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Creating Symbols For Multiple Use

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1 Creating Symbols For Multiple Use
Engineering Design Technology Sacramento City College Creating Symbols/Blocks

2 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Objectives Create and save blocks Insert blocks in drawings Edit a block and update it in a drawing. Insert drawings and blocks into drawings. Create blocks that are saved independent of the drawing. Construct and use a symbol library of blocks. Creating Symbols/Blocks

3 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Symbols or “BLOCKS” Creating Symbols/Blocks

4 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Constructing Blocks A block can be any Shape. Symbol. View. Drawing Text Group of lines. that you use more than once. Creating Symbols/Blocks

5 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Constructing Blocks Examples of blocks Chair Desk Plumbing Fixture Piping Symbol. Etc. Creating Symbols/Blocks

6 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Constructing Blocks When preparing drawings LOOK for items that should be a block Review the drawing. Look for any shapes, components, notes, and assemblies that are used more than once. These can be drawn once and then saved as blocks and re-used over and over again. Saves time. Saves $$$ for your company. Creating Symbols/Blocks

7 Creating Symbols/Blocks
AutoCAD has two commands for blocks. Block WBlock Creating Symbols/Blocks

8 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creates a block that is stored within the CURRENT drawing ONLY. Re-use block over and over in THAT drawing. LOCAL access only. Creating Symbols/Blocks

9 Creating Symbols/Blocks
WBLOCK – Creates a block that is saved as a separate drawing file on your diskette, flash or hard drive Can be used in any drawing. Put Blocks in Library on file server. Can be used by the entire company. GLOBAL access Creating Symbols/Blocks

10 Creating Symbols as Blocks
Both types of blocks can be scaled and rotated to meet the drawing requirements. Creating Symbols/Blocks

11 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Both types of blocks can be used to create a symbol library. A symbol library is a related group of symbols. Pipe Furniture Mechanical symbols Creating Symbols/Blocks

12 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creating a Block Creating Symbols/Blocks

13 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creating a Block Procedure to create a block. 1. Select the drawing components that should be part of the block. 2. Name the block. 3. Indicate the block “handle” or Insertion Point. Creating Symbols/Blocks

14 The Effect of Layers On Blocks
Creating Symbols/Blocks

15 Drawing the Block Components
Two Methods 1. Draw blocks on Layer 0 2. Draw blocks with components on other layers. Creating Symbols/Blocks

16 Drawing the Block Components
Method 1 – Created on Layer 0 The block will have the same color, linetype and lineweight as the layer on which it is inserted. The block will become “part of the family” where it is inserted. Always create blocks on layer 0. Usually the preferred method! Creating Symbols/Blocks

17 Drawing the Block Components
Example 1: If a block is Created on Layer “0” and the INSERT’ed on a layer with these attributes: RED color HIDDEN linetype The block will appear RED and HIDDEN. Creating Symbols/Blocks

18 Drawing the Block Components
Example 2: If a block is Created on Layer “0” and the INSERT’ed on a layer with these attributes: GREEN color CENTER linetype The block will appear GREEN and CENTER. Creating Symbols/Blocks

19 Drawing the Block Components
Example 3 The block components will always have specific color, linetype or lineweight regardless of which layer it is inserted on OVERRIDE the Color Linetype Of the block entities BEFORE creating the block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

20 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Layers and Blocks Blocks when created retain the properties of the layers on which they were created. Retain the layers on which they were created. Creating Symbols/Blocks

21 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Layers and Blocks ByLayer is the default creation mode. When set to “ByLayer”, the block will take on the properties of the layer it is inserted. Block color and linetype are determined by the layer on which they were created. Creating Symbols/Blocks

22 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Layers and Blocks If a block named circle was created with Red color. Dashed linetype. When inserted or used on the drawing, it remains red and dashed, no matter what layer it is inserted on. Creating Symbols/Blocks

23 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Layers and Blocks A block defined in ByLayer mode retains its properties, including layer. If the layers do not exist in the drawing where the block is being inserted, AutoCAD creates these layers. Creating Symbols/Blocks

24 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Layers and Blocks A block must be created on layer 0 to assume the properties of the layer it is inserted on. Creating Symbols/Blocks

25 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Layers and Blocks If a block is created on layer 0, and inserted on layer 1, it becomes part of Layer 1 and assumes Layer 1 properties. If the block is exploded, the objects return back to layer 0 and to the original color and linetype of Layer 0. Creating Symbols/Blocks

26 Creating Symbols/Blocks
ByLayer vs ByBlock If the current linetype is set to BYLAYER, The block is created with the current linetype assigned to that layer. Creating Symbols/Blocks

27 Creating Symbols/Blocks
ByLayer vs ByBlock If the current linetype is set to BYBLOCK, The block will assume the current color and linetype when it is inserted into a drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

28 Creating Symbols/Blocks
ByLayer vs ByBlock If the current linetype is set to BYBLOCK, Objects are created using the CONTINOUS linetype until the objects are grouped into a block. When the block is inserted into the drawing, those objects acquire the current linetype setting. Creating Symbols/Blocks

29 Creating Symbols/Blocks
ByLayer vs ByBlock If the current color is set to BYLAYER, Objects are created with the color assigned to the current layer. If the current color is set to BYBLOCK Objects are created using color 7 (white or black) until the objects are grouped into a block. When the block is inserted into the drawing, it acquires the current color setting. Creating Symbols/Blocks

