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Define the term Jacobins

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Presentation on theme: "Define the term Jacobins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Define the term Jacobins
Radical clubs of the French Revolution

2 Define the term Waterloo
Napoleon’s final defeat

3 Define the term Elba Island where Napoleon was exiled

4 Define the term Moscow Capital of Russia

5 Define the term Corsica
Birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte

6 Define the term Duke of Wellington
Leader of the allied armies that defeated Napoleon at Waterloo

7 Define the term Napoleon Bonaparte
Emperor of France

8 Define the term nationalism
The feeling of national unity

9 Define the term consulate
Government under Napoleon before he becomes emperor

10 Define the term Nantes City where a Catholic revolt broke out during the French Revolution

11 Define the term Lyon City where a peasant revolt broke out during the French Revolution

12 Define the term Jean-Paul Marat
Writer and leader of the Jacobins

13 Define the term Maximilien Robespierre
Leader of the Committee on Public Safety during the Reign of Terror

14 Define the term Georges Danton
Early leader of Jacobins, who wanted to find counter-revolutionaries

15 Define the term coup d'état
Sudden, violent overthrow of the government

16 Define the term elector
individuals qualified to vote in an election

17 Define the term faction
Differing group

18 Define the term Paris Capital of France

19 Define the term Prussia
State in what is now modern-day Germany

20 Define the term Austria
Country in central Europe whose capital is Vienna

21 Define the term Versailles
National palace of France

22 Define the term Olympe de Gouges
Playwright who argued for women’s rights during the French Revolution

23 Define the term Louis XVI
King during the French Revolution

24 Define the term estate Social class of France

25 Define the term sans-culottes
Urban poor of Paris

26 Define the term bourgeoisie
French middle class

27 Define the term relics of feudalism
Aristocratic privileges

28 What were some of the Long term problems that started the French Revolution?
Gap between the wealthy and poor; Relics of Feudalism; Inequitable political representation

29 Why did the bourgeoisie dislike the estate system?
Despite having education and some wealth, they were excluded from the prestige and power of the nobles.

30 What was the immediate cause of the French Revolution?
The financial crisis of 1789 caused the king to call for the assembly of the Estates General.

31 Why did the Third Estate call for one man one vote?
Without it, the Third Estate would always be outvoted.

32 What prevented the king from using force against the Third Estate?
The storming of the Bastille ended royal authority within Paris.

33 Much of the Declaration of Rights and Man was based on the _________?

34 What happened to the Catholic Church during the revolution?
The church was secularized, its assets seized and priests killed.

35 Why did Austria declare war on France?
Mainly the queen, Marie Antoinette, was a princess of Austria

36 What was the role of the Paris Commune?
They seized control of Paris, ending the Constitution of 1791 and demanded a National Convention.

37 What were the positions of the Mountain and Girondins concerning the king?
The Mountain was in favor of executing the king, while the Girondins favored a limited monarchy

38 What was the role of the Committee of Public Safety?
To administer the war effort and seek out enemies of the revolution.

39 The Reign of Terror focused most on what people?
People suspected of counter-revolutionary activity

40 Why were the First and Second Estate in favor of new taxes?
The nobles and clergy were virtually untaxed, ensuring that almost all of the burden would fall on the Third Estate.

41 What caused the summoning of the Estates General in 1789
France was near bankruptcy.

42 How did the Committee of Public Safety try to reform French society?
They ended titles, changed the week to ten days, sent out messengers to spread propaganda and spy, and provided price control.

43 What was the Directory most known for?
It was a government known for its corruption and graft.

44 Why did the French name their government the Consulate?
The chief executives were consuls Which was an attempt to reflect the Roman government.

45 What was a major cause to develop a sense of French nationality?
The establishment of a national army to combat foreign invaders

46 Why was it dangerous to be a “moderate” during the Reign of Terror?
Radicals claimed that the revolution must continue and any attempt to establish stability was counter-revolutionary.

47 How did Napoleon gain control of the French Government?
By a coup d’etat

48 How did Napoleon hurt the rights of women?
The legal position of women were hurt by the Civil Code and divorces were more difficult to achieve

49 Why was Napoleon not accepted by the other officers early in his career?
He was provincial (born in Corsica), did not come from wealth and short of stature

50 How did Napoleon make peace with the Catholic Church?
He recognized Catholicism as the “state” religion but was able to keep the church lands taken buy the revolution.

51 How was Napoleon’s Empire governed?
France ruled by him, dependent states ruled by members of his family, and allied states ruled by local officials.

52 What was the major advantage for Britain against the French?
It was an island. Its navy prevented Napoleon from invading.

53 Why did the Continental System fail?
Black market and dealing with the United States allowed Britain to continue to receive supplies.

54 Why did Nationalism help and hurt Napoleon?
French Nationalism unified France, while nationalism in other countries caused rebellions and resistance.

55 Why did Napoleon attack Russia?
He could not afford to allow any allied states to break away for fear others would.

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