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Published byVincent Potter Modified over 5 years ago
ESA PDGS Data Cube Andrea Della Vecchia, Damiano Guerrucci, Mirko Albani (ESA) Simone Mantovani (MEEO) CEOS WGISS#47 29th April 2019
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
PDGS Data Cube Objectives
Brings the users to the data Provides standardised and harmonised interfaces to manage EO and in-situ data Innovative, and complementary, approach to access and visualize data Permits on-the-fly pixel based processing and bulk asynchronous processing Integration into ESA Collaborative Environment
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
UC1: EO Data Discovery, Visualization and Pixel-based Access UC2: EO Service Discovery and Processing
Web based GUI Jupyter Notebook CLI / REST API
Visualization layer Standardised data access interfaces allow connecting a wide range of user interfaces Datacube Engine/API VMs The deployment of DAS in front of each data source enables effective pixel-based access services DAS OGC WCS Server ESA Third Party Missions ESA Heritage Missions ESA Earth Explorer Data layer Data remain at their own location (multiple data centers) with the original data format
TPMs online data storage @ESA
Mission Product (~ 0.6 PB) Temporal coverage Data format Hosted processing Landsat-5 Level 1 (L1G, L1Gt, GEO_1P, GTC_1P) (Storage: 355 TB) 04/1984 – 11/2011 (link) EO-SIP (ZIP): - single band TIF @ESA (WCS link; GUI link) Landsat- 7 Level 1 (TC_1P) (Storage: 64 TB) 07/1999 – 12/2003 (link) Tropforest Multiple (Storage: 8TB) 07/2006 – 04/2011 (link) - ZIP: CEOS format @ESA (under registration) SPOT-1-5_ESA Level 1 / Level 2 (Storage: 6TB) 04/1986 – 11/2015 (link) @ESA (wcs) IKONOS-2 Level 1 (Storage: 1TB) 12/2000 – 12/2008 (link) - ZIP: TIFF OceanSat2 Level 0 / Level 1 / Level 2 (Storage: 126TB) 10/2015 – 07/2018 (link) - ZIP: HDF HDF inside a ZIP currently not supported Seasat 07/1978 – 10/1978 (link) - TAR: CEOS format
HMs online data storage (Temporary storage@ESA)
Mission Product (~ 1.6 PB) Temporal coverage Data format Hosted processing ENVISAT ASA_GM1_1P 2002 – 2012 (link) Level 1: ENVISAT (N1) @MEEO (wcs) ASA_IMM_1P ASA_WSM_1P ASA_IMS_1P @MEEO ASA_IMP_1P ASA_APS_1P ASA_APP_1P ASA_WSS_1P ERS SAR_IMS_1P 07/1991 – 07/2011 (link) Level 1: ERS (E1) @MEEO (wcs_token) Q2-2019 SAR_IMP_1P ENVISAT.ATS.LST_2P 24/07/ /04/2012 Level 2::nc ENVISAT.ATS.LST_3P Level 3: nc ENVISAT.UPA-L2P (SST) 2002/05/ /04/08 Level 2: nc ENVISAT.UPA-L3U (SST)
EEs online data storage @ESA
Mission Product (~ 1.5 TB) Temporal coverage Data format Hosted processing SMOS Collection (Storage L2 ~1.5TB) MIR_SMUDP2 2010 – today (link) DBL / GeoTIFF @MEEO (GUI link) MIR_OSUDP2 MIR_BWSF1C (link) @ESA Q2-2019 MIR_BWSD1C MIR_BWLF1C MIR_BWLD1C MIR_SCSF1C MIR_SCSD1C MIR_SCLF1C MIR_SCLD1C MIR_SC_F1B MIR_SC_D1B
UC1: EO Data Discovery, Visualization and Pixel-based Access
The users: connect to the GUI ( select the collection(s) define AOI/TOI connect to the central jupyter hub use/edit/create notebooks to manage the full data cycle (discover, access, process, visualize) Open his/her own terminal use API / CLI to code and send the access / processing query UC1: EO Data Discovery, Visualization and Pixel-based Access The GUI: connects to sends the access / processing query to the DAS component The DAS: retrieves the data from the online storage sends back the GUI
UC2: EO Service Discovery and Processing
The users: connect to the GUI ( select the collection(s) define AOI/TOI connect to the central jupyter hub use/edit/create notebooks to manage the full data cycle (discover, access, process, visualize) Open his/her own terminal use API / CLI to code and send the access / processing query UC2: EO Service Discovery and Processing The jupyter hub provides ( : notebooks with examples of access / processing query to the DAS interactive interface for live coding to discover, access, process, visualize the datacube(s)
Mission-specific data
F E D E R A T I O N Web based GUI Jupyter Notebook CLI / REST API Visualization layer Standardised data access interfaces allow connecting a wide range of user interfaces Datacube Engine/API VMs The deployment of DAS in front of each data source enables effective access services DAS DAS DAS DAS DAS DAS DAS Data layer Data remain at their own location (multiple data centers) with the original data format Mission-specific data Thematic data Other geospatial data
Federated Infrastructure
