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Inter-University Council for East Africa
The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), an institution of the East African Community (EAC) responsible for coordinating the development of higher education and research in the Community. Specifically IUCEA is mandated to:- Facilitation of networking among universities in East Africa, and with universities outside the region; Provide a forum for discussion on a wide range of academic and other matters relating to higher education in East Africa; and Facilitate maintenance of internationally comparable education standards in East Africa so as to promote the region’s competitiveness in higher education. As IUCEA is a Regional Facilitation Unit (RFU) for the ACE II Project, IUCEA coordinates, facilitates and administers project implementation and provides capacity building support to the ACEs.
RFU Key Features As an institution of the EAC, IUCEA is a regional inter-governmental organization of 6 Partner States: the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Republic of Uganda, with its headquarters in Kampala Republic of Uganda. IUCEA is governed by the Executive Committee (Governing Board) supported by Standing Committees. IUCEA budget is financed equally by the Partner States. Other sources of finance include membership subscription fees and development partner support for specific program activities.
Features …. cont The day-to-day running of project activities is vested on the Project Coordinator (PC) . The Project Coordinator is assisted by a team composed of an M&E Officer, a Project Accountant, an Information and Communications Officer, Procurement Assistant and an Audit Assistant. The project operates under the overall guidance and oversight of a Regional Steering Committee (RSC) whose main task is to set guidelines for the project, and to ensure that the ACEs achieve the project development objectives.
Main Achievements and Highlights in the Last 12 Months
During the period under review, IUCEA achieved the following: Organized a Technical Advisory Meeting (TAM) and a 9th RSC meeting which was held in Lusaka, Zambia from 9th to 10th May and on 11th May, 2018, respectively. Conducted joint technical support mission to Malawi from 9-13 April, and Ethiopia from 29 Jan.-2 Feb Facilitated the approval of ACEs work plans for the World Bank approval for July 2018-June 2019 for the following countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda & Uganda.
Achievements in the last 12 months… cont
Received and processed 463 applications for MSc scholarships for female scientists. Invited Technopolis to submit proposal for independent verification of DLRs/DLIs. Finalized guidelines protocols for development of proposals for incubation Centres and the same was approved by the RSC. Disseminated information to enhance the regional student enrollment at the Africa Centers of Excellence. IUCEA managed to organize an organized a joint advisory and technical meeting with ACE I in Accra, Ghana as well as the 8th Regional Steering Committee (RSC) meeting which was held on 10th November 2017 in Accra, Ghana. Facilitated the Rwanda a private sectors of the centers with Centre Leaders and Vice- Chancellors Facilitated the 1st Africa-China World bank Education Partnership forum which was held July 10-15, 2017.
Achievements in the last 12 months… cont
Successfully conducted technical support missions to the following countries: Mozambique (31 July-1 Aug. 2017), Tanzania (20-26 Sept ), Rwanda (2-9 Oct. 2017) and Uganda (13-15 Nov. 2017). Facilitated all ACEs to meet Effectiveness Conditions: All countries declared effective. Initiated Recruitment of an Independent Verifier firm for verification of ACEs DLIs/DLRs-technical evaluation completed during the reporting period and the process to be finalized in the next Semi- annual reporting period RFU has supported information sharing to boost regional student enrollment at the Africa Centers of Excellence.
Consolidated ACE Targets & Results Achieved for YEAR: JULY 2017- JUNE 2018
A. Students enrolment Indicator Value Year July June 2018 target Year July June 2018 cumulative actual % level of achievement Regional students enrolled in ACEs Masters (Total) 262 93 36 Masters (Female) 91 40 44 PhD (Total) 77 112 146 PhD (Female) 49 136 Short-term courses (Total) 157 172 110 Short-term courses (Female) 14 18 129 Total students (regional and national) enrolled in ACEs 840 918 109 321 325 101 253 381 151 96 130 135 882 1369 155 38 113 297
Total students enrollment (Regional and National)
Targets reached by 43, 61, and 127 percent for MSc, PhD and short courses, respectively
Total students enrollment (Regional)
Regional enrollment stands at 17 and 54.5 for MSc and PhD, respectively.
B. MoUs, Accreditation and Project Beneficiaries (July 2017-June, 2018)
Indicator Value Year July June 2018 target Year July June 2018 cumulative actual % level of achievement MOUs on partnerships for collaboration in applied research and training entered into by the ACEs Total 90 115 128 Accredited education programs offered by the ACEs 95 106 National 78 100 Regional 13 2 15 International 11 Short-courses (Total) Direct Project beneficiaries 1373 2688 196 Female (%) 20 29.5 148
RFU Targets & Results Achieved for YEAR 2017/18
Indicator Value Year July June 2018 target Year July June 2018 cumulative actual % level of achievement Faculty and PhD students exchanges to promote research and teaching Total 192 190 99 Female 48 37 77 Amount of externally generated revenue by the ACEs USD (Million) 7,159,000 16,699,983 233 Internationally recognized research publications in disciplines supported by the ACE Program and with regional coauthors 222 316 142 No. co-authored with regional collaborators No. of institutions hosting ACEs participating in the PASET benchmarking exercise 83 118 64
Amount Received Date Amount Utilized USD 800,000 USD 315,043 USD 247,933 TOTAL USD 562,976
(Works, goods, and consultancies) Procurement request submitted on
PROCUREMENT PROGRESS Items procured (Works, goods, and consultancies) Cost Procurement request submitted on Current Status 1. Consultancy services for an independent verifier USD 540,000 June 2018 Bank approved the invitation and the solicitation letter sent out awaiting the proposal by closing period 2. Publicity materials for technical and advisory meetings Various On-going 3. Facilitation for events in Malawi, Ethiopia and meetings in Zambia (Tickets and hotel etc) Completed.
