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Sports & Drugs Barbiturates Classified as depressants and may stop the

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1 Sports & Drugs Barbiturates Classified as depressants and may stop the
(CNS) Central nervous system from working at all. Commonly called blue heaven, yellow jackets, or red devils. Highly addictive and can produce severe symptoms, including death. Health effects of Barbiturates Sedation and somnolence, decreased attention span Memory impairment, Impaired thinking, Fainting Decreased blood pressure and heart rate Nausea and vomiting, impaired motor coordinating Slurred speech, Stupor, coma, Impaired memory and judgment. Death from depression of respiratory centers in the brain

2 Sports & Drugs Barbiturates
Can increase problems with emotional disorders discontinuation can result in anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia. Four categories of effects of Barbiturates Long lasting Intermediate acting Short acting Very short acting

3 Sports & Drugs Barbiturates
can form a physical dependency after long term and sometimes short term use. effects on sports can be helpful in reducing anxiety in sports could be banned in sports For long acting barbiturates can be detected two to three weeks after use.

4 Sports & Drugs Amphetamines
belongs to a class of drugs called sympathomimetic amines or stimulants. causes the release of excitatory neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, to stimulate the central nervous system (CNS). commonly called uppers or known by the street names as Bennies, black beauties, meth, crank, bumble bees, speed, crystal, ice, copilots, footballs, ice cream, and beans. came into use in 1887 as a nasal decongestant that could be acquired as an over the counter drug. Used in WWII as a drug to increase alertness in the soldiers

5 Sports & Drugs Amphetamines
Can be used orally, with effects taking place within 30 minutes and lasting in excess of three hours. Can be injected and smoked the smoke-able form is called ice and is the most potent, long lasting and extremely addictive. Is banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the NCAA.

6 Sports & Drugs Amphetamines Mental effects of Amphetamines
Wakefulness, Awareness, Decreased sense of fatigue Mood elevation, increased self confidence, decreased appetite. distorting perception of reality, impairing judgment could cause an athlete to participate while injured Abused by athletes such as gymnast, wrestlers, and Dancers to decrease appetite to reduce body weight.

7 Sports & Drugs Amphetamines Adverse Health effects Acute side effects
increased heart rate, increased blood pressure reduced appetite and weight loss, Insomnia Hallucinations and paranoia, Headaches, Convulsions Death may also occur due to interrupted blood vessels In the brain, heart attacks, heart rhythm abnormalities and Heatstroke.

8 Sports & Drugs Amphetamines Adverse Health Effects
Chronic side effects Uncontrollable and abnormal movements of the Face and jaw muscles called dyskinesias. Compulsive and repetitive behaviors Paranoid delusions similar to schizophrenia Death of blood vessels through out the body Nerve damage

9 Sports & Drugs Amphetamines
Constant use will erode both physical and mental health. Is detected readily in urine and can be detected In the urine 2 to 4 days later.

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