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Introduction to the NPM for ESS Cold Linac
Cyrille Thomas 11 June, 2019
Layout Introductive digression: Requirements, specification and instrument design NPM: baseline and Cold Linac NPM baseline Other instruments studied and discarded Planning timeline of the project Interfaces Project summary
Profile Measurements Requirements
Level 4 requirement as given in DOORS for the Cold Linac Sections Proton beam instrumentation shall function over a peak beam current range of 3 mA to 65 mA Proton beam instrumentation shall function over a proton beam pulse length range of 5μs to ms Unless specifically stated, all instrumentation shall be able to perform the measurements and report the relevant PV data at a repetition rate of 14 Hz The transverse beam profile shall be measured with a total measurement error in the RMS extension of the beam of less than ±10% The transverse beam profile shall be measured with a total measurement error in the 95% extension of the beam of less than ±10% The transverse beam profile measurement shall have a dynamic range of 1000 … These requirements do not constitute specification for the instrumentation L5 requirements specify condition in which a requirement can be fulfilled
Translation towards instrument specs:
L4 Requirement 1,2,3: Proton beam instrumentation shall function over a peak beam current range of 3 mA to 65 mA Proton beam instrumentation shall function over a proton beam pulse length range of 5μs to ms Unless specifically stated, all instrumentation shall be able to perform the measurements and report the relevant PV data at a repetition rate of 14 Hz WS + NPM (3mA,3µs) -> 1011 proton per pulse (65mA,50µs) -> 1013 proton per pulse* (6mA,300µs) -> 1013 proton per pulse* (65mA,2.98ms) -> 1015 proton per pulse NPM: # event to be detected Profile measured for each and every nominal pulses Detection threshold for a measurement + WS does not produce a single pulse profile measurement * NPM May not produce measurement for a single pulse L5 requirements for the NPM specified through interfaces NPM range of operation and performance to be determined in the detail design phase
Instrument design and performance
L4 requirement 4: beam size, s, with 10% error or less: Instrument response spread function D: Case with no correction from instrument model Case with correction Instrument Model is essential! See Model of an IPM: Investigation on Space Charge Perturbation to the Profile Measurement by Francesca Belloni s sm
Instrument Model: Example
X-ray pinholes camera with a range of apertures 25 (s) 100 (c) 50 (c) 30 (c) 25 (c) 20(c) 12 (c) Raw images PSF Processed images Knowledge of the Model! Value reported of the emittance coupling used by feedback system to stabilized Diamond vertical emittance around 8pm.rad as requested by Science Division (initial nominal at 30pm.rad)
L4 requirement 5 and 6: The transverse beam profile shall be measured with a total measurement error in the 95% extension of the beam of less than ±10% The transverse beam profile measurement shall have a dynamic range of 1000 M0 = 29999 M1 = s = Skew = Kurt. = Gaussian! Analogic and digitized signal: Signal intensity and gain selection Instrument in counting mode regime: 30x103 counts, 100 bin # counts, noise level, single event signal discrimination
Requirement L4 and L5 For the Beam Instrumentation, L4 requirement essential to start the design of the instruments L4 requirements guide the specifications to the instruments, and the technical implementation is specified by L5 requirements L4 requirements set a good basis of discussion to reach the common objective to build, commission and operate the accelerator matching the L1,2,3 requirements Appreciation of how L4 requirements can be match is part of the discussion between the partners and stakeholders
ESS Linac and NPMs BIF IPM BIF NPM: Transverse profile measurement up to full power Tuning and operation diagnostic Commissioning tool: profile and measured size for matching beam and lattice parameters to the model predicted nominal values, emittance measurement and measure emittance growth Operation: monitor beam nominal parameters Performance: Profile measurement per pulse (14Hz, nominal conditions) Intra-pulse measurement bonus (highly desired) Baseline: BIF: 1st choice, everywhere it is possible: NPM type 1 IPM: where BIF cannot deliver expected performance: NPM type 2 See next Talk: Accelerator Tuning and Beam Profile Measurements From Dr. Yngve Levinsen (Beam Physics Section)