30 Changing Block Properties
Creating Symbols/Blocks

31 Changing Block Properties
Use the Properties window to change the properties of a block. To open the Properties window Right-click, choose Properties Or Double-click entity. Creating Symbols/Blocks

32 Creating Symbols/Blocks

33 Forcing Color/Linetypes for Blocks
Creating Symbols/Blocks

34 Drawing the Block Components
Occasionally you will need to create a block with Specific colors. Specific linetypes. A BLOCK can be created with specific colors and linetypes regardless of the layer it is to be used on. Creating Symbols/Blocks

35 Drawing the Block Components
A user can override the color linetype settings before drawing the objects Use OBJECT PROPERTIES drop-down box. Creating Symbols/Blocks

36 Drawing the Block Components
To allow the block to assume the current color and linetype when the block is inserted into a drawing, set the current object color and linetype to ByBlock. Creating Symbols/Blocks

37 Drawing the Block Components
To set the color to ByBlock, Pick ByBlock in the Color Control drop-down list of the Object Properties toolbar. OR Pick Color... from the Format pull-down menu to access the Select Color dialog box. Pick the ByBlock button in the Logical Colors area. Creating Symbols/Blocks

38 Drawing the Block Components
To set the linetype to ByBlock, Pick ByBlock in the Linetype Control drop-down list of the Object Properties toolbar. OR Pick Linetype... from the Format pull-down menu to display the Linetype Manager dialog box. Pick ByBIock in the Linetype list and then pick the Current button. Creating Symbols/Blocks

39 Creating Symbols/Blocks

40 Creating Symbols/Blocks

41 Creating Symbols/Blocks

42 Drawing the Block Components
A block created with ByBlock settings assumes the current color and linetype when it is inserted into a drawing, regardless of the current layer setting. Creating Symbols/Blocks

43 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creating Blocks Creating Symbols/Blocks

44 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block To create a BLOCK: Pick the Make Block button in the Draw toolbar OR Pick Make... from the Block cascading menu in the Draw pull-down menu Enter B, BLOCK, or BMAKE at the Command: prompt. Any one of these methods displays the Block Definition dialog box. Creating Symbols/Blocks

45 Creating Symbols/Blocks

46 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 1. In the Name: text box, enter a name for the block, such as BORDER. The name cannot exceed 255 characters. It can include numbers, letters, and spaces, as well as the dollar sign ($), hyphen (-), and underscore (-). Creating Symbols/Blocks

47 Creating Symbols/Blocks

48 Creating Symbols/Blocks

49 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 2. In the Objects area, pick the Select objects button Use your pointing device to select objects for the block definition. Select all the objects that will make up the block. Press [Enter] when you are done. Creating Symbols/Blocks

50 Creating Symbols/Blocks

51 Creating Symbols/Blocks

52 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block The Block Definition dialog box reopens, The number of objects selected is shown in the Objects area. Creating Symbols/Blocks

53 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 3. In the Objects area specify Retain Convert Delete Creating Symbols/Blocks

54 Creating Symbols/Blocks

55 Creating Symbols/Blocks

56 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block Retain Keep the selected objects in the current drawing (in their original state). Makes a copy of the objects glued together as a BLOCK in Memory. Creating Symbols/Blocks

57 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block Convert to Block (default) Replaces the selected objects with one of the blocks you are creating. Makes a copy of the objects glued together as a BLOCK in Memory. Delete Remove the selected objects after the block is defined. Creating Symbols/Blocks

58 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block All three Cause a BLOCK to be created in memory. The only difference is what happens to the ORIGINAL objects. They are Retained Converted Deleted Creating Symbols/Blocks

59 Creating Symbols/Blocks

60 Creating Symbols/Blocks

61 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 4. In the Base point area: Enter the coordinates for the insertion base point OR Pick the Pick point button to use your pointing device to select an insertion point. Creating Symbols/Blocks

62 Creating Symbols/Blocks

63 Creating Symbols/Blocks

64 Creating Symbols/Blocks

65 Creating Symbols/Blocks

66 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 5. In the Description: text box Enter a textual description to help identify the block for easy reference, such as “Vacuum pump symbol”. Creating Symbols/Blocks

67 Creating Symbols/Blocks

68 Creating Symbols/Blocks

69 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 6. In the Preview icon area Specify whether to create an icon from the BLOCK definition. The icon is used to provide a preview image when using the AutoCAD DesignCenter. You can have an icon for every block if you wish. Creating Symbols/Blocks

70 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 6. In the Preview icon area To omit an icon from the block definition, pick the Do not include an icon radio button. To save an icon with the block definition, pick the Create icon from block geometry radio button. An image of the icon is then displayed to the right. Creating Symbols/Blocks

71 Creating Symbols/Blocks

72 Creating Symbols/Blocks

73 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block 7. Use the Insert units: drop-down list to Specify the type of units the AutoCAD Design Center will use when inserting the block. 8. After you have finished defining the block, pick OK. Creating Symbols/Blocks

74 Creating Symbols/Blocks

75 Creating Symbols/Blocks

76 Verifying Block Was Created
Creating Symbols/Blocks

77 Creating Symbols/Blocks
To Create A Block To verify that the block was saved properly: Access the Block Definition dialog box. Pick the Name: drop-down list button to display a list of all blocks in the current drawing, Figure 23-5. The block names are organized in numerical and alphabetical order. Creating Symbols/Blocks