Available Collections (~ overall storage +5PB) High Resolution optical satellite data (Level 1) Sentinel 2 (10m, global, since 2015) Landsat 8 (30m, Europe, since 2013) Land Products (Level 2+) Vegetation Indexes (250m - 10m, 2000) Land Surface Temperature (1Km, 2000) Soil Moisture (100Km - 10km, 1978) Land Cover type (1km, 2000) Atmospheric Products (Level 2+ Numerical Model) Air Temperature ( km, 1979) Precipitation (100km - 4.5km, 1979) Aerosol Optical Thickness (1km, 2000) Ocean products (Level 2+ Numerical Model) Sea Surface TEMPERATURE (5km, Global, 2017) OCEAN Salinity (10Km, Global, 2010) Chlorophyll data (5km, Europe, 2010 – 2013) Sea Surface Height (12km, Europe, 1993 – 2017) Sea Surface Velocity (12km, Europe, 1993 – 2017) ESA TPMs/ HMs/ EEs Landsat 4/7 (30m, Europe, since 1984) SPOT (1986 – 2015) ERS-1/-2 (1991 – 2011, on demand) ENVISAT (2002 – 2012, on demand) SMOS (10km, since 2010) In BLUE external repositories
ESA DC / ODC Federation – Next Step
WGISS-46-28: WGISS-Exec (Robert Woodcock, Andrea Della Vecchia) to prepare one to two slides for the SEO on what WGISS is doing for Data Cubes and propose a way forward for cooperation between WGISS and SEO on the FDA Data Cube topic. ESA “Data Cube Service” Project will address international interoperability issues … WCS 3.0 Evolution … Standardised OGC WS Interface OGC WCS Server Proprietary APIs ODC ESA Third Party Missions ESA Heritage Missions ESA Earth Explorer
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
UC3.1: In-situ / EO Service Discovery and Processing (on-going)
UC2.1: In-situ / EO Data Discovery, Visualization and Pixel-based Access - Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise (ACIX) - Radiometric Calibration Network (RadCalNet) UC3.1: In-situ / EO Service Discovery and Processing (on-going) - Customized UI to support AOT/WV/SR inter-comparison - Jupyter notebook to support live coding / sharing
EO and In-situ Data Management
Preferred - Under development Preferred Optional SQL ingestion In-situ On-the-fly Translator rasterization EO WCS Pre-processing (e.g., ARD): Re-projection Re-sampling Format conversion OpenSearch
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise (ACIX)
ACIX aimed to bring together the developers of Atmospheric Correction (AC) processors, to generate who were invited to generate the corresponding Bottom-Of-Atmosphere (BOA) products. The European Space Agency and NASA organise this exercise on AC processors inter-comparison using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 imagery of various sites, i.e. agricultural, snow/artic areas, deserts and coastal. A common and harmonised inter-comparison procedure was agreed and followed by all the participants. For more information about the ACIX workshops, please follow the links to the SPPA web pages: ACIX I 1st WS , ACIX I 2nd WS Objectives To elaborate concepts, protocols and guidelines for the inter-comparison and validation of BOA products To better understand BOA reflectance uncertainty contributors by comparing the outputs of different AC schemes To identify and review the different uncertainty contributors To propose further improvements of the available AC schemes Expected Outcomes Description of concept, protocols and procedures for inter-comparing and validating products Assessment of the relative differences among the inter-compared AC processors results Definition of key regions and key periods for validation and quality assessment Description of a coordinated plan for inter-comparison and validation activities
ACIX Inter-Comparison Exercise
Inter-comparison of BOA radiometric calibration processors AERONET stations over 19 sites to perform in-situ measurements of AOT, WV and SR Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 acquired over sites and converted to BOA with selected processors, to generate AOT, WV and SR Inter-comparisons performed for all the products on image subset of 9km x 9km centred on every AERONET sites
Radiometric Calibration Network (RadCalNet) https://www. radcalnet
RadCalNet is an initiative of the Working Group on Calibration and Validation of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites. The RadCalNet service provides satellite operators with SI-traceable Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) spectrally-resolved reflectances to aid in the post-launch radiometric calibration and validation of optical imaging sensor data. The free and open access service provides a continuously updated archive of TOA reflectances derived over a network of sites, with associated uncertainties, at a 10 nm spectral sampling interval, in the spectral range from 380 nm to 2500 nm and at 30 minute intervals. Each individual site is equipped with automated ground instrumentation in order to provide continuous measurements of both surface reflectance and local environmental/atmospheric conditions needed for the derivation of TOA reflectance values. TOA reflectances provided on this portal are derived from the individual sites surface and atmosphere measurements using a common method through a central processing system. Each member site takes responsibility for the quality assurance of the surface/atmosphere measurements provided and is subject to peer review and rigorous comparison to ensure site-to-site consistency and SI traceability.
