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Chain of Responsibility … Made Easy!

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1 Chain of Responsibility … Made Easy!
Shane Gale, Grain Producers SA

2 What is Chain of Responsibility?
What are the HVNL Regulations? Amendments reformulated the CoR obligations on a party as an overarching and positive duty of care: an employer of a driver a prime contractor for a vehicle if the vehicles driver is self-employed an operator of the vehicle a scheduler for the vehicle a loading manager for any goods in the vehicle a loader and/or unloader of a vehicle a consignor of any goods for transport by the vehicle a consignee of any goods in the vehicle a loader and/or unloader of any goods in the vehicle wider i.e. mechanical (safety) HVNL regulations Heavy Vehicle (Fatigue Management) Heavy Vehicle (General) e.g. Performance Based Standards (PBS) Assessor approval Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) Heavy Vehicle (Registration) Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards)

3 CoR background …

4 Grower meetings March 2018 Meetings with growers on the Eyre Peninsula to help identify knowledge gaps GPSA NHVR – SA Grain Producer Meetings (March 2018) Safety Policy? Safety Management Systems - demonstrate compliance? Codes of Practice? = Gaps

5 Response GPSA applied for funding NHVR’s Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative to deliver a heavy vehicle safety education and awareness program to support farmers to increase their primary duty of care awareness and compliance. Specifically the GPSA program targeted all primary producer members of PPSA and aimed towards reducing red tape and to assist primary producers in meeting the changes to the CoR laws. The program identified and made use of competent road transport trainers familiar with the policies and procedures used by the NHVR in administering the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS). This ensured only trainers who have completed NHVAS Auditor technical competency courses are providing advice critical in understanding CoR Laws. The NFF partnered with us seeing our program as a development Pilot Program to consider a national roll out in the future. The NFF featured CoR Made Easy content on the NFF website. The Chain of Responsibility… Made Easy! campaign was designed and implemented by Grain Producers SA in response to members concerns about changes to CoR laws that were due in October 2018. The Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative program supports implementable, value-for-money projects that deliver tangible improvements to heavy vehicle safety. Administered by the NHVR on behalf of the Commonwealth Government.

6 Program structure

7 Content Development

8 Launch Murray Bridge 6 February 2019

9 Workshops


11 Analysis

12 Participant understanding
Attendees’ understanding of chain of responsibility legislation and their role within the chain Participants’ understanding of Chain of Responsibility legislation and their obligations within the chain: Before Workshop: 2.88/5 After Workshop: 4.31/5 Before and after the workshops

13 Relevance of information
How relevant was the information received in relation to your industry and the produce you transport? 84% Very Relevant

14 Participant recommendations
Would you recommend this workshop to other primary producers seeking to better understand their chain of responsibility obligations? 97% would recommend GPSA’s CoR workshop to others

15 Overall ratings

16 Implementing changes Do you plan to make changes to your business as a result of this event? 86% say they plan to make changes.

17 Use of follow-up materials
How likely are you to use the follow-up materials (checklists and templates), and support provided by Natwide? 93% say they are likely to use supplied follow-up materials.


19 Thank you!

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