78 Creating Symbols/Blocks

79 Creating Symbols/Blocks

80 Creating Symbols/Blocks

81 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The EXPLODE Command Creating Symbols/Blocks

82 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The EXPLODE Command The EXPLODE command breaks apart any: Existing block Polyline Dimension. Creating Symbols/Blocks

83 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The EXPLODE Command To access this command Pick the Explode button in the Modify toolbar OR Select Explode from the Modify pull-down menu Type X or EXPLODE at the Command: prompt: Creating Symbols/Blocks

84 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The EXPLODE Command When the block is exploded, the individual objects can now be changed individually. Creating Symbols/Blocks

85 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The EXPLODE Command NOTE You can explode a block that was scaled using different X, Y, and Z values when it was inserted. This type of block is technically a nonuniformly scaled block. Versions of AutoCAD prior to Release 13 did not allow exploding of such blocks (!) Creating Symbols/Blocks

86 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The PURGE Command Creating Symbols/Blocks

87 Storing a Drawing As A WBlock
The PURGE command can also be used to remove any unused Layers Linetypes Text styles Dimension styles Multiline styles Blocks Creating Symbols/Blocks

88 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Creating Symbols/Blocks

89 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Once a block has been created, it is easy to insert it into a drawing. Determine a proper size. Determine a rotation angle. Determine the proper layer. Creating Symbols/Blocks

90 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Use the INSERT command by: Type I, INSERT, or DDINSERT at the Command: prompt OR Pick the Insert Block button from the Draw toolbar Pick Block... from the Insert pull-down menu. Creating Symbols/Blocks

91 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Select the block you wish to insert From the drop-down list OR Enter the block name in the Name: text box. Creating Symbols/Blocks

92 Creating Symbols/Blocks

93 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Pick the Name: drop-down list button to access the defined blocks in the current drawing. Highlight the name of the block you wish to insert. Creating Symbols/Blocks

94 Creating Symbols/Blocks

95 Creating Symbols/Blocks

96 Creating Symbols/Blocks

97 Creating Symbols/Blocks

98 Creating Symbols/Blocks

99 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Specify the Insertion Point Specify the Scale. Specify the Rotation angle. Creating Symbols/Blocks

100 Creating Symbols/Blocks

101 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Specify the check box whether to EXPLODE the block upon inserting it. EXPLODE breaks block apart into its components. Creating Symbols/Blocks

102 Creating Symbols/Blocks

103 Creating Symbols/Blocks

104 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Insertion point area. Use the Specify On-screen check box to pick an insertion point on screen and insert the block dynamically. Creating Symbols/Blocks

105 Creating Symbols/Blocks

106 Creating Symbols/Blocks

107 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block To insert the block using absolute coordinates Disable the Specify On-screen check box Enter the coordinates in the X:, Y:, and Z: text boxes. If X, Y, Z are used, the block is immediately inserted at the specified coordinates when you pick OK. Creating Symbols/Blocks

108 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Title Blocks often use 0,0,0 as the Insertion Point. Most other blocks Chairs Desks Piping symbols Etc do NOT use 0,0,0 as the Insertion Point. Creating Symbols/Blocks

109 Creating Symbols/Blocks

110 Creating Symbols/Blocks

111 Creating Symbols/Blocks

112 Creating Symbols/Blocks

113 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Scale area. The Scale area allows you to specify scale values for the block in relation to the X, Y, and Z axes. The Specify On-screen check box is inactive by default. This causes the block to be inserted at a one-to-one scale once the insertion point has been selected. Creating Symbols/Blocks

114 Creating Symbols/Blocks

115 Creating Symbols/Blocks

116 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Scale area. Specify On-screen - prompts you to enter the scale at the command line when inserting the block. Enter scale values X. Y. Z. Creating Symbols/Blocks

117 Creating Symbols/Blocks

118 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Scale area - Uniform Scale check box Scales object uniformly in all directions. This is the most common setting. Creating Symbols/Blocks

119 Creating Symbols/Blocks

120 Creating Symbols/Blocks

121 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Rotation area. Use to insert the block at a specified angle. The default angle is zero. Enter a different value in the Angle: text box. Activate the Specify On-screen check box to be prompted for the rotation angle at the command line when inserting the block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

122 Creating Symbols/Blocks

123 Creating Symbols/Blocks

124 Creating Symbols/Blocks

125 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Explode check box. When a block is created, it is saved as a single object. It is defined as a single object when inserted in the drawing, no matter how many objects were used to create the block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

126 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Explode check box. Causes the BLOCK to explode into its original objects for editing purposes. If you explode the block upon insertion, it will assume its original properties, such as Original layer Original color Original linetype. Creating Symbols/Blocks

127 Creating Symbols/Blocks

128 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block If you are specifying the insertion point on-screen, the following prompt appears: Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/ PRotate]: (pick the point to insert the block) Creating Symbols/Blocks

129 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Scale. Y. Z. Rotate. PScale. PX. PY. PZ. PRotate. Creating Symbols/Blocks

130 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Scale. Affects the overall scale of the X, Y, and Z axes. Entering a NEGATIVE scale factor INSERT’s a a mirror image of a block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

