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Dr. Susan P. Mains Geography

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1 Dr. Susan P. Mains Geography
GE21001 Dynamic Human Worlds Lectures Development, Power and Place Dr. Susan P. Mains Geography

2 Lecture Outline Defining Development Forms of Development:
Forms of Development: - political context -uneven development ‘measures’ Useful Readings: *Radcliffe, S. (2005) Rethinking Development. In Cloke, P., Crang, P. and Goodwin, M. (Eds) Introducing Human Geographies. 2nd Edition. London, Hodder Arnold, pp Willis, K. (2005) Theories of Development. In Cloke, P., Crang, P. and Goodwin, M. (Eds) Introducing Human Geographies. 2nd Edition. London, Hodder Arnold, pp

3 Defining Development A range of social, economic, political and health factors How do we measure “political development”? Shift from financial to more holistic measures Cultural and political context significant What kinds of “development” are desirable?

4 Defining Development “Development” created in a particular political context President Harry Truman “underdevelopment” 1948 at the beginning of the Cold War Relational The idea of a continuum 1st, 2nd, and 3rd World, later a 4th? Again political context significant US imperialism

5 Ways of Measuring ‘Development’
Population Characteristics Check the Population Reference Bureau: DataFinder for up-to-date statistics Doubling Time: the measure of how long it will take the population of an area to grow to twice its current size Life Expectancy: the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live


7 More Population Measurements
Total Fertility Rate (TFR): the average number of children a woman will have throughout her lifetime Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): the number of deaths of infants less than 1 year of age compared to the number of live births for that same year (or infant deaths per 1,000 live births)


9 Education Indicators Literacy rate: the percentage of the population over age 15 years able to read and write, and is often broken down by sex Secondary School Enrolment


11 Economic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP): a monetary measure of the value of goods and services produced within a national economy over a given period of time Gross National Product (GNP): GDP + net income from abroad GNI PPP per capita: the Gross National Income (with purchasing power parity) per person


13 Human Development Index
GDP and GNP are seriously deficient as measures of economic activity: they omit whole areas of work they perversely count as wealth creation that which may destroy the foundations of productive activity Human Development Index: The United Nations uses a Human Development Index, which is calculated on measures of life expectancy, educational attainment and personal income.

14 Non-Demographic Indicators III
Human Development Report (UNHDP) Links between environmental and political contexts Links between, infrastructure, policy, education & health Role of national and international institutions, everyday experiences, obstacles and opportunities for change e.g., the politics of water

15 Millenium Development Goals
Time specific targets Millennium Summit (2000) Millennium Declaration 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Millennium Development Goals for 2015

16 Millenium Development Goals
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality rates Goal 5: Improve maternal health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

17 The purpose of politics is to bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people—Jeremy Bentham

18 Political Indicators Global Peace Index (2010) The Map of Freedom
The Map of Freedom Corruption Perceptions Index Border Disputes E.g., the Arctic


20 Political Indicators Global Peace Index (2010) The Map of Freedom
The Map of Freedom Corruption Perceptions Index Border Disputes E.g., the Arctic


22 Political Indicators Global Peace Index (2010) The Map of Freedom
The Map of Freedom Corruption Perceptions Index Border Disputes E.g., the Arctic


24 Political Indicators Global Peace Index (2010) The Map of Freedom
The Map of Freedom Corruption Perceptions Index Border Disputes E.g., the Arctic



27 Contrasting Perspectives
Abbas submits Palestinian statehood bid to UN Netanyahu: Better bad press, than a good eulogy



30 Borders, external influences and access to resources

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