Items procured (Works, goods, and consultancies) Cost Procurement request submitted on Current Status 8. Recruitment of Project Coordinator USD 315,000 Not yet submitted Pending agreement IUCEA and the World Bank of the ToRs for the post 9. Advertising several consultancies Done and the process is on-going. 10. Facilitation of meetings in Kigali-Rwanda, Accra-Ghana and Ethiopia, etc. (air tickets and hotel services)
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 2: Capacity Building Support to ACEs through Institution and Regional Interventions 1 ACEs-private sector partnership promoted 1.1 Hire Technical Assistance (TA) firm (s) to manage private sector partnership programme. 1.2 Facilitate consultancy fees to the TA Firm to manage the program. 1.3 Facilitate the Private sector partnership programme. 1.4 Monitor/supervise implementation of the partnership programme. Activities for 1.1 and 1.2 were handled by IUCEA/RFU following the decision of the RSC. IUCEA/RFU Finalized guidelines protocols for development of proposals for incubation Centres and the same was approved by the RSC.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status ….cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENATION PROGRESS Component 2: Capacity Building Support to ACEs through Institution and Regional Interventions 2 Scholarships to encourage regional student mobility provided 2.1 Hire Technical Assistance (TA) Firm (s) to manage the Scholarship programme. 2.2 Facilitate consultancy fees to the TA Firm to manage the program. 2.3 Provide Masters scholarships to Universities 2.4 Monitor/supervise implementation of the scholarship programme Received and processed 463 applications for MSc scholarships for female scientists using existing capacity
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status … cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation 1 Regional Steering Committee (RSC) meetings facilitated 1.1 Hold bi-annual (ordinary) meetings 1.2 Hold extra-ordinary RSC meetings (virtual) 1.1.1 The 9th Regional Steering Committee was held on 11th May, 2018 in Lusaka, Zambia. 1.1.2 The 8th Regional Steering Committee was held on 10th Nov in Accra, Ghana. 2 Technical and advisory meetings facilitated 2.1 Hold bi-annual technical and advisory meetings 2.1.1 Organized a Technical Advisory Meeting (TAM) was held in Lusaka, Zambia from 9th to 10th May 2018. 2.1.2 A joint ACEI and ACE II technical and advisory meeting was held on 7-9th Nov in Accra, Ghana before 8th RSC meeting.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status … cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation 3 Monitoring and evaluation of project implementation undertaken 3.1 Develop M&E tools for the ACE II project 3.2 Undertake M&E for the ACE II project 3.1.1 IUCEA reviewed and provided assistance to ACEs during preparation of Jan.-June 2018 using the reporting protocol template (PPT) and the M&E Tracking Tables. 4 Project audit facilitated 4.1 Facilitate yearly project audit by EAC Audit Commission 4.1.1 The activity was scheduled for July-Dec 5 Annual work plans and budgets developed 5.1 Develop annual work plans and budgets 5.1.1 Annual work plans and budgets for July 2018-June 2019 were developed and presented to the 9th RSC meeting, held in Lusaka, Zambia.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status ….. cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation 6 Progress and financial reports for the ACE II project 6.1 Prepare quarterly progress and financial reports for the ACE II project 6.2 Prepare annual progress and financial reports 6.1.1 Semi-annual IFR was submitted to the World Bank in February, 2018. 7 Financial management of the project 7.1 Recruitment of Staff 7.2 Facilitate emoluments for project staff 7.3 Facilitate IUCEA and Project Staff Training 7.1.1 The Procurement Assistant was recruited. The 9th RSC meeting approved the recruitment of the new Project Coordinator. The recruitment of an Individual Audit Consultant was in progress. 7.2.1 Emoluments for project staff were facilitated. 7.3.1 The Procurement Assistant attended STEP training while the Project Accountant attended a Financial Management Training which was facilitated by the Kenya School of Government.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status…. cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation 7.4 Monitoring and supervision of ACEs 7.4.1 Undertook technical support mission to the ACEs in the following countries: Ethiopia from 29 Jan. -2 Feb., 2018 and Malawi from 9-13 April, 2018.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status …. cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation 7.5 Printers and I scanner, laptops, projector, furniture 7.5.1 Procurement process for printers, scanner, laptops and projector was in advance stage progress. 8 Evaluation of DLIs/DLRs 8.1 Recruitment of firm to carry out evaluation of DLIs/DLRs 8.2 Facilitate the evaluation of the DLIs/DLRs in 8 countries Invited Technopolis to submit proposal for independent verification of DLRs/DLIs.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status… cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation Communication and Dissemination of Project Information 1 Project communication strategy developed and implemented 1.1 Validate the communication strategy for the project with RSC. 1.2 Implement project communication strategy (adverts, press conferences, website, newspapers, publications. 