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What does a botanist do? A botanist________. 3/05 Do Now.

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Presentation on theme: "What does a botanist do? A botanist________. 3/05 Do Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does a botanist do? A botanist________. 3/05 Do Now

2 3/05 Agenda Do Now Review p. 199 from yesterday’s small group lesson
Research various jobs of botanists Create a sample career path and specify which area of botany would be beneficial to your community. Rotations 3/05 Agenda

3 Research

4 Decide which invader species from our readings would be the most harmful to our community.
Write 4 reasons or details about the species that make them harmful enough for a public notice. p. 200

5 Rotations Small group John Richie Michael Computers Jeremiah Nate GiGi
Independent Reading AJ Alexis Rotations

6 Title of Public Notice Explain the consequence: ________________________________________________ Facts or reasons about the plant or animal: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For more information: Picture

7 03/06 Agenda Progress Monitoring Library Day
Continue working on your group project. Rotations 03/06 Agenda

8 Snow Day 03/ 07

9 PSSA Practice Skills-Spectrum Packet p. 28-30
Rotations 03/ 08-2hr delay schedule

10 03/09 Do Now

11 Do Now: Workshop wrap up
P. 202 Wrap-Up Test 03/09 Agenda

12 Wrap-Up Test Answer comprehension questions 1-5
Answer Vocabulary Questions 1-5 Short Answer Wrap-Up Test

13 Wrap-Up

14 Rotations Small group John Richie Michael Computers Jeremiah Nate GiGi
Independent Reading AJ Alexis Rotations

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