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Becoming-a death through community creative practice

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1 Becoming-a death through community creative practice
Abby Buckley AARE 2017 Symposium: Innovative Research Projects From The Space Place Body Group

2 Sedimented Ontology & Epistemology
Subjective | Internal Objective | External Personal I Experience Own thoughts, beliefs, values, emotions, memories, meanings IT Behaviour actions, performance Collective WE Culture Family/Tribe/Relationships Shared thoughts, beliefs, values, ITS Systems social, ecological Ken Wilber – Integral Theory – AQAL model


4 Locating my research in the liminal space
Subjective | Internal Objective | External Personal I Experience Own thoughts, beliefs, values, emotions, memories, meanings IT Behaviour actions, performance Collective WE Culture Family/Tribe/Relationships Shared thoughts, beliefs, values, ITS Systems social, ecological How can I be in this world without Robbie? Ken Wilber – Integral Theory – AQAL model

5 crochet conversation construction craft Data 4Cs

6 Fibre of ‘a life’ and ‘a death’ - crochet

7 Death Café - conversation

8 Coffin making - construction

9 Coffin decorating – craft

10 Lost or found? An entanglement of a life and a death in that picture
Language around death People tell me they are sorry for my loss What did I lose? I wasn’t a careless mother who lost her son at the supermarket Robbie died. As you can see I have found so much through robbies death. As I continue on this PhD journey I feel I am becoming a death in order to become a life – they are one in the same – the more I get lost in the liminal space od death the more I am found – the binary of life-death seems to have disintegrated in this space. A new ontology is emerging Maybe we can find the answers we need on how to live by rushing headlong into what we most fear – death.

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