1.2.1 Implementation of Communication Strategy is on-going. 2 National regional, and international networking and outreach activities for the project facilitated 2.1 Identify existing national, regional, and international networking and outreach activities. 2.1.1 Interaction with stakeholders is on-going.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status….cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation Communication and Dissemination of Project Information 2.2 Share with and advise ACEs on emerging opportunities on national, regional, and international networking and outreach activities. 2.2.1 ACEs participated in the APPPF. 2.2.2 The RFU website publishes events and opportunities. 3 Video and/or audio consultations with stakeholders (including the World Bank) encouraged 3.1 Establish availability and functionality of video conferencing facilities at the ACEs. 3.2 Hold regular virtual consultations with ACEs on project activities. 3.1.1 Video conferencing facilities available in some of the centers 3.2.1 Agreed with ACEs to start monthly country specific VCs from the following reporting period.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status…... cont
KEY PROJECT DELIVERABLES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation Communication and Dissemination of Project Information 4 Knowledge sharing and networking between the ACEs, partner institutions and other stakeholders supported 4.1 Establish availability and functionality of knowledge sharing channels at the ACEs. 4.2 Maintain an up-to-date website for the ACE II project. 4.3 Facilitate dissemination of research findings by ACEs through publications, patent registrations, etc. ACEs have social media platforms, websites, logos and sign posts. 4.2.1 ACE II website updated at least twice a week.
Reporting and Compliances: Annual Work Plan Status….. cont
Component 3: Facilitation, Coordination and Administration of the Project implementation Communication and Dissemination of Project Information 5 Meetings with national and regional higher education agencies coordinated 5.1 Identify national and regional higher education agencies. 5.2 Organize annual meetings with national and regional higher education agencies 5.1.1 National and regional higher education agencies were identified. It is on going A meeting of higher education agencies from ACE II participating countries was held in August 2017 in Rwanda. It is an on-going activity.
Reporting and Compliances – Financial, Audit, Procurement, Safeguards Status
Interim Financial Report Status Semi-annual IFR was submitted to the World Bank in February, 2018. Annual Audit Report Status The annual audit report by the EAC Audit Commission available and submitted to the World Bank in February 2018. Procurement Plan, Procurement Progress, Procurement Audit The procurement plan for the RFU was revised and submitted to the World Bank to which a No-Objection was granted in STEP. There was a Procurement Post Review Mission by the Bank in June 2018 with an overall indicator risk rating of “substantial”. All sub-indicators were risk-rated “moderate.” Social and Environmental Safeguards Actions and Compliance There is no activity that requires social and environmental safeguards at the RFU.
Next Steps Conclude the selection of 30 Female scholarship awards.
Conclude selection of incubation centres Carry out support missions in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Conduct TAM and RSC meetings in Kigali, Rwanda Recruitment of subject matter experts. Carry on with verification of DLIs/DLRs. Complete the recruitment process of an Individual Audit Assistant.
Next Steps Continue holding country specific joint monthly VCs with the ACEs and the World Bank. Provide continuous guidance to ACEs in implementation of their projects as appropriate: results framework and reporting; PASET Benchmarking initiative/exercise; independent verifications of ACEs results and outcome including financial information to trigger disbursement to the ACEs; and review and submission of annual work plans (procurement plans, staff development plans, etc.); networking and collaboration between ACEs and between them and other stakeholders; etc. Capacity building for project staff through relevant training, etc.
Challenges and/or Reflections
Late submission of semi-annual progress reports and data for verification by some ACEs. Failure to share the success stories and setting up websites by some ACEs. Limited capacity for monitoring of DLIs/DLRs by some ACEs. Independent verification, if not concluded will results in some of the ACEs to halt their activities due to lack of funds
Areas Where You Need Support from NSC, IUCEA and WB
World Bank to continue support IUCEA in facilitation of coordination of the project/ACEs through monthly country specific VCs meetings; ACEs to submit their reports in the stipulated time to allow timely compilation of reports by IUCEA as an RFU NSC to monitor performance and reporting compliance by the ACEs NSC to interact with National Agencies for quality assurance and accreditation to enhance capacity for both national and international accreditation of MSc and PhD Programs World Bank, through Country specific TTL, to support verification of DLI 3 and 4.
ACE II Participating Countries
Ethiopia Kenya Malawi Mozambique Rwanda Tanzania Uganda Zambia
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