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Restructuring In Schools Merlyn Vlotman – HR Consultant

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Presentation on theme: "Restructuring In Schools Merlyn Vlotman – HR Consultant"— Presentation transcript:

1 Restructuring In Schools Merlyn Vlotman – HR Consultant

2 Contents Defining Change Understand Why Restructure is Needed Communicating The Benefits Keep The Negatives In Mind Planning Process Communication Behaviours

3 Contents Fair Procedures Visibility The Finance of Change The Risks of Getting it Wrong Preparing for Post-Restructure Summary

4 Defining Change Departmental redefining Reporting lines Academisation
Joining a Multi Academy Trust Merging schools Downsizing

5 Understand Why Restructure is Needed
To stay competitive Not reaching goals Finances

6 Communicating the benefits
Efficiency Progress Over time restructuring can lead to positive changes Stronger/defined job description

7 Keep the negatives in mind
Inconsistent explanations of what's happening Keep a handle on perception Impact in the classroom Survivor guilt Disruption Inertia

8 Planning Plan with the values and culture of school in mind
Bring the best people to your transformation team Make the process a set of specific stages Review and analysis stages should be included Use the services of a consultant Seek Governors’ support

9 How to proceed for smoother restructuring
Early HR involvement at the planning process Consultations with unions Review the factors for restructuring Define the reason for restructuring - this is core to communications Refer to legislation - Disability, Age, Gender (Discrimination) Skill sets & performance measures - applied consistently

10 Communication Keep stock of your own feelings
Connect with the emotions of staff Resolve conflicts

11 Behaviours Set the tone by presenting positive behaviour
Balance of power Keep the workforce motivated Change management Real values

12 Fair Procedures Fair selection criteria
Listen to staff suggestions and opinions Consider the effects on different groups e.g. Teaching Assistants, Teachers, Support Staff Transparency

13 Visibility Always be available to staff Avoid secret meetings
Be honest Be genuine It’s OK not to know all the answers

14 The Finance of Change Not just redundancy pay-outs
There is a cost to restructures in staff time, legal and consultancy Getting it wrong could really cost… in court Doing things right first time… saves

15 Risks of Getting It Wrong
Increased absence Poor performance Resignations Gossip

16 Preparing for Post-Restructure
Get input from staff for the future vision Keep CPD on the agenda Bring in “aftercare” if needed

17 Summary Negativity during restructure Positivity after restructure
Communication is key Keep reviewing the process If part of your plan isn’t working – change it – communicate it

18 Quote “Where employees feel that the change has led to a positive outcome for them they report better wellbeing after the event. What can make them feel that it is positive is if they have had the opportunity to influence the process and feel that management, and in particular senior management, have also supported it.” Karina Nielsen - Professor of work and organisational psychology, Norwich Business School, UEA

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