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Science Communication and university metrics - is there a role?

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Presentation on theme: "Science Communication and university metrics - is there a role?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Communication and university metrics - is there a role?
Zoe Mason, Sara Smith and Martin Khechara

2 Identifying the problem.
Changing Higher Education Landscape Fees Increased Widening Participation Competitive Graduate Market (clearing) Competition (Apprenticeships) Developed International Programme Transparency

3 Main drivers we need to address to satisfy the metrics.
Retention Progression Student Engagement Funding Dissemination of research Level of skills and employability


5 How to address this problem….. A potential role for Public Engagement?
The NCCPE defines it as: "Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public. Engagement is by definition a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit.“ Is carried out often using science communication

6 What is Science Communication?
Scicomm has been defined as: Science communication (Scicomm) is defined as the use of appropriate skills, media, activities, and dialogue to produce one or more of the following personal responses to science : Awareness, Enjoyment, Interest, Opinion-forming, and Understanding. (the AEIOU vowel analogy) It facilitates public engagement with science

7 Using Scicomm and PE – our methodology
Exposure was achieved in two different ways to create 2 case studies Case 1 – Curriculum embedded delivery Case 2 – Voluntary delivery Both involved development of ISE interventions Action research used in both Used personal reflective accounts and focus groups to gather data

8 Informal science education (ISE)

9 Enhanced my scientific writing and I have developed critical thinking
Case study one It has made me stronger in my communication skills……I understand my own field more effectively The journey of creating these ideas and working with fellow colleagues was exciting..we motivated each other My level of professional competency increased as I represented the university Enhanced my scientific writing and I have developed critical thinking I realised that I was good at talking to people….the project changed my opinion of my own skills

10 … helped me ground myself in that career area really.
Cus when you feel a bit more involved you feel like, oh yeah, I know who I can go and talk’re closer to them and involved in the business of the university. Being able to communicate well is something that has to get unlocked….its personal Case study two … helped me ground myself in that career area really. I think working with people like yourselves….that kind of helped out a lot ‘cus you are getting more of a chance to interact with them on a different level not just inside a lecture, and this does make you feel more comfortable …..they are people and you can approach them outside of lectures They actually wanted to know stuff. There was no…what she actually talking about.. and they was interested

11 Can Scicom and PE really effect the metrics?
The answer is of course yes probably! REF – PE has been used in more than half of the impact cases previously (REF ) TEF – Scicom and PE reaches parts other interventions cannot Undoubtedly will effect NSS Gives relevant employability skills not normally available Creates satisfaction and belonging and should increase retention – (what works )


13 What the KEF!

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