you will get a treat!

2 Unit 4 Day 1: European Landforms
Chapter 12 Notes Unit 4 Day 1: European Landforms

3 Peninsula of Peninsulas?
Europe is a large peninsula of Asia, plus there are many peninsulas jutting out from it also.

4 Cont’d Northern Peninsulas- Scandinavian Peninsula Jutland Peninsula
Sweden & Norway Jutland Peninsula Denmark Jutland: Divided between Denmark and Germany

5 Cont’d Southern Peninsulas- Iberian Peninsula- Italian Peninsula-
Spain & Port Italian Peninsula- Italy Balkan Peninsula- Greece, Serbia…

6 What is a fjord? Fjords- U-shaped valleys that connect to the sea, & filled with seawater after glaciers melted. Created by glaciers Common in Norway

7 Do not need to write! European Islands- Iceland, Greenland, Ireland, Great Britain, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Ibiza, & Crete

8 Mountain Chains of Europe-
Mountains? Mountain Chains of Europe- Alps, Pyrenees, Apennine, & Balkan Mountains

9 Seine River Major Rivers Danube River Rhine River

10 Peat- partially decayed plant matter, found in bogs, and used as fuel
What is peat? Peat- partially decayed plant matter, found in bogs, and used as fuel (Few Trees) Non-renewable (1mm per year)

11 Climate of Europe? Europe has a MILD climate
Most of Europe enjoys a climate of warm summers and cool winters Deforestation has occurred Why did Europeans clear the trees away? Answer: So they could settle and farm the land! Alps, mountains, have a harsher climate and have higher elevation. Can reach depth 33 feet of snow in the winter.

12 Special Winds? The Mediterranean coast of France receives the MISTRAL (a cold dry wind from the North) Other Mediterranean countries experience the SIROCCO (hot steady south wind from Africa) MIHStruhl suhRAHKoh

13 Ice Hotel in Northern Sweden
No trees grow here, just permafrost (which remains permanently frozen) Winter is extremely long and summer days are long as well. Sometimes during the summer, the sun never sets all day and that is why this place is called the Land of the Midnight Sun

14 How do they interact with the environment?
Dikes- earthen banks Polder- land that is reclaimed from the sea by diking and draining the water. 40% of the Netherlands (Holland) was once underwater Windmills are a familiar site here Windmills used to pump the water however now they have electric pumps

15 What is acid rain? Acid Rain in Europe- has been happening since the industrial revolution in the 1700’s Acid rain strips forests and air pollution causes deforestation

16 A floating city of canals and islands
Pollution in Venice? Venice, Italy A floating city of canals and islands Weight of the buildings is causing the city to slowly sink Pollution, algae and erosion Waste, sewage and saltwater are eating away at the buildings Floods endanger the city Killer algae grows rapidly, killing fish. Not healthy and also smelly.

17 Answer in complete sentences.
1. Why is dredging the canals a positive and a negative for Venice? 2. Why do Venetians have to trust their government when buying fish? 3. What are the challenges of living in Venice (everyday tasks like shopping and work)? 4. Would YOU live in Venice? Why or why not?

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