131 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block X. Affects only the X scale factor. Y. Affects only the Y scale factor. Z. Affects only the Z scale factor. Creating Symbols/Blocks

132 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Rotate. Sets the rotation angle. PScale. Preview the scale of the X, Y, and Z axes. You are then prompted to enter the actual scale factors. Creating Symbols/Blocks

133 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Preview Scale PX. Preview the scale of the X axis, then enter the actual scale factor. PY. Preview the scale of the Y axis, then enter the actual scale factor. PZ. Preview the scale of the Z axis, then enter the scale factor. Creating Symbols/Blocks

134 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Preview Rotate PRotate. Preview the rotation angle, then enter the actual rotation angle. Creating Symbols/Blocks

135 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block If you are specifying the scale factor, the following prompt appears: Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZI <1 >: (pick a point, or enter a value for the scale). Creating Symbols/Blocks

136 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block Moving the cursor scales the block dynamically as it is dragged. Creating Symbols/Blocks

137 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block If you enter an X scale factor or press [Enter] to accept the default scale value, the prompt reads: Enter Y scale factor <use X scale factor>: (enter a value or press [Enter] to accept the same scale specified for the X axis) Specify rotation angle <0>: (pick a point, enter a value for the rotation angle and press [Enter], or press [Enter] to accept the default angle) Creating Symbols/Blocks

138 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Inserting A Block The prompt for the Y scale factor allows you to accept the X scale factor for Y by simply pressing [Enter]. Creating Symbols/Blocks

139 Inserting Multiple Copies Of A Block
Creating Symbols/Blocks

140 Inserting Multiple Copies
Use the MINSERT command to insert multiple copies of a block. MINSERT combines INSERT and ARRAY into one command. Creating Symbols/Blocks

141 Inserting Entire Drawings
Creating Symbols/Blocks

142 Inserting Entire Drawings
Use INSERT to insert an entire drawing file into the current drawing. Example: Titleblock Creating Symbols/Blocks

143 Inserting Entire Drawings
When one drawing is inserted into another, the inserted drawing becomes a block reference. It does not inherit the color, linetype or thickness properties of the layer it is inserted on. You can explode the inserted drawing back to its original objects (and original layers). Creating Symbols/Blocks

144 Inserting Entire Drawings
A drawing that is inserted brings any existing Block definitions. Layers. Linetypes. Text styles Dimension styles. into the current drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

145 Inserting Entire Drawings
The default insertion point of every drawing is 0,0,0. Use the BASE command to change the insertion point of a block. Pick Base from the Block cascading menu in the Draw pull-down menu OR Type BASE at the Command: prompt. Creating Symbols/Blocks

146 Creating a Block From A Drawing File
Creating Symbols/Blocks

147 Creating a Drawing File Block
You can create a block from any existing drawing. You can name your new block anything you wish. Remember, if something has already been drawn, try to use it as a block rather than redrawing it. Creating Symbols/Blocks

148 Creating a Drawing File Block
Example: Use the -INSERT command to define a block named BOLT from an existing drawing file named fastener.dwg: Command: -INSERT Enter block name or [?]: <current>: BOLT=FASTENER. Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]: (press the [Esc] key) to CANCEL the command. Creating Symbols/Blocks

149 Creating a Drawing File Block
The drawing is not inserted on screen because the command was canceled (the ESC key). However, a block named BOLT is saved and added to the drawing file (!) It can be used in the same manner as any other block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

150 Creating Permanent Global Blocks The WBLOCK Command
Creating Symbols/Blocks

151 Creating a Drawing File Block
Blocks created with the BLOCK command can only be used in the drawing in which they were made. You may want to use blocks on many different drawings without having to redraw them. Creating Symbols/Blocks

152 Creating a Drawing File Block
Use the WBLOCK (write block) command to create a drawing (.dwg) file out of a block OR a drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

153 Creating a Drawing File Block
Use the WBLOCK command to create a global block from any object It does not have to be first saved as a block. The resulting drawing file can then be inserted as a block into any drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

154 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creating a New WBlock You can create a WBLOCK from a shape you have just drawn, but you have not yet made a block. (The TITLEBLOCK assignment). Enter the WBLOCK command. Select the Objects option button. Pick the Select objects button to select the objects for the drawing file. Creating Symbols/Blocks

155 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creating a New WBlock Pick the Pick point button to select the insertion point. Enter coordinates in the X:, Y:, and Z: text boxes. Give the file a name in the File name: text box. Creating Symbols/Blocks

156 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creating a New WBlock Select the type of units. Pick OK. Creating Symbols/Blocks

157 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Creating a New WBlock This is the same sequence that is used with the BLOCK commnand. However, the WBLOCK is saved to disk as a drawing file, not as a block in the current drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

158 Storing a Drawing As A WBlock
Creating Symbols/Blocks

159 Storing a Drawing As A WBlock
An entire drawing can also be stored as a WBLOCK. Pick the Entire drawing option button in the Write Block dialog box. Give the WBLOCK a name in the File name, text box. Specify a location for the new drawing file Creating Symbols/Blocks

160 Storing a Drawing As A WBlock
Select the type of units Pick OK when you are through. Creating Symbols/Blocks

161 Storing a Drawing As A WBlock
The whole drawing is saved to disk as if you had used the SAVE command. All unused blocks are deleted from the drawing. If the drawing contains any unused blocks, this method reduces the size of a drawing considerably. Creating Symbols/Blocks