NPM for the Cold Linac NPM baseline: Fluorescence based profile measurement: Robust Reliable Low maintenance Does not work in the Cold Linac Sections 10-9mbar, 1015 protons = 1-10 photon through an optical system Another instrument is required: choice of ionisation based instrument: 10-9mbar, 1015 protons > 104 – 105 ions/electrons Known instrument, IPM, installed on several proton accelerators in the world Knowledge base Possible collaboration
Other possible candidates:
Optical Diffraction Radiation: Coherent signal, but at mm wavelength, difficult technology Doesn’t provide direct shape measurement Electron gun beam scanner: Assume no correlation between long. and transverse planes in order to retrieve profile: long. bunch size >> trans. bunch size Doesn’t apply to ESS beam Laser – vacuum residual gas interaction: time-resolved and/or spectroscopy techniques (many possible setups) Great potential: 10-9mbar = 25x103 emitters / mm3 emitting coherently Never been fully investigated except 1 case 15 years ago (absorption spectroscopy of Ar, B. Pottin PhD thesis, Univ. Paris Sud, 2001) Yet to be done: full theoretical study, prototypes testing, further design, etc. to develop a mature instrument Gas jet injection + BIF: not mature enough to be installed between cryo-cavities. Studies (BI and Vacuum) started at ESS to gain expertise …
NPM for the Cold Linac Project plan: Preliminary design:
Source studies: to understand the signal intensity as function of the gas species and for the possible readout systems Space Charge studies: understand the ESS beam conditions and impact on the ions/electrons projection Readout system to be selected and related performance of the NPM, taking into account radiation environment Control integration and EPICS compliance Maintenance estimates for the in-vacuum and out of vacuum parts of the system Detail design: Detail of the system baselined at PDR stage Prototyping and performance proving CDR date March 2018 Procurement, installation, integration, commissioning Commissioning date: Beam on target on DumpL commissioning mid-2019
Interfaces NPM is an instrument for the beam diagnostic, it has many interfaces: Accelerator physics group, responsible for the definition of the tuning and operation nominal points Vacuum group, since part of the instrument is in vacuum, and the main intensity directly depends on the good (but we ‘expect’ bad) vacuum chamber residual pressure Linac Group in charge of the integration ICS group for the control integration Etc. Communication with all these partners is critical Contact and discussion in place with most partners (Vacuum, Mechanical Integration, Control Integration, Beam Physics, Safety, etc.
NPM: Project Summary Conceptual Design Detail Design PDR Production
Feasibility Requirements interfaces Detail Design Detail design (mechanical, electronic, etc.) Performance demonstration Prototyping Production Procurement Assembling Delivery installation Integration commissioning Handover to operation PDR CDR SAR
09: :15 General Introduction of NPM for ESS Dr. Cyrille Thomas 09: :30 Accelerator Tuning and Beam Profile Measurements Dr. Yngve Levinsen 09: :50 Introduction to the CEA Saclay Preliminary Design of the IPM Mr. Jacques Marroncle 09: :20 Study of the Electric Field Uniformity 10: :40 Coffee Break 10: :25 Model of an IPM: Investigation on Space Charge Perturbation to the Profile Measurement Dr. Francesca Belloni 11: :00 Source Signal Estimation and Foreseen Read-out System to Be Tested Florian Benedetti (PhD) 12: :35 IPM Test Bench Design and Beam Test Strategy 12: :10 Lunch 14: :25 LWU Design and Integration of the NPM Mr. Thomas Grandsaert 14: :50 Control Development and Integration Support for the Cold Linac NPM TBD 14: :05 Building Block for the Cold Linac NPM Mr. Hinko Kocevar 15: :40 NPM Design and Production Timeline 15: :00 16: :30 Closed Session
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