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Let`s check homework. Air Well Brand Reasonably Centrally conditioned Equipped New Priced heated.

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Presentation on theme: "Let`s check homework. Air Well Brand Reasonably Centrally conditioned Equipped New Priced heated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let`s check homework

2 Air Well Brand Reasonably Centrally conditioned Equipped New Priced heated

3 1. The hotel I stayed in is re ally__________. They have everything you need. 5. We went on a ………….............. holiday because we didn`t have much money. well equipped 2. I`m glad the rooms were ____ because it was cold. Centrally heated 3. A _______ hotel was opened a week ago in the center of town brand -new 4. It`s really hot. I hope our room is________. air- conditioned reasonably priced

4 Which one is very important for you to choose good hotels ? Price Facilities Service Location





9 How do you go to Korea? Where can you get on the plane ? Have you ever been to the airport? Do know the name of the international airport in Mongolia ?

10 Entrance

11 Currency exchanging

12 security check

13 Passport control

14 Post office

15 Check in desk

16 Baggage claim

17 Information desk

18 Arrivals

19 Duty free shop

20 1.If you want to buy presents at the airport, you go to the ___________. 2. If you want to find out about the flight, you go to the____________. 3. If you want to send a letter at the airport, you go to the ____________. 4. If you want to change money at the airport, you go to the __________. 5. If you want to give in your luggage you go to the ________________. 6. If your friend is coming from another country,you go to ________. 7. If you are leaving the country,you need to show your passport at the ___________. 8. If you want to get your luggage when you arrive,you go to the _______. 9. If you take illegal things with you then you will be stopped at the ___________. 10 If you come by taxi to the airport, it will drop you at the ______________.

21 Jane: Is this the _______ for the flight to Brazil? Clerk: Yes, thats right. Could I see your _______, please? And could you put your baggage on the scales? Peter: Oh, Jane – have you got our tickets? J: No, I havent! I gave them to you. P: Oh, no. Where are they? I cant find them! J: I wish Id looked after them. P: Here they are. In my _______. J: Give them to me. P: Can I take this briefcase as hand baggage? C: Im afraid not. Its too _______. Can you put it on the scales, too, please? P: Oh, dear. I wish I hadnt packed so much. C: Im afraid youve got 50 pounds excess baggage _______. J: Oh, no, Peter! I told you not to take so much! Why do you always cause _______? P: Ill pay with my card. C: Thank you, sir. Here are your boarding cards. Youll need to show them again at the gate. J: Can we board the _______ now? C: Yes, but first you have to go through _______ and a security check. **British Airways flight BA779 to Brazil. The flight is now boarding at Gate 10.** J: Its now boarding at gate 10! Come on, Peter, hurry! P: Jane, wait! I need to buy some chocolate from the _________! J: Oh, no, Peter, theres no time! Sometimes I wish I hadnt married you.

22 Jane: Is this the check in desk for the flight to Brazil? Clerk: Yes, thats right. Could I see your tickets and passports, please? And could you put your baggage on the scales? P: Here they are. In my pocket. C: Im afraid not. Its too big. Can you put it on the scales, too, please? C: Im afraid youve got 50 pounds excess baggage to pay. J: Oh, no, Peter! I told you not to take so much! Why do you always cause problems? J: Can we board the plane now? C: Yes, but first you have to go through passport control and a security check. P: Jane, wait! I need to buy some chocolate from the duty free shop!

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