162 Storing a Drawing As A WBlock
The Entire drawing WBLOCK option Acts like PURGE Removes named objects that are unused Reduces your drawing file size. Quick way to clean up (PURGE) drawing Removes unused Blocks Layers Styles Objects. Creating Symbols/Blocks

163 Block Insertion Options
Creating Symbols/Blocks

164 Block Insertion Options
Use the Corner option to get an approximate dynamic scaling technique. If the DRAGMODE system variable is set to Auto, you can size the block dynamically as you move the cursor. Creating Symbols/Blocks

165 Block Insertion Options
The Corner option: Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZ] <1>: C Specify opposite corner: (move the cursor to change the size of the block and pick a point or enter absolute coordinates) Pick a point on screen above and to the right of the insertion point to insert the block as drawn. Creating Symbols/Blocks

166 Block Insertion Options
The Corner option: Picking a corner point below or to the left of the insertion point generates a mirror image. Creating Symbols/Blocks

167 Block Insertion Options
A block that is scaled during insertion can be classified as A real block. A schematic block. A unit block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

168 Block Insertion Options
A real block Is drawn at a one-to-one scale. Is inserted into the drawing using 1 for both the X and Y scale factors. Creating Symbols/Blocks

169 Block Insertion Options
A schematic block Is a block that is originally drawn at a one-to-one scale. Is inserted into the drawing using the scale factor of the drawing for both the X and Y scale values. Examples of schematic blocks Notes Detail bubbles Section symbols. Creating Symbols/Blocks

170 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The -BLOCK Command Creating Symbols/Blocks

171 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The -BLOCK Command The -BLOCK command can also be used to create new blocks and list existing blocks. Access this command by: Typing -B or -BLOCK at the Command: prompt. Creating Symbols/Blocks

172 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The -BLOCK Command When the -BLOCK command is entered, the options in the Block Definition dialog box are presented as prompts on the command line. Creating Symbols/Blocks

173 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The -BLOCK Command To display a list of block names, use the ? option: Command: -B or -BLOCK Enter block name or [?]: ? Enter block(s) to list <*>: Press [Enter] to list all of the blocks in the current drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

174 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The -BLOCK Command This listing shows Each block name The different types of blocks The number of each type in the drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

175 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The -BLOCK Command When you create a block, you have actually created a block definition. The first entry in the block listing is that of defined blocks. Creating Symbols/Blocks

176 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The -BLOCK Command User blocks are those created by the user. External references are drawings referenced with the XREF command. Creating Symbols/Blocks

177 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Nesting Blocks Creating Symbols/Blocks

178 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Nesting Blocks Blocks can be used when creating other blocks. This process is called nesting, where larger blocks contain smaller blocks. The larger block must be given a different name. Creating Symbols/Blocks

179 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Creating Symbols/Blocks

180 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks In-Place Editing allows you to make minor changes to blocks, wblocks or drawings that have been inserted in the current drawing. You can edit blocks without having to explode and redefine them. In-place editing cannot be used on blocks that have been inserted with MINSERT. Creating Symbols/Blocks

181 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Use the REFEDIT command to edit blocks in place. Type REFEDIT at the Command: prompt. OR Use the Refedit toolbar Pick In-place Xref and Block Edit and Edit Reference in the Modify pull-down menu. Creating Symbols/Blocks

182 Creating Symbols/Blocks

183 Creating Symbols/Blocks

184 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks The REFEDIT command options: Reference name Preview Enable unique layer and symbol names Display attribute definitions for editing Next OK Creating Symbols/Blocks

185 Creating Symbols/Blocks

186 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Reference name Displays the name of the selected block and any references nested within the selected block. Preview Displays an image of the the selected block. Use the NEXT button to cycle through nested blocks. Creating Symbols/Blocks

187 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Enable unique layer and symbol names Controls layer and symbol names of objects extracted from the reference If checked, layer and symbol names are given a prefix such as $#$ Creating Symbols/Blocks

188 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Display attribute definitions for editing If checked, the block attributes and attribute definitions are available for editing. Edited attribute definitions only take effect in future insertions of the edited block. Next Use to cycle through nested blocks. OK Pick OK after selecting the desired block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

189 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks After you pick the OK button, the Refedit toolbar is displayed and you get the following prompt: Select nested objects: (select the objects in the block to edit) Creating Symbols/Blocks

190 Creating Symbols/Blocks

191 Creating Symbols/Blocks

192 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Pick all objects in the block to be edited, then press [Enter]. Select nested objects: Use REFCLOSE or the Refedit toolbar to end reference editing session. Command: Creating Symbols/Blocks

193 Creating Symbols/Blocks

194 Creating Symbols/Blocks

195 Creating Symbols/Blocks

196 Creating Symbols/Blocks

197 Creating Symbols/Blocks

198 Creating Symbols/Blocks

199 Creating Symbols/Blocks

200 Creating Symbols/Blocks

201 Creating Symbols/Blocks

202 Creating Symbols/Blocks

203 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks If multiple insertions of the same block are displayed, pick the one you originally selected. Creating Symbols/Blocks

204 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks When the Command: prompt is available, all the objects in the drawing are grayed out, except the objects you selected. Use any drawing or editing commands to alter the object as desired. Creating Symbols/Blocks

