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Movements To build spirituals movements on the Universities,

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Presentation on theme: "Movements To build spirituals movements on the Universities,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Movements To build spirituals movements on the Universities,
we will work together as Agape staff and Student leaders. We have different roles and Job descriptions. Student leaders DRIVE the movement Staff INSPIRE studentleaders

2 Of like-hearted Disciples To Win Build and Send
Movements Defenition of a spiritual movement God working Through a team Of like-hearted Disciples To Win Build and Send Toward the fullfillment of the Great Commission

3 Who will lead the movement?
Movements Who will lead the movement? Staff or Students? Why?

4 No student leaders = No movement!
Movements No student leaders = No movement!

5 Ministry and Movement Movements ministry
Evangelism, connecting students to Jesus ) Life-changing Discipleship ) Developing Multiplying Leaders (who mobilize, train and coach others to lead) Generating self-sustaining local resources ministry

6 Students leading Staff directing
Movements Students leading Staff directing What should the student leaders do? What should the staff do?

7 Job description student leaders:
Movements Job description student leaders: Give their time and energy Lead their own Action group Make plans Run their events/program/meetings Network among the student Union/Parlement Fund their movement

8 student leaders DRIVE the movement!
Movements student leaders DRIVE the movement!

9 student leaders DRIVE the movement!
Movements student leaders DRIVE the movement! What do they need? Ownership Vision

10 Job description staff:
Movements Job description staff: Navigate (have the map, the big picture) Lead the central action group Disciple student leaders (life/character) Coach key student leaders Do evangelism with others Train (resource/provide materials) Network with Lecturers/clergy/etc. Raise serious money

11 staff INSPIRE student leaders!
Movements staff INSPIRE student leaders!

12 Movements everywhere … so that every student knows someone
who truly follows Jesus.

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