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Humans, or are they? OPHS Art History.

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Presentation on theme: "Humans, or are they? OPHS Art History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humans, or are they? OPHS Art History

2 Human? While the images of animals in prehistoric art can be quite descriptive, images of people are often schematic. Why did humans create such different, but all stylized, paintings and sculptures. What was emphasized and omitted in each work? What was the artistic intent?

3 Human Figures: Cave of Swimmers, Egypt; estimated to be 10,000 years old

4 Running horned woman, Algeria, 7,000 years old.

5 Anthropomorphic Stele, Saudi Arabia, 9,000 years old.

6 Tlatilco Female Figurine, Central Mexico, approximately 17,000 years old

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