205 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Pick the Save back changes to reference button in the Refedit toolbar. Pick OK to continue with the save. Changes to the edited block are displayed immediately. Changes affect other insertions of the same block and future insertions of the block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

206 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Objects selected for editing are referred to as the “working set” and appear brighter than other objects. Objects that are not a part of the working set are faded. Creating Symbols/Blocks

207 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks The percent of fading is controlled in the Display tab of the Options dialog box. A maximum of 90% fading is allowed, and the default is 50%. Creating Symbols/Blocks

208 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks This value is controlled by the XFADECTL variable. Enter a value in the Reference Edit fading intensity text box in the lower-right comer, or move the slider. Creating Symbols/Blocks

209 Creating Symbols/Blocks

210 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Objects that are added to the drawing during the edit can be removed from the working set. Creating Symbols/Blocks

211 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks The Refedit Toolbar Buttons. Add objects to working set. Remove objects from the working set. Discard changes to reference. Save changes back to block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

212 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Add objects to working set. Any object that is drawn during the in-place edit is automatically added to the working set. Use this button to add additional existing objects. If an object is added to the working set, it is removed from the host drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

213 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks The REFSET command allows you to add to or remove objects from the working set. Creating Symbols/Blocks

214 “Checking Out” a Reference
A drawing must be checked out to edit it. If the REFEDIT command is issued, when the block is not checked out, an error message will result. Command: REFSET ** Command not allowed unless a reference is checked out with REFEDIT command **. Creating Symbols/Blocks

215 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Remove objects from the working set. Use this button to remove objects from the working set. When an object is removed from the set it appears faded. If an object is removed from the working set, it is added to the host drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

216 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Discard changes to reference. Pick to exit the reference edit function without saving changes to the object. The REFCLOSE command allows you to save or discard changes to the working set, and closes reference editing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

217 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks The REFEDIT command can also be used in the command window. Command: -REFEDIT Select reference: (select the block to change) Select [Enter] (to accept the currently highlighted reference) OR Press [Enter] to use the Next option: Creating Symbols/Blocks

218 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Select nesting level [Ok/Next] <Next>: [Enter] Select nesting level [Ok/Next] <Next>: O [Enter] Select nested objects: (select objects within the block to edit) Display attribute definitions [Yes/No] <No>: (type Y or [Enter] for No) Use REFCLOSE or the Refedit toolbar to end reference editing session. Command: (use drawing and editing commands as needed to edit the block) Creating Symbols/Blocks

219 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks Use the Save back changes to reference button on the Refedit toolbar OR Type the REFCLOSE command and use one of its options. Creating Symbols/Blocks

220 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Editing Blocks The Save option : Command: REFCLOSE [Eenter] Enter option [Save/Discard reference changes] <Save>: [Enter] The AutoCAD alert box is displayed. Use OK to accept the changes. Creating Symbols/Blocks

221 Redefining Existing Blocks
Creating Symbols/Blocks

222 Redefining Existing Blocks
To redefine an existing block: 1. Insert the block to be redefined anywhere in your drawing. 2. Make sure that you know where the insertion point of the block is located. 3. Explode the inserted block using the EXPLODE command. 4. Edit the block as needed. Creating Symbols/Blocks

223 Redefining Existing Blocks
5. Recreate the block definition using the BLOCK command. 6. Give the block the same name and the same insertion point it originally had. 7. Select the objects to be included in the block. 8. Pick OK. When a message from AutoCAD appears and asks if you want to redefine the block, pick Yes. Creating Symbols/Blocks

224 Redefining Existing Blocks
9. When the BLOCK command is complete, all insertions of the block are updated. Creating Symbols/Blocks

225 Redefining Existing Blocks
A common mistake is to forget to use the EXPLODE command before redefining the block. When you try to create the block again with the same name, an alert box indicating the block references itself is displayed. This means you are trying to create a block that already exists. Creating Symbols/Blocks

226 Redefining Existing Blocks
Once you press the OK button, the alert box disappears and the Block Definition dialog box is redisplayed. Press the Cancel button, explode the block to be redefined, and try again. Creating Symbols/Blocks

227 Redefining Existing Blocks
You can also redefine existing blocks using the -BLOCK command: Insert the block Explode the block Make necessary changes have been made Issue the -BLOCK command. Enter the same block name Enter Y or YES to redefine the block Pick the same insertion point Select the revised objects. Press [Enter] Creating Symbols/Blocks

228 The Circular Reference Error
Creating Symbols/Blocks

229 The Circular Reference Error
When you try to redefine a block that already exists (using the same name), AutoCAD informs you that the block references itself. Creating Symbols/Blocks

230 The Circular Reference Error
A block can be composed of any objects, including other blocks. When using the BLOCK command, AutoCAD makes a list of all the objects that compose the new block. AutoCAD must refer to any existing block definitions that are selected to be part of the new block. Creating Symbols/Blocks

231 The Circular Reference Error
If you select an instance, or reference, of the block being redefined as a component object for the new definition, a problem occurs. You are trying to redefine a block name using a previous version of the block with the same name. In other words, the new block refers to a block of the same name, or references itself. Creating Symbols/Blocks

