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Targeting and Re-aligning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition

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1 Targeting and Re-aligning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition
BCC Design August 09, 2017

2 Delivery of Core Interventions
The TRAIN project interventions will comprise of a combination of nutrition sensitive and specific approaches which is critical to impact positive nutritional behaviour change. The four components that will be offered in an additive manner across the intervention arms are credit program offered to females, behaviour change communications related to health and nutrition, nutrition-sensitive agriculture extension services and gender sensitization and community mobilization. Coverage: A total of 5,040 Households from 144 unions of 36 Sub-districts out of 10 Districts and 3 Divisions (Dhaka, Khulna and Rangpur divisions) of Bangladesh.


4 SBCC approaches and methods used
HH approach Targeting Female credit borrowers Women aged years Pregnant and lactating women Parents and caregivers of child under 2 years of age HH decision makers One to One Counselling Couple counselling Hands on support Demonstration Need based Age and stage specific nutrition counselling Agriculture group training sessions Commitment sheets Flash cards Audio visuals Job aids

5 Nutrition SBCC activities
Children (U2) Nutrition EIBF (Early Initiation of Breastfeeding) EBF (Exclusive Breastfeeding) TICF (Timely Initiation of Complementary Feeding) Age specific Complementary Feeding Hand washing of child Women’s Nutrition Diet Diversity   Age and stage (non-PW, PLW) appropriate feeding recommendations Promotion of IFA and Ca supplementation Nutritious and safe food preparation and preservation Household hygiene, sanitation and hand washing Content of the BCC will be tailor made according to the age and stage the women/children in HH

6 Agri SBCC through development of homestead nutri-gardens
and other Ag. Ext. Activities

7 Gender sensitization Gender Issues to be addressed through BCC sessions Women’s nutrition Gender equitable access to healthcare Women‘s participation in income generating activities Women‘s control over assets Women’s mobility Women’s involvement in HH decision making Gender based violence Dowry Child marriage and Early pregnancy Training for selective Couple to become gender justice educator (Select five couple from each union) Selected trained Couples will conduct court yard sessions in small groups on a monthly basis (separate for female and male) Using nutrition and BCUP platforms conduct video shows Couple counselling & commitment follow up during household visits Introducing Gender Commitment Sheet (a one pager in which HH will list a number of gender best practices that they commit to follow and also list the faulty practices that they will avoid)

8 Duration of BCC visits by field staff
Field Organizers conduct HH visit once every two months. They visit 4-5 HHs each day. The visits last around 1 to 1:30 hours. In Arm 2, 3 and 4 HHs, part of the visit is observing and supervising PKs delivering nutrition and gender counselling. FOs also motivate the HH decision makers to grow and buy nutritious foods for their daily diet and avoid consumption of junk and hazardous foods. In Arm 3 and 4 HHs the other part is to mobilize and support the female and male family members to improve their agricultural activities. Through these visits FOs identify HHs with common farming practices and interests, based on which short technical trainings are arranged with small group of farmers with similar interests. In Arm 4 HHs, they spend an additional 30 minutes to specifically motivate and influence male members of the families to adopt gender best practices. Pushti Kormi’s in Arm 2 visits each HH once every month and in Arm 3,4 visits each household twice every month. One day for nutrition counselling and the second day for homestead nutri-gardens and gender sensitization. Approximately 2-3 HHs is visited each day by the PK. In Arm 2 HHs, they spend around 1:30-2:00 hrs with each HHs to provide nutrition related counseling depending on the age and stage of the focused HH members (index women, PLW, mother of under 2 children, index women’s husband etc.). In Arm 3 HHs, there is an additional monthly visit of 45 minutes to each HH to support the homestead nutri-garden activities. In the Arm 4 HHs, they spend an additional 45 minutes with the homestead nutri-garden visits to gather and counsel all HH members on gender issues.

9 Thank you !

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