RadCalNet Exercise Support post-launch TOA radiometric calibration and validation of optical EO data Ground nadir-view reflectance measurements (converted to TOA), and atmospheric measurements such as surface pressure, columnar water vapour, columnar ozone, aerosol optical depth and the Angstrom coefficient, over 4 sites Nadir-view top-of-atmosphere reflectance at 30 minute intervals from 9am to 3pm local standard time at 10 nm intervals from 400 nm to 2500 nm
ACIX/RadCalNet Inter-Comparison Exercise
Web based GUI Jupyter Notebook Data Preparation: in-situ and EO Level 2 data are indexed and registered in the data cube, preserving both radiometric and geometric properties Data Access: DAS shall offer access to both EO and In-situ data via unified interface (i.e. WCS) Data Processing: Jupyter allows the users to perform inter- comparison scripts, sharing the code with authorise users, and accessing always the same data via WCS server. PROs Centralised data repository, replacing scattered ftp servers Harmonised and standardised online data access interface, permitting data download Reproducibility of inter-comparison exercises (via Jupyter notebook), restricted to authorised users Easy sharing of algorithms and results DAS OGC WCS Server Landsat-8/Sentinel-2 Data In-Situ: ACIX and RadCalNet
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
ESA PDGS Data Cube SW Refactoring
Software refactoring currently on-going Porting all PDGS data cube components to Docker and Kubernetes – fast and easy deployment and horizontal scalability Faster indexing time Quicker time response To support concurrent users Preserving all functional/interoperability requirements Operational Environment ready by June 2019 http(s):// http(s)://
Interfaces Adherence to standards / Evolution of standards
Discovery – OGC/CEOS OpenSearch BP – to discover collections and products Access – OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS 2.0) – to provide pixel based access (including sub-setting in any dimension) Processing OGC Web Processing Service (WPS 2.0) – to execute processing on data cubes Jupyther HUB – “The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text” (see
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
Collaborative Environment
EO collaborative environment is a virtual working environment providing discovery and access services to EO data, analysis tools, processors, Information and Communication Technology resources required to work with them, through one coherent interface. A collaborative environment aims to change the paradigm from “data to user“ to “user to data”
ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
To provide the ESA PDGS with a set of interoperable and federated services permitting the users to: Access to missions/platforms information supported by a common ontology Discovery and, if possible, direct access to EO and in-situ data: Copernicus Missions (e.g. Sentinels) Third Party Missions - TPMs (e.g. SPOT, Landsat, …) Heritage Missions - HMs (e.g. ERS-1/2, ENVISAT, …) Earth Explorer – EEs (e.g. SMOS, Cryosat, SWARM, …) International repositories (e.g., NASA CMR, CEOS IDN) Discovery and access to exploitation services (e.g. datacube): Browse/visualization tools for time series analysis EO data extraction, resampling and reprojection Hosted Processing for authorised users/communities (e.g. CAL/VAL)
Conceptual Model Web User Interfaces
Operational interface ESA External Query and service requests Web User Interface for pixel-based access, analysis and processing Web User Interface for granule-based discovery and/or retrieval Mission oriented GUI - SWARM - Cryosat - SMOS - External Multi Mission GUI: – ESA EOCAT ESA EO Information Page: - ESA EO Gateway International EO Information Page: - CEOS IDN ………. ESA PDGS Data Cube GUI, VIRES GUI, etc… External catalogue application Conceptual Model Data access interface Operational Data Access Web User Interfaces Standard services request Interfaces (e.g., restful API) Protocol for data access (e.g., OGC, Open Datacube) OpenSearch (collections and granules) (collections and granules) Products Access Interface Knowledge-Base Facility EO Data & Service Metadata Repository Thesauri Repository Standardised Interoperable Interfaces Metadata management Centralised Knowledge-Base Facility Data Repositories Data Repositories Standardised Interoperable Services Interfaces IT Resources provided as services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) VM – Browse Images Generation VM – DataCube Engine/API VM – Processors User Applications Storage Temporary ESA User Applications Hosted Processing ESA Missions Data Repositories External Web Interfaces Copernicus Data Repositories External Web Interface TPMs HMs EEs S-1 S-2 S-3 S-5
PDGS DataCube into Collaborative Environment
MEEO DAS & Jupyter @ ESA ESA (NFS read-only)
Outline ESA PDGS Data Cube ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment
Use Cases EO Data Management In-Situ Data Management CEOS WGCV System Scalability ESA PDGS Collaborative Environment Next Steps
Next Step – 2019 ESA PDGS Data Cube TTO by Q2 2019, including:
Software refactoring, based on Kubernetes, to boost performance and manage concurrent users Internal OpenSearch interface aligned with CEOS OS BP 1.2 All ESA TPM/HM/EE collections available WCS & Jupyter interfaces for ESA Cal/Val initiatives (ACIX, RadCalNet) Update of ESA by Dec ’19, including: Cooperation with CEOS WGISS / WGCV / FDA teams WPS interface available Interoperability enhancement (e.g., connection with Open Data Cube instances in synergy with ESA Datacube Service Project) Web User Interface for ESA Cal/Val initiatives (ACIX, RadCalNet) New ESA missions available
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