232 The Circular Reference Error
Example #1 – Assume you create a block named BOX that is composed of four line objects in the shape of a square, and insert it. You then decide that the block needs to be changed so that it contains a small circle in the lower-left corner. If the original BOX block is exploded, all that is left are the four line objects. Creating Symbols/Blocks

233 The Circular Reference Error
After drawing the required circle, you can enter the BLOCK command and recreate a block named BOX by selecting the four lines and the circle as the component objects. Redefining a block destroys the old definition and creates a new one. Creating Symbols/Blocks

234 The Circular Reference Error
Example #2 – assume you do not explode the block, but still draw the circle and try to redefine the block. By selecting the BOX block and the circle, a new block named BOX would now be a block reference of the BOX block with a circle. The old block definition of BOX has not been destroyed, but a new definition has been attempted. Creating Symbols/Blocks

235 The Circular Reference Error
Thus, AutoCAD is trying to define a new block named BOX by using an instance of the BOX block. This is referred to as a circular reference, and is what is meant by a block referencing itself. Creating Symbols/Blocks

236 Inserting a Drawing File with Select Drawing File Dialog Box
Creating Symbols/Blocks

237 Inserting a Drawing File
The INSERT command can be used to: Insert a block Insert a wblock. Insert another drawing file. Creating Symbols/Blocks

238 Inserting a Drawing File
Picking the Browse... button in the Insert dialog box activates the Select Drawing File dialog box. (To insert a WBLOCK) You can then scroll through the files in any folder, or on another drive, and pick the file name you need. Creating Symbols/Blocks

239 Inserting a Drawing File
The -INSERT command can be used to insert Wblocks also. To access the Select Drawing File dialog box, enter a tilde (-) when prompted for the block name as follows: Command: -INSERT Enter block name or [?]: <current>: ~ Creating Symbols/Blocks

240 Creating Symbols/Blocks

241 Inserting a Drawing File
You can use the tilde character (~) whenever any AutoCAD command prompt requests a file name. One of several dialog boxes is then displayed so that you may select a file. Creating Symbols/Blocks

242 Revising an Inserted Drawing
Creating Symbols/Blocks

243 Revising an Inserted Drawing
You may find that you need to revise a drawing file that has been used in other drawings. If this happens, you can quickly update any drawing in which the revised drawing is used. Creating Symbols/Blocks

244 Revising an Inserted Drawing
Example: a drawing file named “pump” was used several times in a drawing. To update references to the changed “pump” file Type -INSERT Type an equal sign (=) after the block name to update all of the references to the pump drawing: Creating Symbols/Blocks

245 Revising an Inserted Drawing
Command: -INSERT Enter block name or [?]: <current>: PUMP= Block "pump" already exists. Redefine it? [Yes/No] <N>: Yi Block "pump" redefined Regenerating model. Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]: (press the [Esc] key) Creating Symbols/Blocks

246 Revising an Inserted Drawing
All of the pump references are automatically updated. Creating Symbols/Blocks

247 Revising an Inserted Drawing
Example #2: A drawing file named “fastener” was inserted into your current drawing The drawing file “fastener” was saved as a block “screw”. You have decided to revise the fastener drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

248 Revising an Inserted Drawing
The screw block can be updated using the -INSERT command as follows: Command: -INSERT Enter block name or [?]: <current>: SCREW=FASTENER Block "screw" already exists. Redefine it? [Yes/No] <N>: Yi Block "screw" redefined Regenerating model. Creating Symbols/Blocks

249 Revising an Inserted Drawing
If you work on projects in which inserted drawings may be revised, it may be more productive to use reference drawings instead of inserted drawing files. Reference drawings are used with the XREF command This is covered in Chapter 24. Creating Symbols/Blocks

250 Revising an Inserted Drawing
All referenced drawings are automatically updated when a drawing file that contains the externally referenced material is loaded into AutoCAD. Creating Symbols/Blocks

251 Creating Symbol Libraries
Creating Symbols/Blocks

252 Creating Symbol Libraries
As you become proficient with AutoCAD, you will want to start constructing symbol libraries. A symbol library is a collection of related shapes, views, and symbols that are used repeatedly in drawings. Creating Symbols/Blocks

253 Creating Symbol Libraries
Symbols are generally incorporated into your screen and tablet menus. Creating Symbols/Blocks

254 Creating Symbol Libraries
First, you must decide where symbols (blocks and drawing files) are stored and how they can be inserted into different drawings. Creating Symbols/Blocks

255 Creating Symbol Libraries
Remember: BLOCK a block is saved with the drawing WBLOCK saves the block as a separate drawing file. Creating Symbols/Blocks

256 Creating Symbol Libraries
A complete drawing file occupies considerably more disk space than a block. Also, a drawing file can contain many blocks Once the drawing file is inserted into the current drawing, all the blocks in the drawing file are also inserted into the drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

257 Creating Symbol Libraries
To use blocks, each person in the office or class must have a copy of the drawing that contains the blocks. The blocks are usually created and stored in a template file or a separate drawing file. If drawing files are used, each student or employee must have access to the files. Creating Symbols/Blocks

258 Creating Symbol Libraries
Using 3.5" Diskettes Good to use for temporarily storing backup copies of drawing and data files. Are NOT a good choice for the primary means for storing symbols, especially if you have sufficient room on the hard disk, optical, or network server drives. Inserting and removing diskettes from a disk drive is tedious and time-consuming It takes more time for the computer to access the diskettes. Creating Symbols/Blocks

