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Deadline for sponsor donation: June 30th , 2013

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1 Deadline for sponsor donation: June 30th , 2013
The VLP Smile Scholarship Fund is dedicated to the memory of Valerie Lynn Palermo, a Greece NY native, 1999 Greece Arcadia High School, and 2003 University of Rochester graduate. Valerie was an exceptional scholar athlete who had an infectious SMILE and passion for working with children. SMILE stands for Students Making an Impact in Life through Education. Valerie was pursuing her lifelong dream as a Teacher and Educator in Bullhead City Arizona and tragically passed away in Jan Her family and friends could think of no better way to keep her infectious Smile, love and passion for teaching and working with children alive than by establishing this memorial scholarship fund in her name. Through the VLP SMILE Scholarship Fund Valerie’s Smile will live on through the lives of not only her former students but other students who share Valerie’s passion for sports, life, education, and the pursuit of their own individual dreams. This year her family and friends will host the 3rd annual charity golf tournament to raise money for the scholarship fund to give back to the children who may not have the means but deserve the opportunity to pursue their own educational goals. We have established this memorial scholarship fund in Valerie’s name to ensure that her Smile will continue to shine through others for many years to come. This year the Annual Valerie Palermo Smile golf tournament will be held on July 27, 2013 at Deerfield Country Club. All net proceeds raised will be given to the scholarship fund. We are asking for your help in making this tournament a success. Your tax-deductible donation of money, services and/or prizes will ensure the success of this tournament and for many years to come. Any sponsors who have additional questions or would like additional promotional items distributed at the sign-in table or during the tournament are asked to contact: Patrick Palermo cell Or Rich Tallini cell Deadline for sponsor donation: June 30th , 2013

2013 Valerie Lynn Palermo Memorial Golf Tournament Deerfield Country Club Saturday, July 27, 2013 SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION Gold Package: $250.00 Your company logo/sign to be displayed on a Tee at a hole One full year of free advertisement on our website with a link to your own site Program recognition, special mentioning during the banquet Two tickets to the tournament dinner SIlver Package: $150.00 Your company logo/sign to be displayed on the beverage carts used throughout the course    BRONZE PACKAGE: $100.00 Your company logo/sign to be displayed on a Tee at a hole DOOR PRIZES: Any donated door prizes will be given out at our raffle during the banquet with all sponsors being recognized. Please use the following information if you chose to donate to the VLP Smile Scholarship Fund: Make all checks payable to : VLP Smile Scholarship Fund Checks can be mailed to: Tara Blanchard: 35 Williamsburg Dr. Fairport, NY 14450 OR Patrick Palermo: 22 Cooper Dr. Hilton, NY 14468 The VLP SMILE Scholarship Tax identification # Approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization We thank you in advance for any help your company may provide. The Family and Friends of Valerie

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