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International Trade Patterns

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1 International Trade Patterns
Dr Kishor Bhanushali


3 Growth in the volume of world merchandise trade and GDP, 2005-15 Annual % change

4 GDP and merchandise trade by region, 2011-13

5 World exports of merchandise and commercial services, 2005-13

6  Growth in the value of commercial services exports by region, 2011 — 13 Annual % change

7 World merchandise trade and GDP, 2010-2015a Annual % change

8 Trends in India's Foreign trade

9 India’s merchandise exports reached a level of US $ 312
India’s merchandise exports reached a level of US $ billion during registering a growth of 4.06 percent as compared to a negatie growth of 1.82 percent during the previous year. Despite the recent setback faced by India’s export sector due to global slowdown, merchandise exports stil recorded a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of per cent from to









18 Table 1: Major Items of India's Balance of Payments
(US$ Billion) Oct-Dec 2014 (P) Oct-Dec 2013 (PR) Apr-Dec P Apr-Dec (PR) Credit Debit Net A. Current Account 139.0 147.3 -8.2 137.7 141.9 -4.2 422.3 448.4 -26.2 407.0 438.2 -31.1 1. Goods 79.0 118.2 -39.2 79.8 112.9 -33.2 246.0 358.4 -112.5 234.9 351.9 -116.9 Of which: POL 14.0 34.2 -20.2 15.4 42.2 -26.8 45.7 116.6 -70.9 48.0 122.2 -74.2 2. Services 39.6 19.4 20.3 37.6 19.5 18.1 115.6 59.2 56.4 110.8 57.5 53.4 3. Primary Income 2.9 8.8 -5.8 3.0 8.4 -5.4 8.3 27.6 -19.4 8.6 25.2 -16.6 4. Secondary Income 17.5 0.9 16.6 17.3 1.0 16.3 52.5 3.2 49.3 52.6 3.6 49.0 B. Capital Account and Financial Account 122.9 10.0 129.3 124.5 4.8 403.5 373.1 30.5 396.1 364.9 31.3 Change in Reserve (Increase (-)/Decrease (+)) 0.0 13.2 -13.2 19.1 -19.1 -31.3 10.7 -8.4 C. Errors & Omissions (-) (A+B) 1.8 -1.8 0.6 -0.6 4.3 -4.3 -0.1 P: Preliminary; PR: Partially Revised Note: Total of subcomponents may not tally with aggregate due to rounding off.


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