259 Creating Symbol Libraries
Create all symbols as separate drawing files. Assign one person to initially create the symbols for each specialty. Follow class or company symbol standards. Print a hard copy of the symbol library. Creating Symbols/Blocks

260 Creating Symbol Libraries
Include A representation of the symbol, Symbol insertion point Any other necessary information Symbol location. Provide all users of the symbols with a copy of the listing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

261 Creating Symbol Libraries
Save symbols by discipline: Electronic Electrical Piping Mechanical Structural Architectural Landscaping Mapping Creating Symbols/Blocks

262 Creating Symbol Libraries
The Hard Disk Drive Is the best places to store a symbol library. Is easily accessed Is quick Is more convenient to use than diskettes. Creating Symbols/Blocks

263 Creating Symbol Libraries
Create symbols with the WBLOCK command. Create directories for each discipline. Save discipline specific symbols in the same directory. Creating Symbols/Blocks

264 Creating Symbol Libraries
Folder structure: Blocks Arch Civil Elect Landscape Mech Struct Creating Symbols/Blocks

265 Creating Symbol Libraries
If a symbol is saved as a file, you must search for its folder the first time the symbol is inserted. After its initial insertion, the drawing file is saved as a block definition in the current drawing, and it can be accessed by entering its file name. Creating Symbols/Blocks

266 Creating Symbol Libraries
All workstations in the class or office should have folders with the same names. One person should be assigned to update and copy symbol libraries to all workstation hard drives. Drawing files should be copied onto each workstation's hard drive from a master diskette or network server. Creating Symbols/Blocks

267 Copying a Symbol Library into a New Drawing
Creating Symbols/Blocks

268 Copying a Symbol Library
A symbol library of blocks that is part of a drawing can be copied into a new drawing file. The incoming blocks are not displayed, they are only included as definitions in the drawing file. Creating Symbols/Blocks

269 Copying a Symbol Library
This allows you to use blocks created on one drawing without also having to use the drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

270 Copying a Symbol Library
Example: If the drawing pipeflow.dwg saved on the diskette in the A: drive contains the needed blocks, use the -INSERT command as follows: Command: -INSERT Enter block name or [?] <current>: A:PIPEFLOW Specify insertion point or [Scale/XN/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotatel: (press the [Esc] key to cancel the command) Creating Symbols/Blocks

271 Copying a Symbol Library
After pressing the [Escl key: The drawing is not inserted on screen But, the blocks are now included with the new file. Creating Symbols/Blocks

272 Copying a Symbol Library
NOTE: If a symbol library is saved as a template file, it cannot be inserted into another drawing. Creating Symbols/Blocks

273 Copying a Symbol Library
A symbol library template is beneficial when starting a new drawing in which the symbols are to be used. For example, when starting a new mechanical drawing, a mechanical template that contains a mechanical symbol library would be helpful. Creating Symbols/Blocks

274 Creating Symbols/Blocks
Renaming Blocks Creating Symbols/Blocks

275 Creating a Symbol Library Listing
Blocks can be renamed using the RENAME command. Access this command by Selecting Rename... from the Format pull-down menu OR Entering REN or RENAME at the Command: prompt. Creating Symbols/Blocks

276 Creating Symbols/Blocks

277 Creating a Symbol Library Listing
NOTE Since AutoCAD does not permit the renaming of layer 0 or the Continuous linetype, these two named objects do not appear in the Items list in the Rename dialog box. Creating Symbols/Blocks

278 Creating a Symbol Library Listing
NOTE The -RENAME command can be used to rename blocks, layers, views, and other named objects at the Command: prompt. Creating Symbols/Blocks

279 Deleting Named Objects
Creating Symbols/Blocks

280 Deleting Named Objects
A block is a named object. In many drawing sessions, not all of the named objects in a drawing are used. These objects occupy disk space. It is good practice to delete or purge the unused objects with the PURGE command. Creating Symbols/Blocks

281 Creating Symbols/Blocks
The PURGE Command Creating Symbols/Blocks

282 Deleting Named Objects
To access the PURGE command: Pick Purge from the Drawing Utilities cascading menu in the File pull-down menu, OR enter PU or PURGE at the Command: prompt. Creating Symbols/Blocks

283 Deleting Named Objects
The command sequence displays each of the unused named objects one at a time. Decide whether to delete or save them. You can also specify a named object by entering the option corresponding to the type of object to be purged. Creating Symbols/Blocks

284 Deleting Named Objects
Use the PURGE command in the following manner to delete a block named LINESPEC: Command: PU or PURGE Enter type of unused objects to purge [Blocks/Dimstyles/LAyers/LTypes/Plotstyles/SHapes/textSTyles/Mlinestyles/All]: B Enter name(s) to purge <*>: Verify each name to be purged? [Yes/No] <Y>: Purge block "linespec"? <N> Y Creating Symbols/Blocks

285 Deleting Named Objects
The PURGE command Lists all unused blocks individually Gives you the option to answer yes or no. The All option can be used to delete all unused named objects. Creating Symbols/Blocks

286 Deleting Named Objects
The PURGE command Is a good way to clean up a drawing after it is completed. Is slower than using the Entire drawing wblock option in the Write Block dialog box. Creating Symbols/Blocks

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